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herding heroine

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Posts posted by herding heroine

  1. Thanks guys.

    Does anyone know when the next herding test is being held in Victoria? I have checked the latest Dogs Victoria Magazine, and none are listed for January or February.

    Border Collie Club of Victoria has a herding trial 1st and 2nd March at

    KCC park PM me and I will send you there flyer.

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I was just wondering if anyone knew of a good herding school in Vic that trained on a regular basis. I have contacted a few but have not got a reply back from eaither of them. Any information would be great, my girls have started herding but our herding school has closed down for the summer months while they change over sheep and as it is in northern vic it gets to hot to train. If anyone knows of anything closer to Melbourne your information would be of great help


    Contact the werribee obedience dog club as several of there members herd.

    They would proberly put you in contact with who thet train with.

    They have a web site.

  3. Hi all,

    I am interested in doing some herding with my dogs. I live in Sunbury, Victoria. I have no idea where to start. Do you have "herding classes" like you have "obedience classes"? Do you just train every week and then work your way up to competing? Also, do your dogs have to be obedience trained to start herding (agility clubs require a certain level of obedience)

    I'd love to hear from anyone who does herding and I also need to know of any herding clubs near me.


    Hi I love my herding, I have 3 dogs trialing now in intermediate level and this is what I suggest!

    There is a VCA herding club look at the Dogs victoria web site.

    Also there is a herding meeting regarding herding rules 7th November info in the Vic dog mag!

    If any one has the Vic Dog handy maybe the can post that info for all herding interested people to go. I also think you need to go and look at a herding trial so you know what will be required. I know there are afew herding people that attend werribee obedience dog club.

    Good luck and happy herding!

  4. Hi all,

    I am interested in doing some herding with my dogs. I live in Sunbury, Victoria. I have no idea where to start. Do you have "herding classes" like you have "obedience classes"? Do you just train every week and then work your way up to competing? Also, do your dogs have to be obedience trained to start herding (agility clubs require a certain level of obedience)

    I'd love to hear from anyone who does herding and I also need to know of any herding clubs near me.

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