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Golden Rules

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Posts posted by Golden Rules

  1. It will burn at the stake for the severity and number of the attacks.

    You know this already do you? Or are you making assumptions?

    The only reason they are the 'perfect family pet' is because of the publicity they receive.

    Really??!! :laugh: Now THAT is breed hysteria at it's finest :)

    I agree if the dog is just PTS then nothing further is gained but we just don't happen to live in an ideal world.

    If the owners no longer want the dog (going by someone else's post here) then I am not sure the offer of assessment will be taken up.

    It's just sad for the dog as always (whatever breed!) .....

  2. But I highly doubt that the reason the G.R snapped will be a highly valued revelation to the dog world that will explain dog attacks as a whole.

    Firstly you don't know the reason the dog snapped and secondly even if you did, it could never explain the myriad of reasons there are other dog attacks :laugh:

  3. But because it's a golden retriever it gets the opportunity. Unfair. Biased and ridiculous.

    Unfair on who?

    On all the breeds that are burned at the stake for the same thing, merely because they aren't fluffy and touted as the perfect family pet.

    Well this one is likely to burn at the stake as well so maybe get off your high horse?

    (oh and there's a reason certain breeds of dog are touted as a perfect family pet. Go figure :laugh: )

  4. The vets should do to the dog what needs to be done. I, as a lay dog owner, have no idea what is required (or not) during surgery nor the impact of refusing the offered "sides". And if they are going to offer "extra" things it should be done at time of booking so owners are able to do a little research.

    Well they do what "needs to be done" but in my case I was told things like the extras would make the dog more comfortable....that sort of thing, so you feel like a bad owner if you deny it.

    It's up to you if you want to feel good or bad, not the vet!

    I understand why they offer these things as extras and it usually comes down to budget so it's actually good they DO offer them and not quote a price that includes everything and have everyone balk at the cost of medical treatment for pets.

  5. Does it really matter at all whether the dog was a Goldie, Lab or Goldie Lab cross? I think we can agree that neither breed are vicious monsters who deserve to be PTS wholesale - it's one individual animal who behaved unacceptably in what may have been an extremely stressful situation. It's unfortunate that it occurred, for the people who were bitten and for the dog, who will probably be PTS, but I doubt it will have wider ramifications for anyone.

    As for complaints of breed bias, yep, it's true, had it been a Pitty there would be a whole lot less sympathy for the dog. Unfortunately that's the way the world is, and it's only ever going to change through action, not complaint.


    regardless of the breed .... did anyone see the end of the story....? the poor dog was involved in an "incident" last week and was "held" whatever that might mean at knifepoint. What sort of lifestyle have these people got, poor bloody dog is all i can say

    I haven't seen or heard any more than the original link but as always there is more to the story.

    I hope that K9Pro's offer of an assessment is taken up! :)

  6. Are you sure it was $200 for fluid therapy. :laugh:

    $240 just for the pre-anaesthetic profile???

    I'm gobsmacked by those prices as well!

    A couple of years ago I was asked if I wanted the pre anasethetic profile bloods done, but they were only charging $60!! Just two or so years ago!!!

  7. Stand infront of your dog - if you can get it to sit and stay, if not just hold it there. Hands on hips, feet slightly apart, look at it and "roar" and I mean get a lung full of air and mean it- a roar that means if you come near me or my family I will take you apart limb from limb!

    I have used this technique before to good effect - not sure though if it was my 'roar' or the fact that (because of child in aforementioned pram) my pelvic floor muscles are not a reliable as I would like and I sort of wet myself..

    Maybe my very loud and confident interruption of attacking dogs focus was more effective because I was also seen as 'marking my territory'?


    Think I will pass on that technique!

  8. How do they learn to turn in the direction of the arm you used?

    Complete and utter novice here but our instructor showed us how to do this last weekend .....

    You throw the dummy to the left or right with the dog in front of you, then cast you arm out to wherever you have thrown the dummy and say whatever cue word you will use to send your dog (eg 'over' or 'left' or 'right') and as the dog has already seen the dummy land, all it is doing is learning to read your body language in conjunction with where the dummy is ....... I expect (and would hope!) someone will correct me if I am wrong!

