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Posts posted by grace

  1. I used to have a stud of around 75-80 guinea pigs. Most were kept in cages but I did have some free ranging, my chihuahuas, mini foxie and cross staffie never

    took any notice of them. The cats didnt worry about them never tried to catch them even though they were excellent ratters. I guess I was very lucky.

  2. I have a Sony A6000 mirrorless camera which came with two lenses. Its a lot lighter than my Nikon and the lenses are a lot smaller. I am absolutely wrapped in it.If I was starting out I would go mirrorless they don't have a huge variety of lenses yet but with time there will be a lot more available.

  3. I received my renewal in the mail today, it's due at the end of the month. I have been paying $44.90 a month and the new rate is $52.18 a month, so an increase of only $7.23 which is a lot less than I was expecting.

    I just had my policy renewal notice come through (after ringing and asking for it!) and both Moose and Nacho have gone from $40.65 to $58.39 each. I don't mind a premium increase but 50%!! Crikey moses. :(

    Two Chihuahuas cost more for health insurance than I do. :laugh: :cry:

    I can't understand the difference in rates when we both own the same breed.

  4. I went from a D60 to a D5100 and have been happy with it. It's (was) far more advanced than the D60 as well as being a lot faster and lighter to hold. It is nearly time for me to up grade and I to am tossing up between D5300 or the D7100 but then I have a feeling there may be a D7200 released very soon. Ah the complications of life.

  5. I love the image of the pug you have captured his/her spirit, you have put emotion into and it's something I could gladly hang on my wall.

    We are all critical of our own work and feel we can do better but when it all boils down it doesnt really matter if you have an ordinary shot or a prize winning one what does matter is you are having fun.

  6. We feed kangaroo meat, natures gift kangaroo as both are low in fat, rice with veges. She also has low fat biscuits (cant remember which one) from the supermarket and half a 4x2 for breakfast. She has been on this diet for a few years now and is doing really well on it.

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