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Posts posted by jacquelie1989

  1. also i was told by the beeder that dalmatians are very clean dogs with no doggie smell will mine has got a doogie smell and will go for any puddle or mud that he thiks it looks like fun. also the reason i got his testys out was because he was in that much pain you needed to muzzel him if anyone (vet) wanted to tuch them i dont think he woulod bite but not sure. if that gives you any idea of the pain it has carmed down a little

    thanks again

  2. ...and I must admit he enjoyed standing in the bath every night for a couple of weeks with me 'playing with' his balls :laugh:


    i feed him advance he gets bathed norm very month but it raining here all the time so have not had a chance for 3 months, he is on advantage for fleas but he does not lick the area that much the norm for a dog, thanks again i really am not sure about this one

    thanks jacqueline

  3. Sounds like a Contact Allergy to me. Get a second opinion.

    not the sun because it has been raining here and he has not been out duing the day at all (big sook)

    vet said my be allergy so i am going to try omega 3 and 6 and see if that helps he gets washed in aloveen so that should help thanks for the help most people are saying allergy any other ideas would be great but thanks


  4. Yep Aloveen is from vets.

    Have bathed my itchy pug in the EPO shampoo twice now and I think it is helping. He hasn't scratched nearly as much after his bath as he usually does. With the organic baby shampoo he was better then he had been with any other sorts of doggy shampoo but now I think the EPO might be working even better then the organic baby shampoo.

    aloveen shampoo and cond it is great

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