    Thanks GR :laugh: I guess I was looking for how to teach the left/right backs not left/right overs but I can see how starting it like this would probably help in teaching backs :laugh: I guess I'd be lumping if I taught her to get one directly behind her and expect her to turn 180 deg in the direction I ask for.... baby steps RS, baby steps! I'm going to work on this tonight I think :scold: Meant to be doing agility but think I might use tonight more for some retrieving :D

    Yup, I read the post properly afterwards and realsed I had misunderstood what you were asking! :D

    I was telling one of my colleagues today about the Divine Miss Em, he is looking for a dog for his young family and to maybe do sport with .....I showed him your You Tube vid from last night TSD and he goes "Uh no thanks, gorgeous but too much energy!" :nahnah:

  9. How do they learn to turn in the direction of the arm you used?

    Complete and utter novice here but our instructor showed us how to do this last weekend .....

    You throw the dummy to the left or right with the dog in front of you, then cast you arm out to wherever you have thrown the dummy and say whatever cue word you will use to send your dog (eg 'over' or 'left' or 'right') and as the dog has already seen the dummy land, all it is doing is learning to read your body language in conjunction with where the dummy is ....... I expect (and would hope!) someone will correct me if I am wrong!

  10. Because animal life regardless if you agree or not is not equal to human life.

    Is that your personal opinion or a philosophical absolute? If it is the latter, I would love to hear the logic that leads to this conclusion.

    No matter how passionate we all are about our animals, human life should always take precedence over animal life, always.

    sheesh I wouldnt like to be an animal belonging to you

    Human life is always more important than animal life. That's just the way it is. I would prefer that they both be regarded equally but that will never happen.

    People are always telling me when they die they would be happy to come back as one of my pets though :rofl::thumbsup::)

  11. and on the other side of the BYB coin...

    - Some potential puppy buyers are not willing to wait for a puppy. They have to have it NOW.

    - Some don't want to wait so they go buy a BYB from the local paper then call me for advice on a pup they bought that is deaf.

    - Some potential puppy buyers ask to put their name on your list, want weekly updates and then forget to tell you that they bought a pup 3 weeks prior, when you have held one for them, and knocked back countless others that are more than willing to give a pup a good home.

    so....no wonder some breeders can be grumpy shits. ;)

    If any potential owner did any of those things then they obviously weren't the right home to begin with and I don't think you can be a grumpy old shit for that! Find another excuse hey? :D

    hey I didn't say OLD :eek::laugh:

    oops :D

  12. and on the other side of the BYB coin...

    - Some potential puppy buyers are not willing to wait for a puppy. They have to have it NOW.

    - Some don't want to wait so they go buy a BYB from the local paper then call me for advice on a pup they bought that is deaf.

    - Some potential puppy buyers ask to put their name on your list, want weekly updates and then forget to tell you that they bought a pup 3 weeks prior, when you have held one for them, and knocked back countless others that are more than willing to give a pup a good home.

    so....no wonder some breeders can be grumpy shits. :laugh:

    If any potential owner did any of those things then they obviously weren't the right home to begin with and I don't think you can be a grumpy old shit for that! Find another excuse hey? :eek:

  13. Because animal life regardless if you agree or not is not equal to human life.

    Is that your personal opinion or a philosophical absolute? If it is the latter, I would love to hear the logic that leads to this conclusion.

    No matter how passionate we all are about our animals, human life should always take precedence over animal life, always.

    naw, I can think of a few people I would leave to their fate and rescue the animal first.

    Unfortunately I could too! :rofl: But if it came to the crunch, I would leave my dogs to help a human in strife.

  14. Be very aware that although dog parks look like a great place to socialise your young pup it can come at a price.

    The others have posted some very good points and remember not everyone vaccinates or regularly worms their dogs. Not everyone picks up the dogs droppings either and your pup will be running around through this.

    We've had several pups through our clinic after they had been to dog parks with a good bout of gastro, we've even had a broken leg or two from big dogs jumping on smaller one, we've had to suture bite wounds from fights etc.

    In my opinion. Your local obedience club would be a better place to socialise and learn something while your there. A good dog club will ask for a vaccination certificate to be on the grounds. Why put your pet at risk if you don't have to.

    Totally agree with this. Between the health risks and the risk of unsocialised/anti-social dogs and the effect they can have on a young pup I think there are much better ways to socialise a young dog.

    My 3 will not set foot in a dog park for any reason and they are certainly not lacking in socialisation or the ability to cope with most situations that arise.

    But most dog clubs are on public grounds where anyone can (and do) walk their dogs. In fact people walk their dogs around the same streets so whatever you are worried about picking up is likely gonna happen wherever you go! :rofl:

    I just don't think that's such a good arguement to not use a dog park.

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