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Posts posted by kbrown

  1. Very unfortunate situation. KB, if your friend is unable to lock the gate, can they secure the yard so that the don't have access to that area ie. putting an internal fence. Then they could lock it and they could be assured that no-one would be able to let the dogs out.

    Hi Rae, Thanks I have suggested this and it's been done. Plus a lock on their original gate. They've also made their fencing around the pool more secure as now have a new pup to help the other one through it's grieving as she's been howling every night for her mate she lost.

  2. So your 2 dogs got out , 2 other dogs were out loose too,

    they all had a fight and one of your dogs died.

    I don't see how you can claim anything, you were both in the wrong as far as dogs out, accident or not.

    If your dogs had killed one of the other dogs you would be happy no further action was being taken.

    sad that a dog died, but accidents happen if gates are not locked. :(

    Yes, as crap as it is, I agree with this. If I were them I'd be getting a lock on the gate.

    If my dog had killed another dog I wouldn't want to have it in my household. What a silly comment. Action should be taken when necessary.

  3. So your 2 dogs got out , 2 other dogs were out loose too,

    they all had a fight and one of your dogs died.

    I don't see how you can claim anything, you were both in the wrong as far as dogs out, accident or not.

    If your dogs had killed one of the other dogs you would be happy no further action was being taken.

    sad that a dog died, but accidents happen if gates are not locked. :(

    Juice if you read it they weren't my dogs. Someone deliberately let the dogs out. Sadly they were told they can't have a lock on their gate as it needed to be left available for services to get in and out such as meter readings. THey have now been told the correct info but they have just moved into this house and sadly lost a very much loved member of their family. Thanks for your imput. Hope it never happens to a furbaby in your family.

    How do you know they were deliberately let out?

    THere is no sign anywhere of them getting out, no digging, they have colorbond fencing right round and they don't use the gate it's always shut as they have small children and a pool so it's a big priority of safety.

  4. Rubbish. Haven't DAS heard of DNA testing. The attacking dogs DNA would have been all over poor Charli.

    I'd be pushing it with the relevant Minister if my dog had died under such circumstances.

    Thanks for being so caring. Seems DAS have changed how they run things in 4 years! I don't mind if they do the same thing for each dog case but my dog who is a rescue dog was declared dangerous due to a similar incident. He got the blame as he had some blood on him he's a white dog the other dog was completely black who he lived with. It could have been his own blood as the home he was rehomed to the dogs next door would constantly go at him and were little dogs. Unfortunately the fencing wasn't good and there was an interaction of some sort. NOthing was seen or heard but this rescue dog got the blame. What I don't understand when there was a witness to see my friends dog in a mastiffs mouth how can there not be something done. Is that like saying if it had a child by the arm they wouldn't do anything even though people saw? I appreciate people's input but when you have seen these 2 cases you would be able to understand where I am coming from with my friend.

  5. So your 2 dogs got out , 2 other dogs were out loose too,

    they all had a fight and one of your dogs died.

    I don't see how you can claim anything, you were both in the wrong as far as dogs out, accident or not.

    If your dogs had killed one of the other dogs you would be happy no further action was being taken.

    sad that a dog died, but accidents happen if gates are not locked. :(

    Juice if you read it they weren't my dogs. Someone deliberately let the dogs out. Sadly they were told they can't have a lock on their gate as it needed to be left available for services to get in and out such as meter readings. THey have now been told the correct info but they have just moved into this house and sadly lost a very much loved member of their family. Thanks for your imput. Hope it never happens to a furbaby in your family.

  6. My friend lives in Richardson and someone let her two dogs out of the gate. A neighbour found them after a commotion being heard there were two bigger dogs, one staffy and the other a mastif type dog that had also escaped from their yard.

