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Posts posted by Archie&C

  1. Awww what an adorable little Westie baby!

    Archie wasn't very interested in food for about a week while he was settling in but he loved the chicken necks and if i mixed together a bit of dry and some mince.

    He was also on Supercoat to start but we've since changed to Hills and have found he likes that much better. Also, i found that the supercoat pieces were quite large for such a little tyke so i often soaked it in either a bit of warm water or puppy milk to make it a little easier to crunch through. Archie would take it away one bit at a time and munch on it like a chew biscuit :thumbsup:

  2. i agree with ness. My pup has lived most of her life with 2 fully vaccinated dogs and shes fine. You just have to make sure your parents unsocial dog doesnt have the Archie special for dinner :rolleyes:

    Yes, it will be definitely be through the fence meeting. He's actually a lovely dog, just hasn't met many other dogs during his life... especially little white fluffy ones!

    Thanks for the replies guys, I appreciate the reassurance.

  3. Just a quick one...

    Archie is having his first holiday this weekend when we take him to introduce him to his "nan & pop" (haha, not too sure they're impressed with this title from a puppy!).

    My parents have two dogs who live outside but one isn't particularly dog friendly so Archie will meet them but not really play with them. My sister also has three dogs who are all very well socialised and have lovely natures.

    My question is... is it safe for Archie to socialise with these adult dogs even though he has not had his third vaccinations? Should I restrict him only to inside or concrete areas?

    He had his 12 week vaccination on Monday. The vet said he really shouldn't be going anywhere until after his 16 week shots but this trip was planned before puppy came along.

    I definitely don't want to put him at any risk but at the same time don't want to be a paranoid freak and not let him have any fun.

    Any thoughts?

  4. Thanks very much for your reply Wuffies.

    I will wait it out and keep an eye on them... i actually didn't realise that teething could make such an impact on their ears.

    I had seen younger westies that had ears up at a younger age, so just wanted to check what was normal/appropriate for his age. Every dog is different though too I guess.

    Just wanting to make sure my little fella is progressing with his "milestones" at the right rate :laugh:

  5. Hi Everyone

    Archie's little Westie ears aren't standing up yet so I was just wondering if anyone knew when they should?

    He's 12-n-half weeks and they have risen slightly over the three weeks we have had him... the top half just don't want to stay up. Occasionally one or the other will stand up for a minute or so but nothing to get too excited about.

    I have kept the fur on his ears trimmed like the breeder said but is there any other way to encourage his ears skyward?

    ETA: I think i heard somewhere that you can use tape to train the ears to stand up? Is this right or did I make it up? :o If there is any truth in it, can someone let me know the right way to do it?

    Thanks in advance!

  6. Hi everyone

    It has been great reading along with this thread... i am having some biting issues with Archie too and have been taking notes on all the techniques to try.

    When Archie is full of energy he is at his worse with biting - we can tell how tired he is by how hard he's biting :cry: - but because he is so little our main problem is with him latching onto the bottom of our pants and feet and not letting go.

    He has just started growling and tugging when he's got hold of something... attacking (in a playful way) rather than just chewing.

    We've been trying the gruff NO's, holding his muzzleand the spray bottle and they doesn't seem to faze him. Distracting him with a toy has been best so far but doesn't last too long. We try ignoring him but he keeps tugging and it's a bit difficult to walk away with him attached to our legs - although i have tried this!

    It doesn't seem to be about the attention - more so a game.

    I have been using the bitter bite as a bit of a deterrent but i don't think it lasts too long.

    I know the techniques discussed would possibly work for all dogs, but any specific ones for the little ones?

  7. I have been using the white vinegar and it seems to be working to a certain extent. I make sure I blot then clean with the vinegar when Archie isn't watching but when he goes back to the spot he can smell the vinegar and goes a little mental... i think he just gets it up his nose and he does some flips!

    Is it possible that he likes the smell of the vinegar and continues to return to the spot? Is there any products that you can use to discourage puppy from going in a certain places?

  8. I'm in the same situation of looking for a puppy pre-school for my new addition (7 sleeps now to puppy pick-up!).

    Without trying to hijack the thread... has anyone heard any reviews for classes held at either Parramatta Veterinary Hospital or Kellyville Pets? Or has any recommendations for pre-school or training in the Parramatta area?

    Sorry I'm no help to you PuppyBuster... would love to see some pics of your little guy, he sounds adorable!

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