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Posts posted by cammyuk

  1. HI we rescued an american cocker, and the next morning when i got up with her, she just collapsed on the floor, legs stiff,shaking ,and wetting on the floor.

    When i rang the person where she came from, she said she knew nothing about it!!! anyway she went on to have a lot more, she was put on steroids, which did lessen the fits, but when she did have one it was more intense,and lasted quite a while,

    I was told to just make sure she was safe and put her in a quiet dim room, away from noise and light and leave her to herself to recover. which was very good advice and worked well, sadly she was also nearly blind and in pup!!!!!

    I f you read my other posting AMERICAN COCKER+ ASTHMA,you will see that 2 of the pups have problems , she had 5 ,all of which have been kept in the family,and one has hip dysplasia, and some fluid on the brain { which is awaiting test results } they thought he might have had a stroke,

    Another one has muscle problems in his throat,

    My one { emma} has had a mini stroke, so as you can see, many problems,

    I was told by the vet that their mother had been used so much for breeding ,she had to have a caeserian or we could have lost her and the pups, anyway, sorry to go on so much .

    I hope this bit of information about the fits helps,

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