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Posts posted by Elle9

  1. A dogs love is like no other,

    Its equal can't be found.

    Its lick can melt a heartache,

    Unique bark - unique sound.

    Tiny eyes can sense our feelings,

    Tiny paws will say, "yes please."

    A multitude of emotions,

    Yet they show it with such ease.

    They always welcome our return,

    Or just a, "good morning" wag.

    A love thats unconditional,

    It doesn't need a tag.

    Its only when you know that love,

    That a little dog can give,

    That you learn what love is all about,

    That, you then really start to live.

    Two paws are wrapped around me,

    Yet with such a gentle touch.

    That I look down and "thank them"

    Thanking them for giving much.

    Few words can convey,

    The vastness of their skills.

    But its unison of ownership,

    And not a game of wills.

    A bundle of boundless energy,

    Regardless of their age.

    A pup within an old mind,

    Nothing counts at this stage.

    Unlike us, who show our age,

    They grow old, yet become again- young.

    Where a lifetime is for living,

    The continual life, thats just begun.

    So thank you, our darling angel,

    Thank you for WHO you are.

    A glorious shining angel,

    The very brightest star.

    Rest peacefully Angus. I am so sorry Danois, all our love sweety. he is free.

  2. I have found over the last few months that a stern no or arhhhhhh does the trick. As soon as he listens to you lots of praise and offer him a toy that he is allowed to have.

    I have started this from a young pup as yours is and have had no problems with mine. She is now 8 months and has never really chewed up anything except she does love soxs.

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