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Posts posted by border14

  1. Here are a couple I took & photoshopped of my daughter today. She's home sick (not that sick if you ask me, so I made her pose :mad ). I nearly lost her when a spider crawled out from one of the flowers, but managed to convince her to stay.



    Absolutely STUNNING!!!!!!

  2. Well I don't know much about Photoshop and everything that I have seen so far on this thread is just amazing.

    I do know how to "save" a picture. :laugh:

    My cousin took this photo of Duke. Originally in colour and very bright and not a photo to keep but I loved it and it would have been a shame to discard so I tried to find a way to save it. So I cropped it and played with the colour and got this!.

    Not as advanced as all you guys but it's a start.


  3. I took all these shots of Border14's Duke in sequence, so had a go at merging them...then tried to make them into a kind of frame (should have been smaller & thinner I think, but I didn't want to lose the reflections).


    Hi Vickie

    Just got back from agility training. Full moon equals dogs gone crazy :D

    I love this pic. It's awesome!!!! :laugh:

    Thanks again. :)

    You can always use Duke as your model. :D

    Carol says she loves the one you did of Katie jumping over Harbour Bridge.

  4. Trim's run in Masters was unbelievable. Everyone was on their feet watching you both in amazement. And you made it look so easy. I wish I had the video camera to tape it.

    Don't worry that run will be etched in my mind forever, LOL. I keep replaying it over & over again.

    Remember I told you someone took some pics with my camera? They are very blurry & I nearly deleted them until I had a look at the time stamps on them. I stitched the 4 she took together:


    That all happened in less than one second :party:

    I will bring both on Sunday. I won't have Duke with me so I will be free to capture what I want. :)

    P.S. Duke sends a kiss to Shine :cheer:

    Oh...are you leaving him at home? That's not fair, Shine will be devastated without her boyfriend :party:

    That is awesome!!!


    Say sorry to Shine. Duke isn't happy with me either :(

    I have to apologise for OH photos. They came up blurry as well. All he keeps saying is " Trim was too quick" :cheer:

  5. We had a great day yesterday at the Border Collie Club trial.

    Trim came 2nd in Excellenty Agility & had an AWESOME run in Masters Jumping to WIN the ring. I think it was the only run I have ever done where I could find nothing we could have improved.

    Shine made about 20 more friends & got to sneak away to the sheep (shh don't tell Trim) :confused: .

    Hi Vickie

    Well done to you both.

    Trim's run in Masters was unbelievable. Everyone was on their feet watching you both in amazement. And you made it look so easy. I wish I had the video camera to tape it.

    I will bring both on Sunday. I won't have Duke with me so I will be free to capture what I want. :cool:

    P.S. Duke sends a kiss to Shine :eek:

  6. I use Sentinel. I hate spot on products. The Vet recommended using Advocate when Sophie had Demodex but I don't use it anymore. I applied it one morning thinking by the time we get home from work it won't come off on your hands when you pat the dog but it still did and my Dad was wondering what was on his hands and licked it. :laugh:


  7. Nutro is not affected by this latest development, this is taken from their website:

    "our dry pet foods contain NO wheat gluten and NONE of our dry pet foods are manufactured by menu foods"

    Hi Hesapandabear

    I need to buy Duke some more Nutro today

    As far as I can understand, the dry food from Nutro sent to Australia is not affected

    Just want to double check


  8. Hi Vickie

    A quick question. ( It might sound stupid so I apologise in advance)

    Is it possible that a dog can learn somethng from watching another.

    e.g On Sunday, as yyou were demonstrating a few things to us, you were also saying to Trim "lay down"

    We have never taught Duke this or even said this to him and yesterday while were playing with him I said "Lay down" ( i was laughing as I didnt think he'd do it. I was waiting for the confused look that BC give but he lay down

    Thinking this has to be a fluke, I asked him again and he did it.

    If this is true, Duke will be watching you and Trim more often :thumbsup:

  9. Just came back from Duke's first agility foundation training. It was very light with small and minimal jumping as he's only 11 mths but Oh and him were doing excellent. You were right, the handler and the dog have to have a connection and they do. Duke was watching him all night and towards the end OH had him off lead and Duke went better. OH did your exercise before we started ( with poles ) and Duke did well with him but I think OH was getting a bit confused :(

    We are also visual learners and any videos that you put up would be excellent and appreciated :cry:

    COOL! :cry: I'm glad they both enjoyed it.

    Are you still coming on Sunday? If so, you can tell me all about it, I always have poles in the back of my car, so we could even do a bit while we're there... :bottom: and... :rofl: I think I will have to have a chat to your OH about your new dog :rofl: He can't have all the fun!

    Hi Vickie

    Will PM you.

  10. I thought so ... poor baby :rofl:

    I'd love to see as many training sessions as you'd want to share, and all the steps ...

    I'm a visual learner, and have trouble converting whats written, into mental pictures of what's being explained ... if i had vids AND words i'm sure i'd learn a lot faster ... :rofl:

    I have an Aussie Shep girl (midge), who turns one on monday. She's currently doing pretty well at obed. training, but we havn't competed as yet .. i'm a complete novice, and my lack of knowledge is her #1 problem.

    I'd LOVE to do agility with her too, and would hate to start her off wrong, and as a result i've failed to start anything at all ...

    Hi Vickie

    Just came back from Duke's first agility foundation training. It was very light with small and minimal jumping as he's only 11 mths but Oh and him were doing excellent. You were right, the handler and the dog have to have a connection and they do. Duke was watching him all night and towards the end OH had him off lead and Duke went better. OH did your exercise before we started ( with poles ) and Duke did well with him but I think OH was getting a bit confused :rofl:

    We are also visual learners and any videos that you put up would be excellent and appreciated :rofl:

  11. I thought it'd be fun since we have so many enthusiatic people wanting to start agility to post some foundation exercises for discussion. I am sure people have a heap of different things they do, so explanations & video if possible would be cool.

    Here is one I started today with Shine. It looks pretty basic...just running around with my dog...but that is what most of agility is & it is amazing how many people don't realise that they need to be able to keep their dogs focus & work just running. It is basically an attention/focus exercise teaching her to follow my hand & body language. I will start to introduce pre-cue hand signals & voice commands as we go along but for now it is just run with me & have fun. It will also teach her to turn tightly around uprights & we will be able to use it for distance/sending exercises. I am pretty pleased with her for a first attempt.

    Shine Agility Foundation Link

    Resized to 250K:


    Trim had to have a go as well, I still do things like this with Trim, even though she has been trialling for 18 months now:

    Trim Agility Foundation Link

    Resized to 500K:

    If the videos take too long to download, let me know & I will resize them. Will do something else tomorrow.

    Hi Vickie

    We were at Obedience training last night and during the break I thought I might try the foundation work you put up. I didn't have any poles for Duke so I put our jackets on the grass as a substitute. I was really happy as he ran where I directed him and he was watching me closely. He didn't go around the jackets all the time especially when he started getting a little too excited but I thought for his first time he did well. (Hope this makes sense)

    Going to the park with him later on today to do some more



  12. I have beentrying to think about what to say at this time of need but everytime I try

    i end up crying then stop.

    Ambervale please pass on my thoughts and prayers to Pages family.

    May she let go and be with the Angels where she can watch over us.


  13. I can't find the words as tears are streaming down my face. :rofl:

    What a special bond you both had. A bond that will always be treasured and remembered.

    I'm sorry for your loss and know that one day as you head towards the rainbow bridge, Tahi will be waiting for you with tail wagging.

    Rest in peace sweet Tahi :laugh:

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