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Posts posted by kidspirit

  1. The dog shown in the photos attached and listed as PCC216 is not recognised by pound staff at all.

    Really? The staff are blind now too?



    and "kenny" aka mislableled dog in question


    Unfortunately this is the same dog but the light in both photos is different causing confusion

    Duke was a pure black 10yr old dog in very aged condition with the same imp number

    Just a very innocent accident

    With an upsetting result that noone can be blamed for

  2. Thankyou dogmad

    I think the asterix is a great idea and will definatley suggest it perhaps the asterix could be added when a dog has a rescue against it

    That could avoid rescue confusion and avoid any dog slipping through the cracks

    Thankyou Jill and black town list a DOL thread is a great asset to the animals at hawkesbury

    Staff at hawkesbury have no control or say about any Internet site there is more than just the two we are talking about

    Staff get calls from lots of different sites and answer all enquiries but are not responsible for them so if anyone has any questions regarding the animals just give us a call we are more than happy to help you because that helps us

    And helps the dogs and cats


  3. Yes I knew about the photo issue

    I was told when i asked why no dol thread was up

    That's out of my control

    Yes I have a Facebook page and see other Facebook pages by many rescuers but don't comment on them as I'm busy checking my family and keeping up with what my own kids are doing

    There is no secret to what's going on at hawkesbury we are all head down arse up feeding cleaning caring for and rehoming dogs and cats that's it

    We ring rescue groups as I've said about dogs that need help

    And no no rehomeable dogs have been PTs

    But no dol thread along with the gossip and scandle has meant we have to work much harder to achieve this

    This is hard to put up with when we did nothing wrong

    Anyone that's looked at the pound rounds page can see they take their own photos and notes

    And as I've said anyone can look at the hawkesbury council website to see what is impounded then phone staff with any questions it's that simple just phone

    Perhaps use our website rather than someone else's Facebook page then you can get information direct from the shelter

    This is the only way to get the most up to date facts

    And avoid confusion

    Dismissive remarks make it that much harder, can you not see that. "gossip and scandal" it isn't just gossip and scandal. The fact the pound knows of the issue and it is not a secret, then why act like you didn't know why it was stopped? Yes, pounds are busy and cannot deal with the issues going on, but pretending to not know (your quote "Talk the truth there is no DOL thread due to politics") so I say to you, talk the truth....

    There has been a whole lot of stress and negativity brought on since the photo and temp issue, people didn't stop the HP DOL thread because they wanted to, they just didn't want to be associated with Pound Rounds and keep it unbiased I suggest you have a talk with the people involved and hear what they have been through due to this, that is where my sympathy lies, and with the dogs and cats that have been affected.

    The blame has not been put on the pound but the people who do not want to work with pound rounds in any way shape or form. As if that is a crime, as if that is unmanageable. It is relatively bloody simple, yet because this group have a self entitled movement they disrespect anyone else's opinions or rights to not want to work with them.

    As Blacktown List has suggested HP website is not up to date, take from that what you will (am not saying it is true or not I have no clue) but if that is the case this going to make things difficult and a lot of unnecessary calls being made. DOL was a good way to keep up with what dogs were needing help, between the pound and the volunteers it worked well.

    At this point it sounds like contacting the pound is the best option.

    This was the list of dogs I saw needed rescue by the 16th of Feb on their social networking site


    PLEASE EMAIL URGENTLY (deleted the email address)

    PCC 118 male JRT x cattle dog 1 yr

    PCC 152 female greyhound 1.5 yrs, surrendered

    PCC 151 female rottweiler 4yrs, desexed

    HCC 112 male staffy 5 months

    HCC 118 female JRT 5 years

    PCC 127 white maltese x - RESCUE ONLY

    Please help with donations - we need support to save these babies today."

    Yes true a DOL thread about the dogs was a great asset

    And as you stated it was because of photos that there is no thread

    That had nothing to do with staff so why not cut that line of thread off imeadiatly and correct them Rather than let it carryon

    I know you can say that's not your responsibility and true it's not but this should be an informed site

    I don't need to be sent the link as that has nothing to do with me

    Staff have to remain impartial and rightly so

    But a bit of fairness towards us would be good

    As I've said staff are more than happy to assist with information with this site just ask

    No there have since been threads up and going on HP dogs this year, did you know of the photo issue? If so who would have brought that to the pounds attention?

    I am guessing there has been no thread as dogs are safe, maybe you could shed some light on if there has been dogs pts (because the only way I have been able to follow any dogs from HP was on the social networking site and they are a bit dramatic and no real follow up on what happens to dogs is known - as in if any were pts etc).

