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Posts posted by picaflor

  1. My girl Mucha (the only one I have had to make the choice for) was at the vet for the better part of two weeks before we had no choice but PTS.

    First weeks she had surgery which was deemed successful - in that time we had considered that she may be in too much pain and we might have to PTS. But when she came home she was soooo happy! She was in a little pain/discomfort (with meds) but she was very happy to be home :laugh:

    Then the surgery failed... the vets tried to do what they could and we let them because of the way she had acted at home - but they couldn't do anything more...

    OH has had two PTS - one with advanced dementia. When I met her she had moments of lucidity but these became more and more infrequent...

    The other became severely ill which after a few weeks of treatment for another condition that she had had, turned out to be a very agressive cancer (probably actually caused by that previous illness) She was going downhill very fast (she put on two kilos - assumed to be the cancer - in less than three weeks.

    In the last days she couldn't hold any food down because it was so large and invasive in her stomach - Food was Naras reason for living (as much as she loved people, they came a far second :rofl:) and so that was "the time".

    :thumbsup: This thread is going to be heavy! ;)

  2. I LOVE the jumpers you knit LB!!

    You should start supplying them to TianaKaeShas Pooka range (that way I stay loyal! ;) )

    Chico definitley needs one because he has so little boy fat and his fur isn't all that thick.

    I think Amelie will need one even though her fur is rather thick and she eats more than her fair share ;) - she's still so lanky I worry about my baby to getting cold!!

    There is always the option of shaving Fritz/Yogi to make coats for all three of them - he has enough fur to go around :cry: (OH didn't find that funny :mad )

  3. :rainbowbridge: Yucca (blue) is the plant that Tequila is made from! :cry: :drunk:

    True!! But seriously. There are MANY types of "Yucca" - its like Eucalyptus - there are 500+ species but which one/s does the oil come from? Aloe Vera IS closley related so perhaps it is a form of Yucca - don't know more than that, sorry.

    Will browse later if I can ;)

  4. :D We're now very relieved! Last night we were torn between panic, anger and hysterical laughing fits :p Still am!

    The image of walking in the door to see Chico with a twirl sticking out each side of his mouth and Amelie trying to tackle him for it was just too funny :shrug:

    The chocolate, wrappers and bits of biscuit strewn through two carpeted rooms and on the lounge ;) ;) Thankfully none of it was ground in (yet).

    Realising the amount consumed :)

    (sounds like a mastercard ad)

    Have to say I'd be very wary of using (injesting) peroxide! Not for me if I can ever help it.

    Amelie has done nothing but sleep all day today but she's happy enough to run and play when prompted. She's probably not feeling too good :rofl: sucked in little terror :rofl: Poor bub!

  5. ALL OK!! :D

    EXACT calculations are 306g of chocolate potentially eaten - 95 grams was left laying in bits and pieces (and they are still sniffing betweet the lounge cushions - hmmm ;) Leaving 211g ...

    VET SAYS: 200 grams of Cadbury chocolate for a 5kg dog warrants induced vomiting. Chico definatley has SOME though Amelie had most. She is about 5.5kg... should be ok :rofl:

    Will keep an eye on both of them anyways...

    FYI - 1.5-2mL of Ipecac per Kg of dog to induce vomiting.

    And sorry I took so long to reply - I was munching the Sunday Roast that we fled five minutes before it was ready :) to check on my mother who was on the verge of taking to hospital :rofl: AND THEN I had to clean up the glass of wine I sent flying across the kitchen :rofl:



  6. OK - found this - but the calculations?? Amelie is about 5.5kg - more or less - we weighed her two weeks ago and I only vaguely remember...

    The good news is that it takes, on average, a fairly large amount of theobromine 100-150 mg/kg to cause a toxic reaction. Although there are variables to consider like the individual sensitivity, animal size and chocolate concentration.

    On average,

    Milk chocolate contains 44 mg of theobromine per oz.

    Using a dose of 100 mg/kg as the toxic dose it comes out roughly as:

    1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate

  7. ARGH!!!

    We were given a cadbury's chocolate stocking each at Christmas - and it seems Amelie has figered out how to get things off a rather high shelf!!

    Just arrived home to find Amelie and Chico fighting over a Twirl :D

    Now missing are almost all of (less the debris scattered all over the carpet :rofl: )

    TWO plain chocolate bars

    TWO twirl bars

    TWO Crunchies

    TWO time outs

    They just left us the freddo frogs :)


    I think Amelie has had most of it - by the size of her belly though ;)

    What can we do?? Expecting them to be quite unwell tonight - I'm tempted to throw both of them outside for the night - but perhaps should be keeping an eye on them???????????? :eek:

  8. Good! Thanks!

    All ideas I will try - everyone has something different! Bicarb sounds logical. Jemapelle the recipe would be great if you can find it :laugh:

    As for salt intake? I am feeding them science diet and raw bones/chicken wings and occasionally vegies, rice and egg mush (our Cockatoos treat food! :laugh: ). They get yoghurt drops and dried liver for treats - (schmackos have given two of my dogs stomach upsets - won't use it). So I think this is ok? But Amelies tears are PROFUSE - she is always wet-ish around her eyes. Overactice ducts? :) So I have been cleaning them a couple of times a day and she has started running away until she smells the treat I've got for her :laugh: But I don't know how long that will last either...

  9. What products are there for cleaning eye stains - other than Diamond-eye?

    I used to use this when I had a maltese, but I don't remember it smelling so strongly like mothballs! I find it unpleasant and Amelie is not appreciating it in the least!

    Are there any other products?

  10. I asked my vet what the difference was a while ago, and among the other things, cat food is also much higher in fat content - cats have a higher metabolism. Its also one reason that dogs go after cat poo ....

    I give some to my dogs maybe once a week - so that they get a bit of variety, as I won't buy the 'casserole' dog foods - that gelatine stuff is awful! (or at least used to - canned food was what my old girl was used to - she couldn't eat biscuits -but now that she is gone I'm changing their diets.) No way would I be happy with them having it all the time!

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