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Posts posted by Pei

  1. Hi,

    I am looking to find a club (im in the South- Western suburbs) in Brisbane to take my 8 month old Shar Pei to. - Can anybody recommend one?

    Basically, we just want a fun social outing, where we can learn the basics of obedience as well. My girl now lives alone (we used to share a house with two other dogs but have since moved) so I want to find a club that meets weekly where she can still interact with other dogs.

    It couldnt hurt for us to learn a bit of obedience too- she is developing selective hearing!

  2. We always got chicken necks from our local supermarket when I was in Victoria- even on my trip back to Vic over Xmas I was usually able to pick them up from Coles there.

    I think it might just be because I can only get to the supermarket in the evening (6.30 onward) because I travel over an hour to and from work each day- everything is closed when I leave for work, and most things are closed when I get home, or, in the case of chicken necks at coles... all sold out !

    I have tried my girl with chicken frames- she wont touch them, and also with wings when I havent been able to get necks- she only will eat the wings if I break them in half first. Same with any bones, she wont touch them, only afte the other dogs have chewed them lots will she even put them in her mouth... shes a strange girl !

    I am actually in the process of looking for a house to rent closer to work, so hopefully this wont be an issue soon.

    I might try the eagle farm dry food,- can i purchase it from a Petwise or similar store? it sounds good.

    I think I am just being an worrying mother. (i got the 3 cups thing from the guide on the pack of my advance, I could never get her to eat more than 2 cups a day) I guess the three cups is only if you are giving them nothing else!

  3. Dogs can live without dry food at all

    Mine do alot of the time

    They only time they have dry is when I have not mixed up their BARF mix

    Have you thought about putting her onto a purely BARF diet?

    PS I hate PAL

    Excuse my ignorance... but what is a BARF diet? :angel:

    Currently, the only reason I feed dry food is because I was of the beleive that it contains the vitimins & minerals that help puppies develop???

    I beleive in giving dogs variety and much prefer feeding her raw foods like chicken necks, chicken mince and tuna. (although in saying that, I went to three butchers on the weekend and none had any chicken necks... its very frusterating because I work full time and can only shop on weekends, butchers open after I leave for work and close before I get home, it seems they seem to sell out of chicken necks very quickly)

    If I stopped feeding the dry food, would it effect growth at all, or can i buy a suppliment or something?

  4. Hello,

    I was feeding my 7 month old Shar Pei on either advance puppy or Eukunuba puppy (i have to avoid any dry foods with Beef) she gets about 3 cups in the morning, and gets chicken necks, chicken mince or tuna at night with rice and vege's.

    Lately she hardly touches her dry food, so I switched to Pal, as I was sick of spending a fortune only to bin most of her dry food. I have heard from some people that Pal Puppy (i am feeding the All Natural Puppy one) is just as good as the more expensive brands.

    I am happy to pay more for the food if its better quality, but if there isnt much difference, I cant see the value.

    She doesnt prefer one over the other, her favourite dry food seems to be Supercoat- which she cant have anyway because it has beef & causes her to get skin allergies !

  5. I gave him a chicken carcus today and held it until he had a good grip of it, he seemed ok,i will give him dry food tonight from my hand, i will see what happens. it is one problem i want to fix

    thanks again

    I have never tried this ... but i read in my favourite Dog Book (Its me or the Dog) that you should feed your dog by hand each time you feed him.

    She writes that you should always eat your meal first, and never feed the dog from your plate. You should prepare his meals at bench height, and pretend you are eating his dinner, then offer him peices, one at a time. Thsi is supposed to reinforce you as the leader of the pack, you get to eat first, and he must eat second. pecking order so to speak. once this is established you are supposed work down to letting the dog eat from his own bowl, but you are supposed to sit beside it, and be able to touch the bowl when ever you like.

    Might be worth a read, I like this ladies methods of dog training, they are all about kindness and understanding, I dont beleive in smacking dogs.

  6. My girl is in a small pen, but I can always hear when she wants to go out because she starts to do laps (puppy paws on a wooden floor are noisy) if I dont wake up from that, she stand on the edge of the pen at the end of my bed and starts to whimper. When she doesnt need to go to the toilet, but wakes up, she just stands at the edge of her pen and watches me, thats how I can tell the difference! (but she is 15/16 Weeks)

    Although, I am naughty and I take her out once suring the night (around 3) when she wakes up, and then again at 5.30 when I get up. Apparentely she should be able to hold on through the night, but she has a habit of peeing on her bedding if she cant hold on- and its gross and smelly and i get sick of washing it, so I just get up and suffer my disrupted sleep!

    I bought her a new bed the other day (Barka Parka) so I am super careful to take her out whenever she needs so she doesnt make this bed stinky too !!

    Good luck. It sounds like you are doing pretty good anyway!

  7. My pup (approx 15 weeks) is hardly interested in her toys. I have brought her an assortment of dog toys (from Kongs & treat balls to ropes and squekies both rubber and plush!) She has had the same raw hide bones and pigs ears for three weeks and only plays with them sometimes when I am home and encourage the chewing, as soon as I stop playing, she leaves them.

