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Posts posted by Yancelby

  1. I have recently taken on the care of a 13 year old toy poodle. She was/is in poor condition with extremely bad teeth and very skinny (first weigh in she was 1.4kg). She ended up having all her teeth removed :)

    So...at the moment I use Advance Rehydratable puppy dry food. I put a small handful into her bowl, pour some boiling water over the top, a fair bit, then microwave it for 20 seconds, leave it for about 5 to 10 mins and then mush it up with the back of a spoon, I make sure it is quite sloppy, a bit like thick soup, it also has to still be warm (like baby food) and then she eats it happily...if it is coldish though she does not like it so much.

    The other thing I sometimes feed her is Advance Chicken and Rice for Sensitive Stomachs, its a loaf style food in a 'tray', I add hot water to this as well and microwave it, mush it and feed to her.

    She now weighs about 1.7kg and I am hoping I will get her to about 2kgs soon.

    You could also try rehydrating Royal Canin Mini dog dry food in the same manner.

  2. Hi Horty, Very sorry to hear about Ebony's HD.

    Here is a link for a pool in Perth.


    But I am sure that by now Bikle has given you the other info :rofl:

    Good luck.

    ETA: I think this pool is advertised in the Sunday Times...maybe Saturday West, but I'm sure I have seen it advertised in one of the weekend papers...racking brain..not working...eeeekkkk

  3. Just a thought, but is it possible for you to have a dog door put in? Maybe in a screen door with marine grade steel and triple locks? The door does not have to be massive, because you would be surprised what size door grown dogs can get through, but would still have to be reasonable to suit the grown dog. I know some people believe that it can be a security risk but once your dog is grown then if an idiot thief wants to try and get in through a dog door big enough for them to fit through and meet the dog that can also get through it then good luck to them! Any how just a thought as I find that dogs/pups learn to use these doors quickly and I now have peace of mind while I am at work that my dog can come and go as he needs to. It was a fairly expensive investment because of the kind of door I had put in but well worth it, the screen door is more secure then the glass one I feel.

    Alternatively, there is some very good help already given.

  4. May happy memories carry Page's family through this painful, sorrowful time.

    Angels hover near them.

    May they find strengh in family, friends and Jet.

    My heart aches for them. My condolences to Ambervale and family and all who knew Page.

    RIP fly free.

  5. Yes, Charlie has been trying to eat other dogs poo as well :( its a little frustrating but he is slowly learning that its yucky ;)

    I use to feed my cats whiskas but on monday changed them to royal canin so i cant wait to see the results

    I have recently changed my cat to Royal Canin, so far I am very happy with it...although it took a little while to change her over from Supercoat because I did not want to upset her tummy. Previously she was eating a combination/mix of Purina one and optimal (I think that is the name of it).

    Kai is not a big dry food eater but I have him on Royal Canin as well.

  6. Hi Ker, welcome to DOL. Its so great that you have decided to go with a rescue dog when the time is right.

    Just one little note to add...my young Cavalier, who we have had for a month now, was a pup (7mths) that needed a new home, he had been living with 2 great danes, 2 labs and 5 cats plus other assorted animals. My point is, that he would have been great with cats...proven record of trying to sleep with them...it was important to us that any dog we got be good with cats because we have a 12 year old Dom. shorthair cat. The problem was not the dog, but the cat! She just hates the fact that there is a dog in the house.

    When Kai first saw her he started to go up to her to sniff and was met with the 'big hiss', back arch and swipe! Gave him quite a fright! Anyway, although he still shows signs of wanting to be friends..she is not!

    Hopefully, all your cats will accept your new cat friendly dog! (when you get one) :(

    Edited because I did not proof read first!

  7. We also have put into place a baby gate, the cats food and poo are safe. Works well.

    ;) However, our pup (8 mths) will go into the back yard and get one of his own poos and eat it ;) (he has plenty of his own food! So he is not hungry) My boys have the job of 'poop scoop' each evening before their shower, so any poop is not there long and I have only caught him at it a couple of times...but oooouuuuwwwww! I have never heard of a dog eating his own poop!

    Sorry to change the topic a little. :(

    Any ideas?

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