    This is what she has sent me

    They went to town on Charli and by the time an across the road neighbours came out they had Indi bailed up and also by the throat. He took Charli to the vet but he had sustained horrific injuries to his throat and head with his wind pipe crushed and throat severed. He only lasted a few minutes. The bloke then came back and found Indi and put him back in our yard. He has a puncture wound to his front leg and some swelling in the back leg. He's nearly finished the antibiotics and has been on pain relief and is physically healing well. He's howling alot for his mate and definitely a changed dog having seen his best mate killed!

    The other dogs have been reported, not to be destroyed but because I'm concerned they can get out of their yard too easily and now they have a taste for blood it could be a child next time they escape. I'm still following up with the dog authorities as the other animal owners were away at the time and have been asked to report to them on their return.

    Just followed up with dog control...they've been around and met with the owners of the other dogs and they've fixed a few things on their fences etc but nothing else can be done now! Apparently because there was no witness to the dogs having killed Charli, although it is very much a given, and they then had Indi in their mouth, they can't do anything about it! The same guy that took Charlie to the vet is the only witness and seen the mastiff with Indi in his mouth, then pulled him off before hunting them back into their yard.

    They were pretty adamant that they couldn't give a fine because they got out otherwise they would have to fine me too for the same thing...they said they would be laughed out of court if it ever got that far because there was no witness to Charlie himself being attacked, only implied...I'm outta pocket 1250$ with vet bills and replacing Charlie before Indi dies of a broken heart or is changed forever... !!

    The dog control place said just because they had Indi by the throat is not enough evidence they killed Charlie as noone seen that bit. Charli was already on the ground when the witness came out and found Indi in the dogs mouth!

    What I want to know is is this right can nothing be done? Times seem to have changed from when I know personally DAS declared our dog dangerous and there was no evidence he hurt another dog no one saw anything yet these dogs were seen to have a dog in their mouths and nothing is done?

  7. We had to put down our darling girl Sunny at the wonderful age of 16. She was such a beautiful soul. Was fantastic around all our foster dogs, cats and kittens. She has left a great big hole in my heart as she was the last of our furbabies before we had kids. We rescued her at the age of 9 from a beautiful family moving for a posting and as soon as she walked in our door she made herself at home. After always being an outdoors dog she became one of our family in with us. She loved to chew things and never gave up on her swimming fantasies she had when younger.

    We love you so much Sun Bun. I hope you weren't in too much pain and we will never forget all our special memories we shared. Thank you so much for everything you did with putting up with new fosters, sharing your toys and bedding to then welcoming our two young boys as part of our family. They were so upset to say good bye to you.

    Please run free in Rainbow bridge. Say hello to Bronnie and Keysha and give them huge licks and cuddles. Let them know we miss them so much.

    Take care and love you always. xx

    :rainbowbridge: :rainbowbridge: :rainbowbridge:

  8. I know years ago this was discussed just wondering is there a question sheet/fact sheet to give a new foster carer about how to screen new families for animals in foster care? Wanting to pass something on to her and my days of fostering are long gone. I have sent her things I have thought of but just don't want to miss anything and provide as much support as possible.

  9. I just wanted to thank all the lovely people who have commented on our cat Bronnie. He did mean the world to us and the last few weeks have been very hard without him. I keep thinking I see him or hear him or feel him sleeping on me at night. Our place is very empty without him. We have decided we can't get any more cats but we are getting back into doing more for rescue. Which we feel we can support better. So at least with his passing we are now helping other cats and animals who wouldn't normally get a chance.

    Hope you are enjoying your quiet time without the boys hassling you Bronnie.

    Love you always


  10. Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my darling boy Bronson. It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make.

    Bronson was at a lovely age of 18 and brought so many special moments to our family.

    We first adopted him from the RSPCA when he was dumped at the age of 11 as his owners wanted to start breeding and didn't want him to contaminate their breeding.

