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Posts posted by lisat

  1. Trying to choose a new car that will suit us -2 adults and 2 labs. On the list we are considering is the :

    Mazda 6 sportswagon



    VW Tiguan (1st choice but seems to small for the dogs)


    Does anyone have any preferences, am thinking we need to consider the height of the back, at the moment the dogs are 1&2yrs old but plan on having the car for awhile.

  2. We wanted 2 and decided against the same litter after considering all the points raised instead we now have two male labs who are 7 months apart. (same father). It was tough going the till the youngest was about 16 weeks old but now it is just amazing and we believe completely worth all the effort.

    It was hard going monitoring the "play" and making sure the joints did not get too much of a work out in the early days.

    Yes the youngest is more bonded with the older pup, but we have done all we can to ensure he is bonded with us too.

    It is just so lovely to see them play and sleep together and I am so comfortable now leaving them at home with company.

    The first two months of the 2 together where extemely hard and time consuming as they are with any pup just a little more so but the return is twice as much as well! We are very very happy with the age difference and glad we didnt go with litter mates.


  3. We have a macademia nut tree that is now dropping huge amounts of nuts. The cockatoos are eating them and discarding the half eaten nuts for our two young labradors (5mths and 1 year) to chew on and eat them.. at the moment we have seen no side effects but know they are toxic and are watching out for signs.

    We are trying to pick the nuts up but finding it very hard as it is a constant non stop job...

    We want to keep the tree as it gives us great well needed shade. We would love to be able to sterilise the tree so that it stops producing nuts - is this possible????

    Another thought was a net but it is a big tree so not sure if its the best way.

    Any ideas on what we can do.. anyone also had this problem.


  4. Thanks for your replies. No they are fully separated with a wooden banister, then a puppy pen and cage. We never ever leave them unsupervised for a minute at this stage, we are very careful that the 8 week old is very protected and doesnt get too much activity. I guess my question is when should we be able to increase this, but from all the advice from the vet and the breeder is to monitor and slowly increase the time as the pup gets older.

  5. We are very excited to be picking up our new male Labrador puppy this weekend he will be 8 weeks old. We currently have a very beautiful male Labrador 9 month old and he is generally well behaved and trained. He has a penned off area to our fully enclosed patio/Sunroom that has a dog door with full outside access to a big backyard.

    I am seeking advice on how much time they should have together, mainly during the night and on the 3 days a week while I am at work. We are worried about the puppy getting to much activity for his bones and not enough sleep.

    Around what age should we increase this time together?

    Are there any other things we need to keep an eye on?

    At meal times we will also make sure they have their own areas.

    We will be asking the breeder for his advice but if anyone can help with any suggestions it is appreciated.

    Many Thanks Lisa

  6. Hi,

    Have been reading alot on the forum and learnt heaps over the past few weeks but this is my first ever post.

    I have an 8week old gorgeous Labrador and am looking for a good puppy school for him, does any one have any recommendations or good experiences?

    I have just spoken to Hanrob and they seem to have a casual 30min class, but I thought something more (longer/detailed) would be best?

    Any advice much appreciated. Am in Sydney the Sutherlandshire - Jannali/Como/Sutherland/Kirrawee area.


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