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Posts posted by Ker

  1. JB...I'm so sorry. I know the time and money you have put into Roo, not to mention the love. At least she will go with you with her and once more be comfortable and free of anxiety.

    All the best...I'll be thinking of you...

  2. Do we know which rescue groups will be helping with fostering ?

    At this stage, it looks like the dogs are going first to the RSPCA foster carers already on board - which makes sense. They asked for help from the wider community because they don't have enough carers. I suppose then they'll weed through the other applications and choose people. I don't think there will actually be any rescue groups on a whole. They need anyone - not necessarily a group.

  3. No Mark, you don't have an issue with the RSPCA staff. That's why you've abused and taunted them, both online and in person, and have called on bikies to be present to intimidate them during inspections and truckies to block the roads so their vehicles can't get through to Moorook.

    There is a MASSIVE difference between bikIES and bikERS...and if you'd bothered to check the people that responded with the bikes, you would clearly see they are the latter group.

    I know what Mark was referring to with the shit hitting the fan, and it was nothing like you are all speculating on and was just pure and simple malice. Probably perpetrated by the likes of Laura Mills.

  4. I am not saying that Moorook is ok because Freedom was worse. I am saying Why is the RSPCA lambasting Moorook when they let FK go on so many times? There is no consistency in their actions whatsoever. They also let slide a cruelty case more recently that involved dead dogs.

    The girl that made the Rants page is a complete idiot. I wasn't all too fussed by the thread about me, but be damned if I wasn't going to defend myself.

  5. What happened with Freedom Kennels is a separate issue to what has happened with Moorook. The issue isn't that Moorook wasn't a state of the art kennel, it was that it was filthy, dangerous, completely inadequate in terms of shelter and accommodation and that she had at least four times the number of dogs she was approved for and could not care for them.

    Ok. a Pig shed. has a tin roof, but open. Concrete runs 1M by 3M, housing three small dogs. Adequete? A dirt run, tin shanty type shelter, a straggly tree, measuring about...3M by 5M, full of dog poo, no water, some food. Housing 6 - 8 dogs. 132 dogs on premises. Yes, I counted. I had plenty of time there. All dogs filthy, dirty, stinking, undersize, knotted coats. Cavs with overbites and labs whose heads were too big for their body. Sound like the Ritz? Well that is what the RSPCA deemed as ok. Freedom Kennels. That place STILL haunts me, 4 years on.

    The threats are coming from both sides of the camp, reportedly and it's not something I get involved in, because it's just stupid. The bullying IS coming from the other camp as well, and don't pretend you don't know that!

  6. I'm not supporting any person. I'm in it for the animals of Australia. And being blind is NOT a reason to kill a dog! My friends just lost their old dog. She was 16 and had been blind for a year or so. Their other dog is the same age and he's deaf. They both managed perfectly well. And do you REALLY think the other dogs they took are still alive? Arthritis, when being managed by Cartrophen, is also not a reason to kill a dog.

    I agree that Mark is mismanaging the situation, but I also don't think Lola is in a position to cope with the RSPCA, media and court on her own. Mark is all she has. And yeah, ok, maybe he is using it as a bit of a political grandstand, but show me a pollie that doesn't? Whej Tony Abbott is running around kissing babies, do you really think he gives a shit about those babies?

    I've met Lola. She DOES have a heart of gold. She doesn't take bullshit and she speaks her mind, so she gets people offside at times. But she gives a shit about animals, which makes her ok in my book.

    Ok, Moorook wasn't the Ritz. Lola admits that, everyone admits that. The RSPCA would have been much better to go in gently and say "this needs to be fixed", rather than storming in bull headed, taking animals and killing them. I've been to Freedom kennels when they were in existence. I got a guided tour from the drunk that was running it. If Lola's place is bad, well why was Freedom passed so often? The shelter for the dogs was 3-sided tin shantys. The yards were all dirt. No concrete. No grass. If Lola's is like a youth hostel, well Freedom was like the ghetto.

  7. Ker, you are making the mistake of assuming that if you are anti-Moorook you are pro rspca. From the start I have been critical of the rspca's initial response to this. They have since handled it a lot better. Also note that if you post on the rspca page on a thread unrelated to Moorook your comment will get deleted.

    I'm aware of that. So I posted in the first thread they put up about Moorook. And I got my message deleted and banned.

    I am totally anti-RSPCA. After seeing Freedom Kennels and knowing they did NOTHING and after one other issue, then yes, I have absolutely no time for them. They do not do enough and that's why I've joined this. I want the SA RSPCA run more like the ACT one. I don't want them folded. I want more accountability to the public.

  8. Oh FGS, if you looked into the whole Rescues Unite quiz night, you'd realise that it is organised by Help Save the Furry Ones, which has all the relevant documentation required to fundraise.

    And ever stopped to think that the reason Lola went off her nut this way is because they killed 3 of the dogs that were taken, and the kitten? And they now won't tell her the status of the others?

  9. They're not that small. Size might be about right for a kelpie pup. They are bigger than my fullgrown 5kg Maltese. They're supposedly 8 weeks. Funny, I thought they were shepherd X. My sister said "maybe they're shepherds born in Australia" :laugh: I didn't think they were Aussies! They look nothing like the ones I've seen.

    I've called Office of Fair Trading and it definitely falls under misleading, so I'm filling out a complaint form.

    I also called the RSPCA about them, as they had 6 rabbits and a guinea pig in a 2 foot by one foot glass fronted enclosure. The poor things were crammed in and they said that's definitely outside allowable limits. Don't hold out too much hope for them, but hopefully something will be done.

  10. I was in a pet store yesterday (I did not buy anything) and noticed some pups at the back. I went to have a nosy (as you do) and there were 5 in there, listed on the sign as Aussie Shepherds. I said to my sister "they are NOT aussies!!"

    I took a sneaky pic. Anyone who knows Aussies well...what do you think? I want to complain to the Office of Fair Trading because it's misleading and false.


  11. I put together resumes for all of my animals. I included:

    Copies of desexing and vaccination.

    References from the vet.

    Any training/showing titles or even just obedience training certificates.

    References from previous landlords. In your case, your parents and their neighbours.

    I wrote a short cover letter for them all, stating their names, ages, breed, a bit about the breed, what they did and didn't do (eg, digging, chewing). If you have rescues that you got from the pound, include that too.

    Good luck!

  12. Group 1

    Tibetan Spaniel


    Havanese, at a stretch.

    Group 2

    West Highland


    I can't pick a third - I don't like terrier breeds!

    Group 3



    Cocker spaniel

    Group 4



    Can't pick a third - not a fan of the hounds either.

    Group 5 (MUCH easier group)

    Finnish Lapphund

    Australian Shepherd


    Group 6

    Alaskan Malamute


    Pyrenean Mountain Dog

    Group 7

    Japanese Spitz


    Shar pei

    There are very few of these breeds I would actually own though. Lappie for sure, the Samoyed and the Keeshond. And the tibbie as my old persons breed lol.

  13. Yeah the cops said to him to be mindful of security because people could try to break in. He still has the female pei, but both dogs were very friendly. They didn't have to kill him :( Dillon would have shown them where the good stuff was. He was the most beautiful, sweet, dopey dog I have ever met and an absolute credit to his breed and breeder. He converted the vet, who didn't like pei's before she desexed him.

  14. He called the police and they said "well, what do you want us to do?" :mad

    I've told him to call the council. And take the meat to the vet to have it tested. Strangely, there are also lumps of rockmelon around the yard??? WTH?

    His female Shar Pei is ok. Boy was not so lucky. He was a bit of a pig though and would have scoffed meat down. She is not so piggy.

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