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Posts posted by Sooleng

  1. Maybe he was trying to hide it from you by eating it???

    Thanks everyone, you input has given me some comfort in the matter as it is common practice among dogs. The thought of it still makes me cringe though :p

    He is on 1 cup of "advance" puppy complete balanced diet (dry food) with 2 tablespoons of Optimum puppy can food (mixed together) three meals a day. He also gets plenty of dried "chicken liver" as treats when he responses well to training throughout the day. On top of that he gets one piece of Science Diet treat with real chicken in the evening. Plus - when my daughter goes to work and before I get home, he gets pork hide twist everyday to chew on while he's by himself during those couple of hours. He also gets smoked bone if he's behaved outstandingly (not everyday of course :thumbsup: ).

    As you can see he can't be eating his poo because he's hungry :D

    Besides the breeder said he's been on those dog food since he was weaned from his mum. She told me not to change his diet until he's a bit older as it might cause diarrhea. If I really need to, I have to do it slowly over a period of two weeks.

    By the way, isn't the pineapple a bit too acidic for puppy tummy??

  2. We adopted a golden retriever a couple of weeks ago. He's now twelve weeks old. As the kitchen is the only tiled floor with reasonably big enough area for him, there's where he sleeps nightly and when we are at work or out at shops.

    While I'm home from work I give him 95% of my attention. We play outdoor as soon as I get home and indoor during the evening.

    We started the toilet training with backyard trips - hour on the hour, encouraging him by saying the word "toilet"; whenever he did a pee or poo, he gets rewarded. Toilet training is on going well and only a few misses but mostly happy success.

    All was going well until the rain started. He gets distracted by the rain fall, water going down the down pipe, puddles, you name it. Although he'd eventually did he pee or poo but he also started doing them inside on those days (mostly pees and only a couple of poos - thank goodness we are prepared with fantastic carpet spray). I end up spending all my spare time mopping up after him.

    Yesterday he did a sneaky poo on my carpet just as I was getting ready to go outside with him (I was pouring a cup of tea and would have only taken my eyes off him for 1 min). Well I didn't realised it at first, so we spent about half an hour outside (in the rain) walking around and waiting for him to do his business.

    On returning inside, I smelt the offence............. and he's eaten most of his own poo........ I was totally HORRIFIED !!!!!

    I would like to know why and how to teach him not to...........

    I'm also worry if this isn't healthy for him because we gave him the all-wormer yesterday morning (and 12 wks C5 vaccination on Friday)

    Appreciate any advice :thumbsup:

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