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Posts posted by iluvstaffies

  1. Thanks everyone for the advice and concern :)

    We went to the vet who took some skin samples and combed through all his fur ... There are no mites, fleas or flea eggs, but his skin samples showed a bacterial infection, so I have been given some Neotopic - H (hydrocortisone) cream to use for 3 - 5 days and if that doesn't help (which it does seem to be working) they will give him some antibiotics ...

    Now all I have to do is find out what's causing it :o

    i would add flax seed or linseed to his diet this will give him the omega 3 fatty acids he needs for a healthy skin and coat. this will help prevent further infections. i once had a pup with the same prob i fixed her with this and ever since all my dogs receive this and now all their coat shine and i never have any probs with hotspots or any type of skin infection. hope this helps to prevent whats causing this to reoccur.

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