    It was not put onto HP staff about the photo's, it was about what happened this week I only just mentioned the photo's in my last post!! I hardly know the position of HP on any of what has been going on, (one would hope it was impartial), so I am unable to say what (if any) position HP plays in this so unable to cut anything off nor speak for them. You seem to be able to do that as you work there, I don't and have no idea of the internal politics of a pound nor is it my problem.

    From what I see

    It has been said that there is a monopolisation of a pound to one group of people. That has not been said that is the pounds fault. It has been directed by Blacktown List that there was 5 issues and 3 & 4 caused issue 5 :confused: wish they would clear some things up.

    Wish people would start realising people are actually truly confused to what is going on and answers are hard to come by these days.

    EDITED TO ADD - I do know of one dog pts this year thanks to the social networking site and I am sure they took the photo of the dog off DOL and blamed them not having photo's to share from DOL that the dog was pts - talking of blame - it would actually be nice for it being stopped being put on volunteers that go and do their best to then see crap like that, just because they do not want a group profiteering from their photo's and changing temp notes

    What dog ?

    PCC1029 I can send you the lovely photo put up by Melanie Norman with her accusations of Poundlist DOL being at fault if needed.

    You wonder why it has gotten this bad, and you feel the need to defend HP and their staff, imagine how it feels after years of volunteering and doing a DOL thread trying to help the dogs and cats to then start getting the crap she has been writing about others - all because of not wanting to associate with her group, it would wear you down and everyone that volunteers any time to pounds and photo's etc have lives too that need time spent on it and do their bloody best to do things they way they feel is along the lines with their morals and ethics only to be repetitively get public and private attacks by a group of people who are upset over not wanting them to use the photo's and notes provided on DOL as an independent group. People give up and find other ways to help sometimes and I fear that eventually it will lead to a permanent state because people can only take so much abuse. Such a mountain over a mole hill if only they could accept the word 'no'!

    EDITED TO ADD - they have now copyrighted their photo's just to throw in a bit of irony for you

    Yet again you post like the staff at hawkesbury have something to do with these issues and you know that this is just not the truth

    I asked you to speak up about why the thread has been disrupted and you did

    Then you seem offended that I stuck up for myself( as I am staff ) and somehow think That made me responsible and one of the baddies

    Then . Say I don't know what people on here have gone through did you read the bit when I said nic and Kel are amongst my dearest friends ? So forgive my sarcasime but I do know very bloody well how much heart break it bought

    So yet again I must say the staff have not caused these problems and remain completely impartial

    So any information that you need about any dog ring the shelter direct to get the best up to date accurate information

    And avoid any confusion

  4. Can anyone tell me what has happened to the Hawkesbury pound thread in the urgent section?

    There isn't one for this week despite the fact I've heard of some dogs in urgent need.


    This was the start of this thread

    It was answered by kelscats then progressed from there To be twisted and taken out of context

    And rather than just state the facts was allowed to carryon impliying some sort of staff involvement And problem at hawkesbury when there is none

    As I have said staff have no control over any social network site

    I am very aware and sympathetic to problems that have arisen between the two sites but do not get involved

    Staff just get on with it

    As I have repeatedly stated any enquiries about any animal can be answered by pound staff

    Pcc 1029 was not a rehomeable dog and staff had witnessed issues with other dogs and some people

    And was PTs for those reasons not because of anyone or any site or any reference from anyone other than staff experiences with the dog

    Nic has stated that she was always welcome at hawkesbury by staff so has Kel so that's my beef sorted

    As before and happy if time permittes to update ,bump,and assist a hawkesbury thread anyway possible

    Moody iPhones tiny keys fat fingers

  5. Yes true a DOL thread about the dogs was a great asset

    And as you stated it was because of photos that there is no thread

    That had nothing to do with staff so why not cut that line of thread off imeadiatly and correct them Rather than let it carryon

    I know you can say that's not your responsibility and true it's not but this should be an informed site

    I don't need to be sent the link as that has nothing to do with me

    Staff have to remain impartial and rightly so

    But a bit of fairness towards us would be good

    As I've said staff are more than happy to assist with information with this site just ask

    No there have since been threads up and going on HP dogs this year, did you know of the photo issue? If so who would have brought that to the pounds attention?

    I am guessing there has been no thread as dogs are safe, maybe you could shed some light on if there has been dogs pts (because the only way I have been able to follow any dogs from HP was on the social networking site and they are a bit dramatic and no real follow up on what happens to dogs is known - as in if any were pts etc).