    I saw his picture in the paper and went up to visit him every day thinking how could someone do that to a pet they had had for so long. The poor boy then developed cat flu and the RSPCA said it was kinder to put him to sleep at his age. I said no but they wouldn't let me take him home wanting to monitor him and get him well if I decided to adopt him. Finally they said it would be nicer to take him home and let him have lots of cuddles and love and he did and we had him for 7 years. He was our first pet and like a firstborn child to us.

    I remember bringing him home and spending the day with him and then my hubby came home (he was just my boyfriend at the time) and Bronnie ran up to him and hissed at him as if to say don't you hurt my mummy. He has been by my side every moment of my life since then.

    Last night was very hard. He normally sleeps up on my chest or back and I was very lonely without him and didn't sleep at all.

    Bronson I love you so much and I hope you weren't in any pain. I will always love you and remember all our special times we shared. Thank you for being a part of our lives and being the darling you were.

    RIP my darling say hi to Keysh for us and now you two can be together keeping each other warm. xx



  11. My friends BC has really bad fly bitten ears. Seems to be attacking the short hair BC not the long hair BC. She is using the spray but not doing anything.

    Is there anything people can recommend, or things she should not do? The flies are actually sticking to the poor darlings ears and having to literally be picked off the ears.

    Any ideas I would love to pass on to help her out.

    Sorry if this has been done before did a search and nothing came up. If there is a thread feel free to send it to me.

    Thanks heaps.


  12. Laika so sorry to hear of the poor little kitten. That's so unfair. At least my Keysh had some years of running around etc.

    What annoys me is the vet nurse didn't look at Keysh. She went by everything I said and passed it on to the vet. She said do you want to leave her and I thought ok I will so then I can get back to my class. That was it. I just said do what is needed. Not once did we really think it was that serious that she would die then and there.

  13. This has taken me a while to be able to write up. I feel she deserves a place here but it's extremely hard for me to write it up.

    Our little Keysh had a rough start to life. She had previously lived with two families who just didn't know how to love a cat and would lock her up in the laundry and just shut the door. She had pysch problems because of this and was never quite right. She was always very nervous, she only liked to be patted on her terms otherwise she would bite you. She would wee and pooh all over the house and had to have a special diet. We had her for over 4 and a 1/2 years. We tried to tell her things were ok and let her know she was loved.

    On Monday the 15th February we were getting worried about Keysh. She was very quiet and hiding under our bed. She wasn't eating or drinking and we didn't see her go to the toilet for a couple of days. We decided it was time to get her out to have a look and that's when we found a lump on the back of her spine. We didn't think it was an abscess but we weren't sure. We watched her over night.

    The next morning I rang the vet once I got to work and they said to get her there straight away. I left work went home to pick her up and took her to the vet. This is where I wish I had done things completely differently. Being a school teacher I was worried about the students in my class and not wanting to be a burden on the other teacher who took them, I left Keysh at the vet to examine when he had time. I told them all the symptoms etc and said please do whatever you need. I said I would call them in a couple of hours.

    I had just gotten back to work and back on class and then the phone rang. She had died. My heart stopped and I had so many questions why.... this wasn't suppose to happen. The vet said he thought it was an abscess and wanted my permission to look further to see what had caused her to die on the operating table. He said when he looked further he noticed she had a punctured lung and all that was in the lump was air. Her blood was so watery and not clotting. He said it looked like she had been either hit by a car, hit by a slug gun or eaten rat poison or something.

    I said to the vet that she was an inside cat and in a cat run when outside and how could this happen. He couldn't believe that she was. To this day I still don't know what happened to our Keysha and cry myself to sleep most nights. She was to turn 5 in June and this was all just a shock. I so wish I did things differently and didn't put my work before my loved furry kids. I have now realised that no matter what my family comes first. I will now live with this guilt for the rest of my life.

    I am so sorry Keysh. I should have known something was wrong. I should have taken you up to the vet sooner. I thought keeping you inside would keep you safe. I am so sorry darling. I hope you have finally found your peace and are running free. You will always be in our hearts and we love you so much. I wish I was with you to let you know that. I am so sorry.


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