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Golden Dragon

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Posts posted by Golden Dragon

  1. Hi guys - just thought I'd put these details in here in case anyone wanted to know what was happening.....

    for all of those who have enquired wanting to know if there was a preference for sending flowers to Dianne's funeral or making a donation to a charity on her behalf.

    Tony is not fussed either way although said he would lean towards sending flowers for those who wanted to do that.

    Di will be laid to rest at 1.00 pm this Friday the 28th March at the,


    MASON ST.,


    Followed by a private Cremation.

    Any enquiries re: flowers etc can be made with,


    59 - 63 GRETA ROAD.,


    Phone (03) 5722 2525

  2. SignatureMDBAValeDianne.jpg

    G'day guys....

    Thought you might like to see some recent pics of Dianne doing what she loved.... spending time with her dogs.

    When I think of you mate, this is how I'll remember you...... at Shepherd's Rest in your old favourite 'Neil Diamond' T-Shirt just enjoying your time with your family.

    At home with the gang.... Nov '07




    Showing Kato the ropes in his very first show.... Albury Nov '07


    Her beloved boys hiding behind Mum.... Jan '08


    RIP Dianne..... gone but not forgotten. :rolleyes:

  3. It is with the saddest of hearts that I say goodbye to my friend Dianne who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly today.

    Di - I'm sure you are catching-up with all of your beloved furrs that were waiting for you at the bridge.

    I've only known you for the last 12 months but a truer and more loyal friend I cannot imagine finding...... my deepest sympathies to Tony and all of Di's close friends in the dog world.

    She will be very sadly missed. I don't know what else to say...... it's just devastating :rofl:

    Farewell my friend...... Kato will miss his grandma Di.....

    What a tragic loss to the GSD world.

    I can't even imagine how much your furrs are going to miss their Mum... especially your beloved boys Shadow, Rikki, Samm and Karl.

    Rest easy mate :cheers:

  4. CM - very sorry for your loss mate.

    I had to let my old rescue girl go last year at the age of 14 and it just tears you up even though you know in your heart of hearts that you've done the right thing. I bet old Cougar boy is now charging around at the bridge, pain free and happy as larry looking down on you saying "thanks"!

    RIP Cougar :D

  5. G'day all

    What a cool thread.... everyone's pups look great :rolleyes:

    So introducing my best mate..........

    Name: KATO (Japanese samurai renowned for his loyalty & bravery)

    Sex: Dog

    DOB: 10-May-2007

    Age: 19 weeks

    Colour: Sable

    Breed: German Sheperd Dog

    Hobbies: Digging holes & chewing up stuff

    Loves: Wrestling, eating, playing tug, sleeping

    Hates: Not being included

    From this at 6 weeks when we first met at his breeders house....


    To this at 8 weeks....


    To this big boy now at 19 weeks....


    ....he didn't stay little for very long!!!

  6. G'day DWD -

    I'm certainly no expert but I can sympathise.

    My boy is 14 weeks old now and he LOVES to bite and nip when playing and those little razor sharp puppy teeth are deadly.

    I have also worked out that if I scruff him, or grab his muzzle to tell him off then he thinks "GAME ON" and gets even more excited.

    Now, as soon as he bites or tries to bite I yell "NO" and then walk away and leave him on his own.

    He seems to be getting the hang of it.

    Good Luck!

  7. I have just been checking out some of the AWESOME photos in this thread.....

    LOVE YOUR WORK guys.... ;) some amazing photos!!!!!

    Here's my fairly lame attempt at photoshop so far.... these are of my boy Kato and as you can see the only thing I know how to do so far is the black & white / colour deal.... still haven't worked out how to do the frames or change the background etc....




    And here's one that *Bella* did for me which I think looks pretty awesome............ you're a legend, thanx again :laugh:



  8. Hi charli73 -

    congatulations on your little girl, she looks beautiful :laugh:

    Don't stress too much about her, I'm sure things will settle down.... my GSD pup is 12 weeks old tomorrow and he is very vocal about telling me what he does and doesn't want to do (in other words, he whinges his head off) ;) try not to let her play you for a sucker though.... they are smart little buggers and try it on at every available opportunity :)

    I'm definately no expert but I can recommend crate training.... I trained my boy and it was the best thing I could of done... he loves his crate, even puts himself to bed of a night and he sleeps right thru without a worry in the world! I only have the one crate inside the house (in my bedroom) and he has his kennel in the backyard for during the day... and I have been using the crate in the car (although I have to admit I'm getting sick of lugging that in and out of the house already).

    I can also recommend puppy pre-school if you haven't already done that... Kato loved it and the Vet introduced the pups to a lot of new things in a non-threatening environment..

    Good Luck & Enjoy your new friend!

  9. Hey Kristie -

    extremely sorry to hear about your boy... not really much I can say I know, but hang in there.

    If it helps at all, from what I've seen on this site the tragic death of Barker may have saved countless other dogs' lives by bringing this terrible accident to people's attention.... I for one had NO IDEA about the potential risks involved with dogs wearing collars... you were simply being a responsible dog owner and doing the right thing... don't blame yourself (I'm positive Barker wouldn't).

    Hopefully Barker will be running amuck with my Cagney girl who passed away last March......... god only knows what kind of havoc they might be causing!

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