    It was not put onto HP staff about the photo's, it was about what happened this week I only just mentioned the photo's in my last post!! I hardly know the position of HP on any of what has been going on, (one would hope it was impartial), so I am unable to say what (if any) position HP plays in this so unable to cut anything off nor speak for them. You seem to be able to do that as you work there, I don't and have no idea of the internal politics of a pound nor is it my problem.

    From what I see

    It has been said that there is a monopolisation of a pound to one group of people. That has not been said that is the pounds fault. It has been directed by Blacktown List that there was 5 issues and 3 & 4 caused issue 5 :confused: wish they would clear some things up.

    Wish people would start realising people are actually truly confused to what is going on and answers are hard to come by these days.

    EDITED TO ADD - I do know of one dog pts this year thanks to the social networking site and I am sure they took the photo of the dog off DOL and blamed them not having photo's to share from DOL that the dog was pts - talking of blame - it would actually be nice for it being stopped being put on volunteers that go and do their best to then see crap like that, just because they do not want a group profiteering from their photo's and changing temp notes

    What dog ?

  6. Yes I knew about the photo issue

    I was told when i asked why no dol thread was up

    That's out of my control

    Yes I have a Facebook page and see other Facebook pages by many rescuers but don't comment on them as I'm busy checking my family and keeping up with what my own kids are doing

    There is no secret to what's going on at hawkesbury we are all head down arse up feeding cleaning caring for and rehoming dogs and cats that's it

    We ring rescue groups as I've said about dogs that need help

    And no no rehomeable dogs have been PTs

    But no dol thread along with the gossip and scandle has meant we have to work much harder to achieve this

    This is hard to put up with when we did nothing wrong

    Anyone that's looked at the pound rounds page can see they take their own photos and notes

    And as I've said anyone can look at the hawkesbury council website to see what is impounded then phone staff with any questions it's that simple just phone

    Perhaps use our website rather than someone else's Facebook page then you can get information direct from the shelter

    This is the only way to get the most up to date facts

    And avoid confusion

  7. Yes true a DOL thread about the dogs was a great asset

    And as you stated it was because of photos that there is no thread

    That had nothing to do with staff so why not cut that line of thread off imeadiatly and correct them Rather than let it carryon

    I know you can say that's not your responsibility and true it's not but this should be an informed site

    I don't need to be sent the link as that has nothing to do with me

    Staff have to remain impartial and rightly so

    But a bit of fairness towards us would be good

    As I've said staff are more than happy to assist with information with this site just ask

  8. You dramatized kelscats exit when you said why did she get sent home

    What a joke

    Staff are not connected to or responsible for other sites

    But as jill said she rang hawkesbury to straighten it out

    The number is 0245604644 anyone can ring it for answers

    It's offensive that rather than say noone would post a hawkesbury thread which was the original question

    It has been suggested on here that staff were somehow responsible You know full well why there is no hawkesbury thread so say it

    Why is there no hawkesbury thread ?

  9. I don't know or care anything about the politics involved but I'm based in Melbourne (& have more than enough dogs down here) & I've been tempted to rescue the odd dog of my prefered breed (greyhounds) because of the tread on DOL from Hawkesbury pound. I don't go onto F/B so would never see them on there.

    I guess that if all dogs are finding rescue through other means then great but if some are missing out because there is no DOL thread (for whatever reason) then that is a real shame.


    That's wonderful that you keep track of such a difficult breed to rescue and DOL is a great tool for this but unfortunately it is not always used for the purpose it was intended

    Staff want nothing more than a Dol thread but it's out of our hands and therefore we should not be dragged into it

    Thankyou keep up the great work and you can ring hawkesbury direct list yourself as a greyhound rescue then you will be notified direct of any Greys in need

    As Jill is for any jacks

  10. Anyone can ring hawkesbury to get any information it's that simple

    I will not comment on other Internet sites as I don't know anything for a FACT and am not into gossip

    Staff donot run either site

    Talk the truth there is no DOL thread due to politics

    Nothing to do with volunteers not being welcome at hawkesbury or hawkesbury staff not passing on information it's because noone would list the hawkesbury dogs for whatever reasons but nothing at all to do with the shelter it's self

    And you Mali are fully aware of that

    Kel and nic are some of my dearest friends and are always welcome , we actually look forward to their visits

    But there has been no thread

    If you read what I posted the greyhound was safe and Jill stated staff rang her about the jack and her name is on it

    So noone was left on the list

    Kel stated she stayed and played with the bulldogs and took one home

    Dose that sound like she was run out of the shelter like you would have people believe

    Don't try to read between the lines because staff have nothing to hide

    But perhaps try to read what is actually being written

    Then we can all get on with the business of saving lives

  11. Well there was at least one greyhound

    ‎152 PCC

    surrendered due 14.02.12

    greyhound one year old girl

    that very nearly missed out. She went to FOTHI at the very last minute - she certainly wasn't safe until the final hour

    That is very sad.

