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Posts posted by jess95-06

  1. Hi everyone, was wondering if you could help me. I own a 7yr old Kelpie X and am about to rescue a Kelpie boy this weekend, he is only 12mths old.

    I have recently moved to the Wagga area and can't seem to find much in the way of dog sports out this way, i'd like to use it as a training aid and for socialisation, as i don't know a lot of people here either...

    Any help is greatly appreciated!


  2. The vet has recomended the cyclosporin, which is basically the miracle drug for this. However it costs a fortune!! She has a pretty severe case so we'll see how we go... They don't recomend the tail being amputated that much anymore due to the meds that are available now.

    Thanks again for your posts.

  3. Hi all, my GSD bitch (spayed) was diagnosed with this disease when she was four. She was put on a course of drugs which cleared it up (very expensive).

    However it has just come back and this time with avengeance!! The vet virtually sat down on his chair and looked at me with this sad face and said, this is a very crappy situation to be in... So in otherwords my dog is in a lot of pain, she is about to go on a course of pills to try and give her some relief.

    Now is there anyone else out there whose GSD or any breed for that matter suffering from this?? If so could you please post your experiances and what your dogs quality of life has been like?? I'd really appreciate it...

    Cheers. :-(

  4. :) Reading this thread bought back all the awesome memories of our two we lost last year. One beautiful red Kelpie, Jess, and our big teddy bear GSD, Wastegate.

    I didn't realise how much i still miss them...

    Best of luck this year for all those breeders & for anyone who gets the oppurtunity to own one of these terrific creatures. Even if it isn't for a long time.

    'Just remember, they don't live for as long as us because they already know how to love'........ :)

  5. Sorry am fairly new to QLD and dont know of groomers your way, but per chance you want a day in the hills, come for lunch, bring the pooch and I will give him the works. :cry:

    Perhaps Kitkat and MrsD would like to bring their shepherds as well and we can make a day of it and MrsD's boys can go on hair patrol duty. :rofl:

    My dryer was developed in the US for drying show cattle so pretty powerful :cry:

    That sounds like a great idea, however my little Shamie the Shepherd she's not very well socialised with other dogs so maybe not such a good idea????? :)

  6. Well after hijacking Sammy Ballerina's thread i though i would start my own!! (Thanks again Sammy...)

    I have a female GSD who is six, I have only been living with her for 10mths as my OH had her previously to meeting me. However i love to bath my dogs and keep them beautiful. OH is a mans man when it comes to dogs and he thinks i spoil them... hehehe.

    What can i do about all that hair that just comes out all the time, i use a coat king brush on her and that works really well. Is there anything else i can do??? I wash approx. once a month depending on weather and that kind of thing, she is an outside dog when i'm at work and when i'm at home there welcome to come in or out.

    Any help from groomers or GSD owners would be great!!!

  7. Hi, this is a bit off topic but can you pro groomers tell me the best way to look after my GSD's coat??

    She is very good to bath as she loves the water however how often should i wash her and is there a way to stop all that fur falling out all over my lounge and bed!!! LOL :rofl:

    Any help would be great, you can pm me if you don't want to clog up this thread with my silly posts. Sorry for hijacking your thread Sammy Ballerina!!!!! :D

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