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Posts posted by shepherdpower

  1. Just wondering what other vets charge for a single consultation for pets. I had to take Elke for a check-up, and just the consultation fee alone was $67.50. Is that a normal fee for most other vets?

    There doesn't seem to be any limitations on what vets are able to charge from what I understand.

  2. After those three little labradorX pups being found dumped in a bin outside a service station - only one survived. Now the poor darling Shepherd jammed into a bird cage. It's frightening and vile. One rotten incident seems to set off a chain reaction. Others copy it. What kind of psychos are out there?

    I'm also concerned that the Shepherd won't survive. How do we catch the gutless b*stds who do these cruel and unforgiveable things?

  3. Hi all - Well, I have decided to find a new vet. after ringing my local with an emergency situation - dog hit in eye - and being told they were booked out and told to take him to the other side of town for treatment - in peak hour traffic, and a very distressed dog! I have been going there for years, but obviously loyalty means nothing these days.

    Anyway, I would really appreciate some suggestions please on who you have had good experiences with, near Daw Park and surrounding areas. I love my dogs - they come first - and I just want a vet. who feels the same way about animals.

  4. When I come home, I always say something like "Hi Guys", to acknowledge my dogs, but I don't make a fuss of them. I just wander around, put my shopping away, etc., as though I haven't been out at all. It seems to work with them really well, as although they always greet me at the gate, with tails wagging, they don't go crazy. The younger one used to when she first came to live with me. She used to jump on the gate, so I would just turn my back until she got down, then open the gate as if nothing had happened, and just walk in. When she used to race around in circles, I would just ignore it and keep walking inside.

  5. Yes, you are very perceptive, and I appreciate you understanding what I was trying to say. So, thank you so much.

    I'm reading between the lines and have come to the conclusion that your current boy is your "heart dog"... would that be correct?

    If so - there will never be a "right" time for him to go to the Bridge to wait for you.

    When he does have to leave you in this life, it will hurt, and your heart will break in a way it's never been broken before... however, his memory will still make your heart sing when you reminisce for the rest of your life - and that is a treasure our dogs leave with us even though their lives have been so short compared to ours.

    Just enjoy each other's company while you are together - and if/when his time comes (preferably in a long time from now), deal with it at that time, OK?


  6. I know you're all absolutely right with your comments, and I certainly do appreciate the time I have with my dogs and want them to be as happy as possible while I have them. I think I've just felt other people's pain through losing their pets, and it brings back the sadness I've been through when I've lost my other dogs.

    You're all so down to earth and sensible, and I do realise that what you are saying is right. I just needed a good kick up the bum to put me back on track.

  7. My Shepherd boy is eight years old, and has arthritis but otherwise is in good health and shape after his last vet. check-up.

    A friend lost her 9 year old Shepherd a few months ago, and I shared her misery and the trauma she went through, then the man across the road from me had an Akita female right from a pup. He had always owned German Shepherds, but decided to adopt an Akita instead, as his reasoning was that German Shepherds were becoming too inbred and weren't living to a good age any more. Ironically, and it's so sad, but his Akita contracted cancer and has just died at the age of 8 years.

    I know I'm over-reacting, but I have become so protective and worried about my German Shepherd boy, and am so scared of losing him. I know it's probably a stupid reaction, but how do I stop worrying about him all the time? It's really getting me down.

  8. I was wondering about dogs being vaccinated yearly versus dogs not being vaccinated (after their initial puppy courses).

    What ages did your dogs live to when they were regularly vaccinated - and what ages did your dogs live to when you stopped having them vaccinated. Does that make sense?

    Just weighing the pros and cons of each scenario.

  9. The vet. checked for a bladder infection, stones, etc. I went back to the vet. today and Elke had her hormone levels tested, but I think Kavic (e.g. spey incontinence) may have hit the nail on the head. I am going to put Elke's coat on her during the night, as suggested by aussielover, because maybe the bed is not enough even though she sleeps inside. I did take her out late last night to relieve herself before she went to bed, but this morning there was still a wet patch.

    I am looking at everything at present, and I really appreciate the input from all of you DOL's. The good thing is that Elke is a very happy girl, lively, shiny coat, eats well etc., so I will gradually work through this until I get to the actual cause of why she is doing this.