    But... she is obsessed with corners of furtniture, and most scary... electrical cords! I am worried that when she gets well and I can let her roam around the room,(she is recovering from a fracture and is kept in a baby play pen right now) that she is going to get electricuted.

    Has anybody had this problem?

    any ideas to stop this strange behaviour?


  8. What is the best product to clean up puppies little accidents? We have an older dog who is very clean and uses a doggy door 24 hours a day.

    When we get our pup, 3 months old, in a couple of weeks there is no doubt she will have accidents. I need something which will completely get rid of the odour so the older dog won't become confused and think he can do it inside too. I am hoping the pup will follow the older dog and eventually use the doggy door too.

    Suggestion would be very helpful.


    I was going to say the same.. Biozet laundry powder, I brought a very large pack and use it for my own clothes and to soak & wash (seperately top my own clothes of course) all my puppies laundry. (towels, bedding etc...)

    Also, I beleive that bicarb & vinigar cleans everything! (well just about anyway!)

  9. One of my girls, Kari has a stained coat from the clay in our backyard. Another Elkhound breeder told us to try some crystals you get from a horse shop that remove stains but she couldn't remember the name. Does anyone now what they are called?

    Try Wondersoap fom the supermarket. I use it to get horses tails white - it works a treat getting 'wee' stains out. Very simple to use and pretty cheap.

  10. Ohhh the poor little thing :) How did she break her elbow ?

    The baby pen is a gr8 idea and with lots of toys to amuse her !

    I think u should deffinately get a puppy bag and carry her around to let her see other dogs and hold her so they can sniff each other etc. Take her out and about in the world to see people, dogs, traffic etc.

    All the best, i look forward to reading lots about her !

    Also wot location are u in ?

    I am in Brisbane area.- I see you are Melbourne- I recently moved up here from Bendigo, and bought Ushi a few months after I settled in.

    I have been giving her lots of cuddles and love. She hasnt really gotten into kong toys yet, but she is pretty careful with all her toys, it takes a while for her to get used to them before she will give them a good chew - I dont know why, but she never just grabs onto toys.

    Toileting is a real nightmare though. Before this she was a little angel, she never had accidents. But now, I cant expect her to 'hold on' for the whole time I am at work, so she has to go in her pen, and she is insisting on using her bed- although I have put newsapaper down over all the rest of the pen. I took the bed out today and left her with a thick towel over half the pen and paper over the other. (and even more gross, as soon as I picked her up and put her on my bed for cuddles last night, she decided to pee on my bed! - she has a thing about the cushyness I think??)

    What is a puppy bag?? That sounds fantastic. She was not an overly active pup to start with- as in she didnt really run about crazy. The thing thats really hard on her is not being able to follow me around. If I could carry her with me, she would be very happy.

    Also (and sorry for the long post) whats the difference between a crate and a pen? Will she heel well enough just in the small pen, or should I be putting her in a crate. The vet said either, But I want to ensure she has the best recovery possible.

    Sorry- forgot to answer how.... To be honest, I dont know for sure, she was in our small fenced backyard on her own, when I got home from work, she was limping. - There was someone home most of the day, she was left with nobody for a maximum of 2 hours- and they heard no yelping or anything during the day. I am guessing, after a rigourous search of the small yard which I meticulously went over and made safe (or so I thought) before bringing her home. I think, she has fallen down a very small hole, which is on the edge of where the concrete and grass meet. The hole is not very big, but its all I can think of which could cause the fracture, if she slipt on leg down the hole and knocked her elbow on the edge of the concrete as she slipped. (the hole is small, only anout 15cm deep and 20 cm across- I am kicking myslef for not filling it in know!)

  11. Hi,

    My 12 week old Sharpei has broken her leg, well to be exact, the albow has fractured through the joint. She has had surgery two days ago, and I brought her home from the animal hospital today. She has a screw & pin in place and a big cast.

    I am releived that she made it through the operation well, but now, I am very worried about how I can keep her from confined and happy for the 8 weeks this is going to take to heal.

    I am worreid about her missing all the things you are suposed to do with a new puppy, taking her to obediance, and socialising. Also I am concerned about the lack of exercise and boredom making her a very unhappy little pup. (which she certainly has not been up until now. Even all the dealings with the vet, she has sat there tail wagging)

    Does anybody have any ideas of what I can do to help her keep amused without letting her move around? Currently she is in a baby play pen, which i am using to keep her confined.

    Also, I am concerned about leaving her water bowl in the small area of the play pen. The bandage needs to stay dry, but being a sharpei, she is a 'sloppy' drinker, spilling water everywhere after a drink, effectivlet soaking to floor of her pen (which is a padded plactis mattress covered in newspaper right now. - if i was home all day i could just take her out and carry her to the drink bowl every few hours, but this is not possible as she is left at home while I am at work, and I dont think offering her water only before I leave and after I get home is fair.

    Any ideas would be great. I know this is going to be hard, but I am just so happy she is ok, and are willing to try anything to make her as comfortable as possible.

    oh- also, I have brought her several kong toys for her to seek out treats, and lots of squeaky and chewy toys (she is a spoilt puppy!) before the injury she wasnt at all interested in her puppy kong, but today she started licking at it, should I rotate what she has each day?


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