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Posts posted by auto

  1. I have a toledo, I have had is since 1999, and have not had a problem with. . Mine is a medium 4 beath. there is very little difference between the med and the large . but with the large the wheels are under neath, witch makes bays a little smaller.

  2. well today she has not vomited as much lastnight with very little blood.

    But she is jorndus ( carnt spell) white of eyes are a bit yellow today. vet is doing a liver test this arvo.

    Thanks every one for your held and healing thought.

    I will keep you all posted.

  3. still at the vet he is treating for stomic ulers and food posioning she has vomited nearly all day but very little blood :D witch is good i think.. i will talk to the vet again in the morning..

    I WOULD LOVE TO SEE MY girl but she is 126km away.

    thanks Lablady, please give Lucy Cuddle to/.

  4. :laugh: is the blood perhaps from an injury to her oesophagus/stomach? Perhaps it gets 'opened up again' when food passes through, and starts bleeding.

    Poor girl. Hope she will be ok.

    did she eat sharp bones/eggshells/foreign object that you can think of ?

    No she has not had sharp bones or eggshells that i know of.

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