  10. I have two dogs, a male Shepherd, 8 years old, and a female Border Collie/Kelpie mix, 4 years old - both desexed and house-trained!!!!, or so I thought!. My problem is my female, Elke, has decided on these cold, wet nights, that she doesn't want to go outside to urinate, she would rather stay on her lovely warm Snooza bed and urinate there. I have had her Vet checked, and there are no problems with her bladder control, etc. I replaced her old bed with a new one, purchased a special "Doggy Loo" for her to use inside the house if she really HAD to, but No, she wets her bed instead. She can go inside and outside at all times, night and day, at will through a doggy door. In summer - no problem with wetting at all, but since the cold weather, she is totally reluctant to leave her warm bed.

    Any suggestions please??? I know it's a stupid question, but in desperation, is there some kind of repellent I can spray, that won't repel her from getting on her bed, but will discourage her from wetting it.

  11. Hi all,

    I realise that this is a forum for dogs, but I just had to bring everyone's attention to the horrific slaughter of Australian cattle that is taking place in Indonesia. I have attached a link for a petition to be signed, by anyone who wishes to do so. This petition will be presented at Parliament House tomorrow morning.

    I hope I haven't offended anyone by putting this on the DOL forum, but I feel so passionate about this issue that I had to share it with you all.

    Anyway, here is the link :


  12. Hi Bark, yes I have used homeopathic remedies on my dogs for many years, with great success. I purchase my remedies from http://www.holisticanimalmedicines.com/. Also, more recently, from http://www.healwithease.com/

    I have had great support and advice from them, and thanks to their products, my dogs have maintained excellent health.

    If you have any doubts, I am sure that if you contact them, they will be happy to discuss anything you want to know.

    I realise that there are many skeptics out there regarding homeopathy, but from my experiences, they have proved so valuable in assisting me, in particular with my female German Shepherd, who the vet. had told me would need to be put to sleep as there was nothing else that could be done. That wasn't good enough for me, and that is why I investigated natural remedies, and came upon Holistic Animal Medicines. I believe that their products saved my dog's life, and gave her several more years of quality, good health and happiness.

    I use their products regularly, some every day, for example, for plaque on their teeth, and whenever I go to the vet. for their general check-ups, he always comments on the excellent condition of my dogs' teeth.

  13. My Elke's dew claw pads are very brittle and dry. The other pads are normal, but the dew claw pads are brittle, and when you run your fingers over the area, it feels quite sharp where it is split.

    Can anyone recommend something I could apply to the area, or do you think it could be a dietary issue?

    Any help appreciated.

  14. Yes, it does make you wonder doesn't it. My first German Shepherd, when I was pretty ignorant about a lot of things, was fed Pal canned food, mutton and vegetables cooked together, and a lot of raw meaty bones. He lived until he was nearly 16, and was very active. I guess, as with most things, it's in the genes!!!

    Who really knows what's best, when it comes down to it. A friend owns a Staffy female, and all she is fed is whatever canned foods are on special - she's nearly 16, and still chasing the ball everywhere, in great condition, shiny coat, happy - never gets sick....

  15. I have two dogs, and they are fed the BARF way. Now and then they get some Eagle Pack dry food, just as a bit of a change.

    A friend has a 19 year old cat, which lives on canned cat food "Whiskas". She previously owned another 4 cats, which were fed the same way. All of her cats have lived long and healthy lives, the current one still fit and healthy on this diet.

    I wondered if I'm too, too conscious of feeding my dogs the "natural way", and would like to know your' opinions on canned dog foods, who feeds them to their dogs, which brands, etc., and have your dogs lived healthy and long lives on canned foods?

    It has just made me wonder after seeing my friends cat, and looking at photos of all of her previous cats, and how healthy they looked at such old ages.

  16. Does anyone know where you can buy those ''nodding dogs'' that you stick on the back dash of cars. I'd like to get one of a German Shepherd, but I suppose if they did make GS ones, they'd look stupid. I always notice that when I look at German Statues they look so unrealistic and stupid, yet other breeds look really good. I don't know whether GS's are too hard to make, but I rarely see anything that looks remotely like a Shepherd.

  17. Hi all

    Can someone recommend a really comfortable dog bed which is suitable for a long-haired Shepherd. I have one of the Snooza Durobeds, which is okay, but at the stage where it needs to be replaced. It doesn't matter what kind of bed I buy for him, his hair absolutely sticks to all of them and it is so hard to get off. I want a bed that is well-padded but easy to wash. He is a big dog, and he needs as much comfort as possible, as he is getting a bit of arthritis now, so something supportive as well.

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