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Posts posted by pebbles08

  1. Someone called me wanting to adopt a foster after their loved pet of 7 years died after a tick bite in around April - May...in Hunters Hill in Sydney! Not near bush or in summer!!

    Hunters Hill is very bushy, always been lots of ticks there.

    I have just been reading about ticks and the poor case of Darcy I never knew ticks were so bad.I used to live on a farm and had horses and sure we got ticks but I never knew they could kill.

    I live in WA in the northern suburbs I'm not sure if this is a tick area ,however I should be using something,I just saw some info you all posted about different products.I thought I might go for something like front line and is it called proban? But which one is the best of the two? and where do I get it from please? My dog is a year year old.

    This is a great tread.I am going to also read about fleas also.My wee dog still itches even though a week ago I flea her but with a product from the supre market( I know better now) do some dogs just itch anyhow? On one of my post when I asked people told me what to look for and honesty I don't see fleas or anywhere where the skin is pink or raw?

    Is my dog just doing this for no reason? Its not all the time its just I would a have thought she did not need to scratch at all mostly she scratches her neck and between her legs?

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