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Posts posted by becg

  1. Nothing can coax my 5 month old GSP into our pool. He hates it. My friend's lab comes up and swims and he stands at the edge barking at her and won't come in with us either (though we have dragged him in a few times).

    Although he destroys anything else he can get to, he's never really tried to tear his bed, luckily. I have lost a few thongs and pillows (his two favourites), though.

  2. I have a 3 year old indoor cat who I recently introduced to my GSP puppy. The cat was inquisitive at first and then a bit cautious, because he figured out that if he chased her she'd run. So far we've had no luck stopping the chasing - we do stop him, but it usually involves grabbing his collar. He doesn't hurt her - although once he pounced and landed on her, scratching her head accidently. She never fights back, just hits him without claws and hisses.

    The weird thing is that he only chases her inside. On the rare occasion that she comes in the backyard he walks really slowly and stands over the top of her (he peed on her once), sometimes trying to pin her down, sometimes licking and sniffing her head. She just stands there eating the grass and ignoring him unless he gets rough. This is obviously him trying to be dominant - should i stop him even though the cat doesn't seem to care? They tolerate each other when they're tired - they're sleeping almost next to each other on the lounge right now...

  3. My GSP pup is almost 5 months and he does the same thing. He's learnt to sit really well and doesn't really jump up anymore, but is always trying to paw for attention (eg. bringing a ball over for me to throw and pawing my leg), so I know how annoying it is and how hard it is to avoid being scratched. He does it the worst when he's tired and laying with his head on my lap - ruins cuddles by pawing and making me put him off the lounge...he doesn't learn.

  4. My pup's about 16 weeks and he seems to just be coming around now. He was really good at first then hit a bit of a road block and started peeing inside more (lucky we have tiles). We were yelling at him and taking him straight out if we caught him going in the house, doing nothing if we found a puddle later and praising him like crazy whenever he went outside. It took him a while but he must have realised that it makes us happy when he goes outside and he's become a lot more consistent. He did pee on the clean doona yesterday....but apart from that he's been really good. It's all about patience.

  5. Name: Spencer

    D.O.B: 3/8/07

    Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer

    Likes: Chewing, running, chasing the cat, people, other dogs and cuddles on the lounge

    Hates: Baths and the swimming pool

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