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Posts posted by mcq

  1. She gets chicken wings, greenies and fed advance puppy food. She's not a big eater - more of a grazer but those are the only foods she has access to now. I've only had her 2 and a half weeks and the lady I got her off was feeding her cooked chicken and I think just a generic dry food. She's had the tear stains since before I got her. It could be diet if she's going through a clean out now that I have her on better food.

  2. I took her to the vet yesterday for her final puppy needle and to look at her eye... he can see nothing at all wrong with it. He agreed though that I won't be able to show her with the tear staining so he gave me some anti-bacterial viscous drops to put in her eyes twice a day to see if it helps and advised me to keep using the stain remover... he actually asked what everyone on here advised me LOL I think he was stumped!

  3. She is only 3 months old... just bought her home from breeder. Other than "wet" eyes, she doesn't appear to have anything wrong! They aren't overly watery just the same as what I'd have in my own eyes - lubrication sort of.

    I hope it's not an ongoing thing as I'd like to try my hand with showing her.

    Booking for the vet to see what can be done - though loathe to think that I'll be sold the vet's grandmother once convinced that she's the only cure (not a fan of vets most of the time).

  4. I'm wondering what I can use on a 3 month old Chi pup with tear staining under one eye. She is white around that eye hence staining on only one side (other side is blue coat). Her eyes are clear, no discharge, healthy etc but just where the eye waters is browning her white coat. I've been trying aristopet tear stain remover daily for a couple of weeks now but have had no improvement. Is there a product out there that's better? Would vaseline under that eye help?

    Any suggestions?

  5. I've decided to "practise" with my younger pup until Chani and Loki are over their little hormonal issues - he's taken to howling in frustration at not being able to get to her now :( so I have given up trying to get his attention back on me. *sigh* only a week to go and they should be over it.

    Thats called Old Age

    Hey? I didn't think of myself as old YET :D Ah, I guess aging is inevitable - my brain must be going first.

  6. Can someone explain to me how this topic doesn't breach this rule:
    # No advertising or self promotion

    Posting just to promote your business or web site, will get you banned. (This includes people looking for a stud dog, selling puppies etc).

    It is usually pretty obvious when members join just for this purpose. Under no circumstances can you advertise a similar site to Dogz Online or any other dog forum in any way.

    Just wondering?

    I would think that the topic is more in relation to upcoming dog events hosted at Camp Tail Waggers rather than an advertisement for the business. These events are already scheduled and the topic is to advise members of things that they may like to attend. I think it's a great idea to let people know... I'm always after more dog knowledge and without coming on here, I'd have no idea of what is going on around town.

  7. Actually, I'm not sure it's anything I did....

    This morning I tried again, he was doing ok but not flash. I gave him the "break" and he flew off like a bullet to the kennels (a LOOOONG way from where we were training). I called him back - which he usually does top speed if he decides to do it at all (it's all or nothing for him). He dropped the tug and came back at a lope. Behaving really strangely :laugh: so I gave up with him and went to do some with my older bitch who I know inside out and she's acting up too!!! :):cheer:

    She kept trying to get into his kennel so I did a bit of counting in my head - she's in the perfect "ripe" time of her season. Unfortunately, it's not his prey drive that dropped but his sex drive taken over :shakehead:

    At least this is what I'm deducing... K9 may have another insight. I knew Chani was in season so I have been doing all sessions with Loki up at the house - way away from where Chani is but I guess he still knows and smells her.

    I'm hoping it's this.... Because I tried to get him right up in drive this morning and he bit me again - badly this time, I think he's broken a bone in my hand. I really don't want to have to go back to building him right up again and risking blood and bone. I was really enjoying the tweaks Steve made to our sessions - everything was running much more smoothly. I REALLY have to get that tie back if I do have to go to that.

  8. I'm going to start my young bitch on this program too - we were recently contemplating rehoming her due to behavioral problems and lack of time to work on them but I think Steve has made it so simplified (even for me!) that I might be able to work these issues out as well as channel my young bitch's drives to a more useful cause. At the moment, she is driving me CRAZY - she's so bored locked up that she's climbing the walls (older bitch is in season so girls are being kept away from the Loki monster). By the time all of the hormones are finished dripping down the walls here, I will start the young girl on drive building.

  9. I can't believe what a difference these small changes have made in my dog already!

    I did 3 small sessions with Loki today and only got bitten twice :birthday: ! Usually, I'm bitten at least 4 times in a session before I call it quits :o I even managed to keep him in drive and give him a few commands with the tug on the ground! When I gave him the break command, he made as if to launch at me, looked a bit confused, then raced AWAY from me to the tug and brought it back for a game :rofl: WOOOHOOOO!!!!! This is only going to get better and better!!!! No more bites! No more blood! No more bruises and ripped clothing!!!! No more losing my temper at my dog and ruining the whole session!!!!

    THANK YOU STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Good to meet everyone - I made a point to come in here and post so you know I REALLY AM a member :hug: . I had a great weekend - thanks for the renewal in enthusiasm.

    Sorry bout your shirt Steve :coffee: but I DO feel better that it wasn't just my unco handling that produced that kind of reaction from the boy... I was always made to feel as though it was my fault he did it - gets a bit depressing to say the least.

    Totally psyched about training now - I really needed that! Can't wait to start the distance training and I'm sure I'll have plenty more scratches and bites from Loki before I get it right but at least I have some direction and encouragement now and my dogs might actually reach their potential rather than just run amok on the farm here.

    So glad I attended - thanks everyone!

  11. Thank you, I'll also be asking the QLD pet board and groom association when I meet up. It wasn't something I was really seriously looking at until I realised there aren't alot in the area not even for me to call upon to groom for me.

    The PIAA has alot of advice there but unfortunately the only Brisbane based one mentioned is North side (about 2 hours drive) and is a TAFE course - with running a business, it's going to be incredibly difficult to manage it.

    But thanks anyway, with the knowledge I already have, I might be able to get RPL and just attend for the grooming and clipping units. I'll contact them and see what else they have that might not be on their website.

  12. I have been asked too many times if I do grooming, I've just decided it might be time to learn. Trouble is, where do I start? Who do I learn from?

    I would love some advice and recommendations. I know one course is not going to teach me to be a groomer but it might give me some foundation knowledge with which to grow on.

    Have you done any courses in the Ipswich/Brisbane area? What did you think of it? Who would you recommend to go through?

  13. I haven't talked to the Day Care people yet - fist they hadn't answered my message for a few days, then I was too busy organising Rosie's surgery... I'm planning to deal with them next week. First I'll ask them a few questions & see how they feel about taking some responsibility - & if that comes to nothing I'll get my lawyer to write them a nice letter - given that I never was given any paperwork other than a form to fill out with my details & signature referring me (in small print) to full terms & conditions which were never given to me. Also - there is evidence that they alow dogs to jump onto concrete from some hight. Anyway - I'll get legal advice first.

    Severe trauma could be two dogs crashing into one another while running. :thumbsup:

    With attitudes like this we will have nowhere to take our dogs, no obedience clubs, shows, dog trials or any other public outings as the insurance will be too high for anyone to afford.

    Accidents happen.

    Well said... Unless the DDC is proven negligent, it should be considered an accident - it's horrible though, I have to mention that if it was your kid who fell over in the playground and cracked their skull open, would you be suing the child carers or shrugging and saying, "kids will be kids"? Ok, but if your child fell over cracked their skull and noone saw it, no one noticed and they were left bleeding without care - THAT's negligence.

    Shoshana, did the DDC call you to tell you what had happened or did you only find out when you arrived to collect your pup?

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