    We are always ready and able to list immediately with at least a mug shot or even better, one of Kel's pics and notes. I'm sorry but with so many other obligations, battling to get information when it's not forthcoming is tiresome.


    Did you ring the pound for a list ?

    Who would you like the list sent to ?

    Just ring and ask it is forthcoming but cannot be just sent out into cyberspace

    Or if you cannot call the pound ask Kelscats she will gladly give it to you

    I was being emailed the list every week. And have never been able to get one over the phone. :)

    This week apparently all the dogs were safe by the time Kel got there. Ok, fine that's great, nobody is complaining. The confusion is that a list was being posted on facebook stating several dogs were not and needed rescue or adoption.

    So which is it? :confused:

    Perhaps Facebook didn't ring for updates

    That is not my concern

    I am offended by the insinuation that staff are with holding information when nothing is further from the truth

    Also when was the last time anyone from DOL photograph or temp test any hawkesbury dogs ?

    So if there is no thread on here what will a list achieve ?

    But if you want a list again just ring and you will be emailed one

    Staff have not been involved in the politics between DOL and FB we just keep chipping away at the list however we can and it is unjust to pull us into it . every dog there is important to us and we do everything we can to get them the best possible chance

    But sometimes it's toooooo hard to keep my mouth shut and I have managed up until now but this thread is a direct attack on (I feel ) ME

    So before anyone else postes about the staff make sure you know what your taking about because I can answer correctly

    So why was Kelscats get send home with the information that no dog needed rescue or adoption this week, when at least 2 dogs were unconfirmed.

    Where in here did you read 2 dogs were unconfirmed ?

    You say kelscats was sent home ! She was not !

    Unfortunately DOL is starting to read like a trashy gossip magazine

    Maybe try to keep it about the dogs and cats

  12. Well there was at least one greyhound

    ‎152 PCC

    surrendered due 14.02.12

    greyhound one year old girl

    that very nearly missed out. She went to FOTHI at the very last minute - she certainly wasn't safe until the final hour

    That is very sad.

    We are always ready and able to list immediately with at least a mug shot or even better, one of Kel's pics and notes. I'm sorry but with so many other obligations, battling to get information when it's not forthcoming is tiresome.


    Did you ring the pound for a list ?

    Who would you like the list sent to ?

    Just ring and ask it is forthcoming but cannot be just sent out into cyberspace

    Or if you cannot call the pound ask Kelscats she will gladly give it to you

    I was being emailed the list every week. And have never been able to get one over the phone. :)

    This week apparently all the dogs were safe by the time Kel got there. Ok, fine that's great, nobody is complaining. The confusion is that a list was being posted on facebook stating several dogs were not and needed rescue or adoption.

    So which is it? :confused:

    Perhaps Facebook didn't ring for updates

    That is not my concern

    I am offended by the insinuation that staff are with holding information when nothing is further from the truth

    Also when was the last time anyone from DOL photograph or temp test any hawkesbury dogs ?

    So if there is no thread on here what will a list achieve ?

    But if you want a list again just ring and you will be emailed one

    Staff have not been involved in the politics between DOL and FB we just keep chipping away at the list however we can and it is unjust to pull us into it . every dog there is important to us and we do everything we can to get them the best possible chance

    But sometimes it's toooooo hard to keep my mouth shut and I have managed up until now but this thread is a direct attack on (I feel ) ME

    So before anyone else postes about the staff make sure you know what your taking about because I can answer correctly

  13. So it is Hawkesbury Pound that are not forthcoming with information about dogs in need or is it someone acting on their behalf (officially or unofficially)?

    It looks to me as though "someone or group" are either putting their name on them all, then trying to find takers, or Hawkesbury are not being forthcoming with correct information. Either way it truly sucks as it is the dogs that are going to suffer.

    Powerlegs - it is not your fault. The grey was so desperate a greyhound trainer in Bathurst was going to take her and hold her until a rescue group could take her, then FOTH took her.

