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Posts posted by wizard

  1. hi folks i am in need of some adice

    yesterday i had to put my golden retriver cross down she had the bigC also went deaf had arthritis in both back legs i did all in my power to save her but alas the vets advice was the best i just couldnt bare myself to utter the word yes

    sorry i digress at home i have a malamute also 13 years of age and she is fretting bigtime i play ball with her talk to her walk her she is eating but not a great deal of food

    my question is this is there anything i can do to stop her sliding down hill i just couldnt bare it if had to make the trip again they were are both 13 both females and were great buddies

    any advice would be greatly appreciated

    thank you for a great site


  2. evening folkds i seem to have a problem with my 5yrs old white maltese bichon

    she is forever scratching scratching no fleas red in genital area and at base of tail

    i have used differnt sprays /shampoo;s etc but to no avail she runs outside in grass we live on half acre

    have changed her diet from less expensive biscuits and food to a named brand but nothing seems to be working

    any help would be greatfully appreciated

    many thanks

  3. hi i have a 12yr old malamute bitch

    for the last couple of days i have noticed that she smells awful and on her back end there appears to be stains on her legs plus her fur stinks at rear end of urine

    i have bathed her

    got rid of most of stains but comes back

    she doesnt seem to be urinating anymore than usual ,she has a touch of arthritis in back leg i am using saha's blend for that seems to be working ok

    i thought i would post my prob for any feed back or thoughts on subject

    if it gets worse i think it be a vet visit

    thank you for any replies and info


  4. hi folks

    i have a 12 yr old golden retrevier

    i have just noticed she has been getting fatty little lumps on her one on knee (she has arthritis )

    also one on her chin

    they dont seem to be bothering her ,i was wondering

    what they are and can anything be done been to local vet he doesnt seemed to concerned

    also what is best pills for artritius in dogs

    my two wont have a bar of sashas blend

    thank you for replies

  5. hi

    i am considering a job offer in north carolina in april 2010

    my questions

    what needles etc does my two dogs and cat require plus what other stuff is relevant to there coming with me as it will be a one way trip

    i have readaqis plus emailed them and rang

    but better off banging my head up against brick wall for the response or lack of it i got

    and also do dogs need special visas and what would the cost be of the whole moving pets plus any good pet transporters for taking animal overseas

    i know i have asked a lot but i need to know a lot

    many thanks for a great site and a happy new yr to all


  6. thank you one and all for replies/advice on my malamutes pancreatitis

    just have one more question regarding diet

    i am feeding both my dogs on

    i cup supercoat lite/mature dry food

    1 cup boiled rice

    i cup boiled vegies


    every seconday i supstitute dry for 1cup cooked kangaroo meat

    am i doing right with this diet if not any imput would be appreciated

    thanx once again

  7. once again many thanks for all feedback regarding pancreatitis

    my malamute is doing ok now pills seem to be working but as yet not eating very much but drinking heaps so that is good

    just another query if i may

    what type of yoghut would i have to buy for tara as i think will add some to food ,also is the a recepie available for yoghut for dogs

    my other dog thinks it is not fair tara is sick no food bonnie is over weight on a diet and she is wondering why she is only getting small portions of food if looks could kill i would be dead

    well once again thanx to one and all

    wizard aka wayne

  8. My 2 year old Stafford was showing symptoms of Pancreatitis and her blood test showed up a slight abnormality. I fed her the Tuckertime chicken and rice flavour and nothing else for two weeks and she did really well on it. I'm now in the process of slowly getting her back onto a raw diet. I've had to reduce the fat and bone in her diet and she can't have her food changed daily eg chicken one day, beef the next. She still has the odd sick day but it doing much better. I'm going to try her on the Vets All Natural Complete Mix mixed with lean meat and any bones she can handle such as kangaroo tails. It's frustrating because she's looking very lean for a Stafford but it's hard to get the weight back on. Goodluck with your doggy. :wave:

    thanx for reply i will just keep her comfy and see how it goes ,will try chicken and rice

  9. hi folks

    i have just been told by my vet that my 9yrs old malamute has pancreatitis and is on medication

    i'm not to sure what name of pills are

    my query is this does it kill ,and what can be done apart from huge vet bills (which i dont mind paying)

    vet stated whether its true or not as i would like an opinion on this also that bones plus fatty foods can cause it

    so now they have said no more bones/chicken frames ever ,so now if all goes according to plan she can only have supercoat lite and mature

    i would like some feed back from any one who has experienced this and is the vet always right

    much appreciated


  10. hi all my golden retriver cross has arthritis has had it for a few yrs she is 8yrs old vet said its a back bone problem and when we first noticed her limping and shaking a bit in legs took her to my local vet he put her on sashas blend straight away after about a week she was jumping and running around like a 2yr old and so my big suggestion is ppl use sahas blend great product and it works

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