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Posts posted by Beaglesareourlife

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of beagles!!

    These little guys are fantastic energetic dogs!

    two and a half years ago was my first ownership of a beagle and they are smart learn fast.

    We initially got my little boy and we also worked long and odd hours and he got very lonely and would hate us leaving in the morning, so we got him a little girl they are great friends however mine both had a love of undies especially ones that had been on you for the day!! Thankfully they are long out of that stage now.

    The best first book I found for them was Beagles for dummies it was a great book and talks about all the things that you are after.

    With the toilet training this is about your dedictaion. During the night when my dogs were young 8 to 12 weeks I set the alarm and would get up every couple of hours to toilet them and then when they were in the process of their buissiness I would reapeat wees wees wees (ok it makes you sound a little crazy to the neighbours), but let me tell you it does not take too long beofre you can take them out and say the magic word and they will associate it and do their buissiness.

    I would also recommend taking her to puppy classes it is great for socialisation and also basic command things sit, lay down etc!

    My dogs have a toy box and they are welcome to do as they please with their toys but if I find them chewing anything that is not theirs I remind them that their toys are what they chew on (Say a strong no to what they were eating and take them to their toys and encourage them to chew them) This seemed to work and they now forrage through their toys and destroy at will.

    I hope this helps

  2. Both of my dogs had it some months ago.

    They contracted from the dog next door who had been sick but I did not realise with what as I have never had to deal with KC before :rolleyes: . Charlie my little boy started to cough uncontrollably one night and I took him straight to the vet the next morning, and alas it was too late to seperate them :laugh: as it was likley that my little girl Toffee had already been infected sure enough four days later as the vet had predicted she started to cough too.

    I was a bit ignorant to Kennel cough as I knew that they had been vacinated however the vet set me straight and told me that it could be worse if they were not vaccinated however they can still contract regardless just not as badly as if they were not vaccinated.

    Just watch out for secondary infections as both of my dogs had secondary infections and became really sick :laugh: for about two weeks and the people next door would not get their animal treated so I have now isolated my dogs from their fenceline. Both the dogs came good after a course of Antibiotics for the secondary infection and TLC. I also found that a teaspoon of honey dialuted with warm water calmed the cough.

    Hope this is helpful :laugh:

  3. Hi

    I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on the subject of hip xrays. I had both of my beagles hips xrayed last week and to my surprise was told that the xrays remained the property of the vet? They did not really even want to show them to me until I was quite insistent!

    When I have had xrays and have paid for them they are mine to have so is this normal practise for a vet?

    Any advice would be appreciated


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