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Posts posted by abcalert

  1. I like him, he does not say he is a trainer anyway, what he does do, and if you watch him you will see him do it, is teach people more so than the dogs, once the people are acting right, the dogs fall into line, I think many country people would never need him, they understand animals simply because they live among them, many City folk do not have this experience to fall back on and thus can learn a lot from him.

    As to the law suit(s), like many I guess he has to have employees and maybe somebody messed up there, or maybe it is a case of a neurotic owner(s) exaggerating, if you were not there you can not say what happened

  2. Hi All,

    Australia's second Pro Sports and training seminar will be held near Brisbane next month from the 12 th of October to the 14th, we are bringing Butch Cappel out from the USA again to train and at least two experienced Australian trainers will also attend,

    Our main focus here is to try and get as much interest as possible from the owners of large dogs in particular to encourage them to learn about controlling their dogs , many think they do not need help with obedience but they are often the ones who need it most!

    What we would like to see come from this is a nucleus of owners and trainers get together and form a network to have other training days and maybe even sports days in other states and or cities

    My personal interest in all of this is to help so something positive to help keep our large and particularly protective type breeds safe, it is the owners lack of understanding of their dog's psychology and how to correctly train their dog which leads to most dog attacks, I believe that we will soon see a move away from a breed specific approach and that we, the owners will have to be far more knowledgeable and be able to prove we are, to even be allowed to own a dog capable of doing much harm to the average adult or larger child, the rate of killings by dogs and the horrific damage done to children and adults by dogs simply has to stop, BSL has failed, the next thing will be regulations which may well endanger all our larger dogs, because we may no longer be allowed to own them any more than we can own a tiger and have it in our backyard as they can in USA!

    Any dog is welcome, it need not be a pure breed nor need it be trained, that is what this seminar is about, some dogs there will of course already be trained but many will be coming along for the first time.

    Anyone interested in learning more can PM me

    Cheers Maria

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