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Posts posted by millie

  1. I also have a boarding kennel. I will take entire males and females but will not take females in season. I do not double up dogs, the only dogs kennelled together or let out together are the same owners dogs. I am a very small kennel and a female in season causes males (even desexed males) to play up.

  2. Friends who live in Springwood have a cocker spaniel, about 16 months old and until now they have taken him back to his breeder to be trimmed.

    She is a bit too far away to keep going there, so they have asked me if I know any groomers in the mountains.

    Can anyone recommend a good groomer, not too far from Springwood please? I don't know any up there. Towards Penrith would be better than towards Katoomba I think. :thumbsup:

    Hi Wendy,

    I have a lot of clients who use a groomer around the Springwood/Winmalee area. I am pretty sure her name is Kathy and have been told she is very good. One of the clients is arriving on the 10th April or if you are in a hurry I could ring them and ask where exactly she is and her number.

  3. Hi

    I did the Tafe Course for Grooming and I also did some work experience with very good groomers at a salon. A few hours a day twice a week. Mainly bathing, drying and brushing out.

    The experience I gained from working with the groomers was far better than the course. They taught me to correctly bath, dry, brush and comb the dogs. We were not shown the true importance of this in the course. It was mainly styling and cutting it was more there is the dog, what are you going to do with it?

    The course was good in a lot of ways but by far working with the groomers was better.

    I would get experience from professional groomers and not a mobile dog wash. A lot of the mobile dog washes don't even rinse the dog and very few dry the dog properly.

  4. Yes I know there are a zillion topics on it but it's hard to know where to start and everything is


    My puppy was vaccinated at 6 weeks....he's only just been weaned.

    Can I give a parvac shot at 10 weeks, then the C3 at 14 weeks? There is parvo around here

    so I am extra concerned.

    You can give, and we do with pups, the killed parvac as early as four to five weeks of age. We give killed parvac until the pups are 14 weeks old, 1/2 ml per week and then give a C3 or C5 vaccination at 14 weeks. You can instead give 1ml every two weeks with no problems.

  5. I have tried delete and it is very good.

    Another alternative, which I was told about was enzymes in washing powders. I have tried Radiant with enzymes and it works really well, the smell is just great. You only need a tiny amount in a bucket of water. I hose off the area. Apply a small amount of radiant mixed in a bucket of water. Leave it on for ten minutes and then hose it off. The whole area smells great.

  6. We have had problems with tonsils with older dogs. If it has been a slight inflammation they have responded to antibiotics. However we have found especially if it is a bad case (as yours appears to be) it reoccurs unless they are removed.

    It's a wonder the vet didn't remove them while the dog was already under. Why did the dog have to be knocked out to check it's tonsils? Most vets just open the dog's mouth and use a torch to check them out (or our one does).

    After a few days of soft food the dog is back to its normal self.

    Good luck with the dog.

  7. I've never had a dog with early stages of Kennel Cough, only a foster in the last few days of it, so sorry if this is kinda 'well der' :laugh:

    Daegon has a kinda cough, it's more a wheeze/rasp outwards thing, but I guess a cough. He's shaking his head a bit with it, eyes are a bit watery but I think that's probably from the 'coughing'. He's not doing it all the time, I've just let all three outside for 5 minutes and I can't hear him doing it now, so it's only in bursts really.

    He still seems pretty happy within himself, he's even still eating and Daegon is fussy at the best of times, but obviously I'm concerned about him. I've left a message with someone to hopefully get him to a vet tomorrow to check that it's not something else.

    If it's kennel cough is there anything I should be doing? With three dogs it's probably going to spread to all of them I guess...if it does I'm really concerned about Jaida as she is much older than the boys...how do the older dogs go with it? :rofl:

    ETA: have just done a very quick search (really need to get back to bed as I'm sick myself) and morgan has posted about using bryonia to help it settle, especially in the early stages. Has anyone had any experience using bryonia? I'll see if I can find some somewhere, Daegon was first coughing last night so hopefully it's still early enough.

    Kennel cough is an airborne virus. The incubation period of the disease is roughly 3-7 days. It can lower the dog' resistance to other diseases thus increasing susceptibility to secondary infections and so needs to be closely observed to avoid complications.

    It cannot be cured and must run its course. While a dog is still eating and drinking there is usually no problem. If the dog stops eating, drinking or has a temperature it needs to be taken to a vet.

    The vaccinations used to prevent this are made from one strain of more than 100 different strains of the virus and therefore not as effective against some strains as others.

  8. A friend who I have lost contact with ( so can't check) had this coconut spray for her dogs coat. I don't know if it was a conditioning treatment, or just a spray that made the dog smell nice. She got it from a stand at a dog show and I remember her saying you can always find it around the dog shows. I have no idea of the bottle even, but she gave me a little in a jar, and a little goes a long way and last for ages on the dog...I remember her sayinog it wasn't really cheap..

    Does anyone have ANY idea what it might be????

    I think it is probably Animal House Coconut Crush Cologne. It is distributed by Catonum Products Phone 0295436968 or email [email protected] they have a whole range of products. A lot of them have coconut in them. I know they are also sold at dog shows.

    Hope this helps

  9. DAP is ideal for the boarding kennel environment. :confused: If only all kennels could be bothered to spend the $$$...

    We use it at home (Diffuser and spray) and in the car (spray) and if available, I'd use the collars too.

    I buy my supplies from the UK b/c it's too expensive here. :rofl:

    Thanks lillysmum, where do you buy it from in the UK. I didn't know there were collars or sprays, I had only heard of the diffuser. I thought it would be a great idea in the kennels.

  10. Assume you are talking plug in? I have both plug in and spray.

    I used both recently for the first week after my dog had surgery.

    I also used it when I brought the second dog home for the first time.

    Don't know how it would go in a kennel though....... you don't want winds or draughts as they would blow the pheromones away :confused:

    Honestly, for the cost of the DAP (and it is expensive) I would give Rescue Remedy, I actually think that is more effective by far and you see results very quickly.

    The DAP is far more subtle.

    Thanks for the information.

    I have never used rescue remedy but have heard of it. Is it a spray from the health food shop? How does it work? Our kennels are indoors.

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