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Posts posted by Nichole

  1. Maturity and genetics and exercise (appropriate for his age).

    Unless you really want to wander off into the world of steroids there is nothing that can create muscle except for hard work. Good quality protein (IMO this would be a raw diet) certainly helps but it won't make things appear out of no where.


    Thanks for the reply Sandra... I think we will be just waiting until he matures... I would never ever go down a steroid road, I don't believe in anything like that.

  2. Hi everyone....

    Just wanting some opinions. I have my Amstaff who is 10 months old. He has been in the show ring a few times but the main issue im being told with him is that he is a lot of leg and no a lot of muscle. He is eating Advance Puppy at the moment and I have just started him on Roo meat because beef makes him itchy. :p

    Anyone got suggests on a better diet for muscle development? Otherwise we will just wait till he matures more. He's my baby and I think he is gorgeous regardless but the judges dont see it... (guilty of being Bias though) :p

    Thanks in Advance :welcome:

  3. I suspect you were given anti-biotics to cure the problem, if so I HIGHLY reccomend feeding Yoghurt.

    Just a normal size tub a day for 3 or 4 days.

    Reason is that antibiotics kill all bacteria, but they need some in the gut to break food down and yoghurt will provide it.

    Easy to feed as they ( usually ) like it


    Thanks Dave.... What type of Yoghurt do i buy? is it just a natural one? Thanks :cry:

  4. Thanks everyone for the replys....! I didnt think id ever be so happy to see a # 2 as i was yesterday afternoon :thumbsup: ... still bit runny but much better. He is getting back to his normal self slowly!.

    Taking in all the info about the chicken and rice so thanks for all the tips!

  5. Hi Everyone...

    Quick question as i haven't had a dog with this before. My 9month old puppy had bad runny water poos and was vomiting a few times so we took him to the vet Friday morning. They gave him an injection and some scourban and tablets to fix him up (didnt say Gastro but thats what im suspecting). They also put him on rice and chicken diet. So last few days we have followed everything they told us. He is not eating the rice but loves the chicken so is eating small portions of boiled chicken and isnt drinking as much as normal (but im forcing him to do so in this heat).

    Only problem is he hasnt done a poo since early friday morning he is weeing OK... is this normal? He is a bit lathargic (but the heat knocks him around normally) he isnt himself and i can understand that with a tummy issue. But im just not sure when he is supposed pass something.

    Any ideas?...

    He has to go back to the vets tomorrow afternoon for checkup but im wondering if i should take him earlier than that.

    Thanks in advance

  6. I know there has been heaps of topics on allergies and I have done a search but still not sure.

    My Amstaff has really pink skin inbetween his toes on his feet and a red belly. He licks at his feet and paws.

    He gets fed Royal Canin, Chicken Wings, sardines, Beef mince and rice. Not all at the same time but mixed up.

    Is there anything in that diet that could be causing? or maybe its just Grass which we unfortunatley can help having...

    There is no welts or pimple like things just some redness.... puzzled! :thumbsup:

  7. no need to worry just keep up with 4weekly worming and follow the advice above...its normal...... :love: ..have you wormed him since he was a pup ?? and did he have worms then ??.....If not catching worms is so easy so dont be alarmed.....(just asking only) :laugh:

    Thanks everyone for the replies, was a bit worried for a while there..!... we have always wormed him when we should and has been wormed since a pup. Will worm him in another 4 weeks and hopefully we wont have this trouble again!...

    Thanks everyone

  8. My puppy is almost 5 months old now and we wormed him yesterday using Sentinal. This morning i noticed some longish white things in his poo so i googled them and they look a lot like round worms. There was only 2 of them. Should i be worried and take him to the vet? or is this something "normal"?


    Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:

  9. sometimes dogs will rub there mouths on the ground, chew sticks et. if you are feeding your dog bones on concrete or he is having a bad tim teething which is causing him to rub his mouth this can cause little bumps on the inside of the lips which can turn to ulcers. best to keep an eye them and if you are concerned see a vet.

