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Posts posted by staffsnwests

  1. Got to love Staffys???

    After having the mother from 6 weeks old now stupidly have kept her son as well (6 months old now). Between them they have destroyed, to name a FEW ONLY

    About 40 Bonsai some 30 years old and a lot of their pots :cry:

    The wiring on my dog trailer numerous times

    the interior light in same trailer, jockey wheel & mud flaps. :banghead:

    modem cords, several.

    lamp cords, one chewed through while turned on, must have super dogs,

    shoes, runners etc too many to count and only LEFT ones.

    Daughters full leg brace , :rofl:

    Dog mats (5 this week so far. Mother & son steal them from my other "sane" dogs beds) are fun to de-dacron all over the yard and make it look like snow

    Whole floor covering from the whelping room (but there were 5 pups in that one) :rofl:

    Have given up on the orchids & other flowers, they eat them too!

    All the arms on the outdoor setting,

    Any clothing that you leave around is for tug-of-war games

    Water & food bowls, now only steel ones and they get dented.

    The new White pages about 10 minutes after they arrived yesterday.

    And don't walk in the yard at night, unless you know where the new holes have been dug that day, they are always where there is a shadow for some reason.

    Hoses, sprinklers, toilet paper & plastic bottles were just made for dog toys, everybody knows that don't they? :angel:

    The list could just go on but we love them just the same. :thumbsup:

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