    Thankyou for taking Lucy she is a wonderful dog

    But noone has a monoly of hawkesbury dogs

    as you must be aware greyhound rescues are ALWAYS contacted direct by pound staff

    They would appear on the list until a definate hold is put on them but contact had been made about her so KELSCATS dint need to photograph her

    Kelscats has a young family and her own commitments staff would not tell her to work on a dog that had an option

  14. Also HCC 118 a jack female was also on the list, which was not safe until I got a phone call letting me know.

    For god sake bring back the Hawkesbury thread, I like many others relied on it as I have to look at many pounds throughout the state and haven't got the time to look at both dol and facebook.

    Jill has stated she was phoned direct by staff

    Yes it would be great to have a hawkesbury thread

    Staff are NOT responsible for there being no DOL thread and have always greatly supported it

  15. Well there was at least one greyhound

    ‎152 PCC

    surrendered due 14.02.12

    greyhound one year old girl

    that very nearly missed out. She went to FOTH at the very last minute - she certainly wasn't safe until the final hour

    That is very sad.

    We are always ready and able to list immediately with at least a mug shot or even better, one of Kel's pics and notes. I'm sorry but with so many other obligations, battling to get information when it's not forthcoming is tiresome.


    Did you ring the pound for a list ?

    Who would you like the list sent to ?

    Just ring and ask it is forthcoming but cannot be just sent out into cyberspace

    Or if you cannot call the pound ask Kelscats she will gladly give it to you

  16. Yes I do

    I have tried not to post about these things but when kelscats words are so badly twisted I won't sit by with my mouth shut

    And poor Marie from CPR thinks staff would not call her direct if needed because of a threat like this it really upsets me as staff hold her and others like her in the highest reguard for the work Marie and others have done for hawkesbury dogs

    This thread went from where is the hawkesbury thread ? to bagging out loyal staff that genuinely admire the rescues that they deal with and work extra hard to get a save for every dog with a lot of behind the scenes contact that isn't on any Internet site

    So a thread like this needs to be corrected because it must upset it's own users

    That is why I felt the need to post

  17. The issue at hand is the need to give the Hawkesbury dogs reliable exposure on DOL.

    I understand the pound policy works like this: kill day is Thursday and every dog with a due date through to, and including, Thursday is under sentence of death. So they should be regarded as 'urgent' from Friday onwards.

    Now it should be possible to keep track of the dogs in the pound by their due dates, and put up a list of the week's urgents on DOL on Sunday or Monday. But the photo gallery on the pound website is not a reliable database. Dogs are put in and dropped from the gallery at staff discretion; some never even make it onto the website. One thing that does help: there's an RSS feed of the gallery updates.

    It seems that by Tuesday the pound staff are working with an informal list of dogs that have no adoption interest—that's as close as Hawkesbury gets to a Blacktown-style 'kill list'. This is where it's important to have a source (i.e. a volunteer) inside the pound—someone who gets to see the list, and who can find out which dogs do have names on them. As I've mentioned, there is another website where this information is published, and you don't need to have a membership on the site to see it.

    Anyway, back to DOL: If time allows I'm going to put up that list of Hawkesbury's urgents at the start of each week. I will welcome anyone's contribution of info from inside the pound.

    Why is the list unable to be put up by the volunteers that go to Hawkesbury Pound? Kelscats has said her latest experience and that others know that some dogs were at risk of being put to sleep.

    Who would you be Blacktown List? Are you a representative of the group on the social networking page, as you seem to be able to get the put to sleep list when others on the ground at Hawkebury pound are no longer allowed to see? What happens when you don't have time to do a Hawkesbury Pound list even though Kelscats states she was at the pound and could have met the dogs?

    This seems to have happened just before Christmas and now the dogs are the ones that are suffering. Exactly what people were worried about in the first place. Putting a hold on a dog to stop he/she being put to sleep is a risky move by whoever does that, they risk pounds refusing to hold dogs over if not collected before pts time, if their hold continually falls through.

    I have read and reread Kelscats post and nowhere in it does she say she was unable to see the list or temptest and photograph any dogs

    It's simply a matter of this week she got the day off because ALL the dogs had adoption or rescue interest

    Kelscats is the only person doing DOL at the moment and has free access to the whole shelter and the list noone else Has enquired .

    It would appear that people are looking to create drama where there is none

    Also staff call directly rescuers when a dog becomes desperate and they are not above begging . With this happening behind the scenes yes people on DOL may not be aware of it

    but it is happening either by email or directly phoning

    Staff are well aware of who helps particular breeds ,sizes and types of dogs and lots of rescues are aware of this

    No one monopolizes dogs or the list just phone and ask

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