    Thanks for that MissMoo!, theyare getting a little better so I havent taken him to the vet yet. I will monitor them and see how he goes. He often rubs his face on the ground and chews on bark but he is also teething at the moment so hopefully its all a combination of that and it goes away! Thanks :thumbsup:

  10. Are they on the inside or outside? Oscar has tiny little bumps on the outside of his lip?

    They are on the inside of his lip, like pimple type bump things... i think we might take a trip to the vet to be sure.

  11. Hey Everyone,

    My 4 month old Amstaff is loosing his teeth and i have just noticed some little ulcer type things on his top lip. They are all inline with his teeth so it looks like they could be rubbing.

    Has anyone had anything like this before? Anything i can do for him? I am sure its got to be uncomfortable for the poor thing :laugh: !


  12. My amstaff is on RC (medium puppy) now and has been for about a week... pretty happy with it so far. He seems more full and he is not pooping as frequently as he was on supercoat... Although its a little expensive, its worth it as we don't need to feed as much as a lesser priced food... :thumbsup:

    We havent tried chicken wings.... i am a bit worried about the bones and them getting stuck :)

  13. The place that sells the meatloaf sells kangaroo mince and chicken mince. I thought to much grain may be the case. He doesn't really seem to enjoy anything he eats, except the chicken necks, wings etc.

    I think he just has sensitive skin, he seems to bite and scratch a fair bit and he doesn't have fleas. I was told it could be beef so have cut out all beef yet he does still seems to scratch a little. Not a terrible amont just as much as if he had fleas but have had him flead several times and had the vet check.

    We are considering changing dry food. Possibly Royal Canin?

    We are trialing Royal Canin Medium Junior on our boy now .... he had bad gas when he was on supercoat but we have noticed he isn't half as gassy now. He also has sensitive skin with flaking not sure if that’s changed on the new food but we have only started introducing the new food a few days ago, I can let you know though. We also feed him mince and yoghurt and also sardines once a week...

    Good Luck... :-)

  14. Thanks everyone for some good advice. We are going to take hima bit earlier next week to try to settle him a bit earlier. We will also limit the playtime with the over excitable boxer he plays with.

    Thanks NewAmstaffOwner, i thought he turned into devil dog so i am glad he is not the only one! Good to hear your boy is settling down and ihope ours can too! I suppose patience is the key there.

    A comment from one of the maltese dog owner when patting my amstaff "so here's the killer"!! What The?!...... :eek::eek::party:

    Its amazing how uneducated peope can be sometimes! I've had several people say that about our Staffy and it could not be further from the truth! The only way ours will kill something is lick them to death! :laugh:

    Exactly!... You cant look at our boy and say that... as cesar milan would say its not the breed its the deed...! :)

  15. Hi Everyone,

    Ok, so last night was our first night at puppy pre-school....... My amstaff (3months) just lost it! At home he is really good, sits, stays, drops etc. But at the school with all the dogs all he wanted to do was play. He was jumping barking crying you name it. During this time the trainers told us to take him to the corner and face the other way, plus reward him when he is quiet. Funnily enough he still did all the drops and sits as he was supposed to but it went unnoticed as we were tucked in the corner :laugh:

    When it came to play time he humped and chased the other dog and the trainers picked him up and said no more... :laugh:

    Does anyone have any good techniques to settle him down? I am hoping this behaviour will stop! Does him playing with bigger high energy dogs not help this behaviour?

    A comment from one of the maltese dog owner when patting my amstaff "so here's the killer"!! What The?!...... :eek::eek::)

    Any opinions / help would be great!

    Thanks everyone

  16. Hi Everyone, my Amstaff Diesel has just started puppy school and the trainers want us to teach the dogs a trick and the best trick wins a prize..... We are up against some very cute puppies (the who doesnt love them type faces :cry: ).

    Does anyone have any ideas of some good and easy tricks for my boy to learn? He is a fairly quick learner which is good! :-)


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