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Posts posted by teaspoon

  1. My 8 month old English Staffy was neutered 3 weeks ago. He had undescended testes so we paid extra to have them removed as the surgery was a little more invasive than a normal castration.

    Something very strange just happened this afternoon though. He walked by me humping the air (something he has never done before but I understand that neutered dogs can still want to hump things), but when I looked down there, I noticed that not only was he ...ahem...very swollen in his privates....it looked like he still has his balls! It looked exactly like how they did before he got neutered....see since they were undescended we would normally not see them, but sometimes they would 'appear' just below his shaft, often when he woke up from a nap. Then they would disappear again, so he has never had a scrotum. So there they were again....two of them, both about the size of a small walnut sitting at exactly the same location as they appeared before he got neutered! ;)

    Could it be possible that the vet did not remove them correctly? Or could it be swelling from the operation? I really have to reiterate that the two lumps look exactly like how his balls did before his operation and...yes I copped a feel and they felt exactly the same too :rolleyes:

    Has anyone experienced this before?? Help!!!

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