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Posts posted by kman80

  1. Hey guys,

    Just wondering if an experianced amstaff owner can help me with a unusual behaviour that I experianced from my 17 month old male. He has growled really agressively at me twice now. He has never growled like he did at me, he doesn't usually growl, not even others dogs that bark at him. The first time was when he didn't hear me come home from work. He normally hears my car and is usually by the back sliding door before I get inside! So when I got home I went around the back to see what he was up to. I got to about 10metres from him and he growled at me as if I was a complete stranger! The weird part was that he could see me but still growled. The sound was like he wanted to attack me! As soon as I called his name, within a few seconds of him growling, he stopped and started wagging his tail like normal. He then came to me like nothing happened.

    So on the weekend, I thought I would walk around the back without him hearing me. Sure enough when I sneaked up to him, I was about 5 metres away, he growled at me like he wanted me to go away! As soon ad I called his name ge was back to normal.

    I just don't understand this particular behaviour because both times he could quite clearly see that it was me. I'm not sure if my dog has bad eyes and needs glassed bacause he was a problem seeing past 5 metres or if he didn't like me sneaking up on him. I have tested this a few more times and didnt growl all times only twice. Both times when he growled I am sure he was sleeping, so I'm not sure if this was anything to do with it. Normally when he's asleep he has no problems with me waking him up.

    Does any one have any suggestions or possibly experianced similar??

  2. Hi All,

    Just wondering if anyone can help out with instructions on how to glue my puppies ears (so they both become rose or half prick). She is am AMSTAFF and is slightly over 8 weeks old and don't want to leave it too late. Obviously not our main priority but she is on mains register and would like to keep her options open for potentially showing her. Problem at the moment is that one of her ears doesn't sit properly.

    Maybe if someone in SA with experience in gluing staffy ears can actually glue her ears for me the first time and I can re apply once I have been shown.

    Many thanks,


  3. Hey guys,

    I have read numerous threads explaining the benefits and nutritional value of a BARF diet. Apologies in advance if the topic I am presenting has been posted in the past but I haven't quite found exactly what I need to know (I'm a very lazy reader!). I have an AMSTAFF, one we picked up just on the weekend (8 weeks) and the other about 15months. I have always fed my now adult AMSTAFF a combination of dry food and chicken mince, a serve in the morning and a serve in the evening. I suppose the reason I have used this basic formula is because this is what the breeder has used and recommended.

    What I would like to know from experienced owners feeding their dogs a BARF diet is EXACTLY what are you feeding your pup/dog. I would like someone to provide me with a specific list of what exact meat/bone they are feeding their pups/dogs in the morning and evening. In other words, can someone please provide me with a BARF diet program.

    I live in SA, so if any Adelaidians can tell me where the best place to source a good BARF diet.

    Thank you all!!!!


  4. Hi,

    Yes SBT123 is absolutely correct, I don’t suggest exercising a young pup for 30-45min. I was referring to exercising my dog and he is about 17months. I started to increase our walks from about 12months. I even heard that a pup shouldn’t jump out of a car until around 12 months when their bones are more developed and they should be carried or lifted out of a car. So excessive exercise, strenuous or physical stress on the pup’s body should be avoided. Maybe someone with more experience can confirm on this.

    When my dog was a pup, I never left him in the laundry or a create all day, this I wouldn’t suggest as a pup will be confined without any movement/freedom. My pup was always left in the backyard, just make sure that your yard is puppy proof.

    When we get home, our dog is always inside with us and sleeps inside at night.

    Also make sure you participate in puppy classes so he/she is well socialised and adds something for you and your pup to look forward to.

  5. Hi Guys...

    Becoming really obsessed with this beautiful breed having never had a pet of any kind before.

    My husband and I want to introduce a beautiful red SBT girl to our family. (us & 7y.o boy)

    The more researching and reading the more I would like to have that special presence of this breed in our lifes. They just seem to have a magic about them. My husband has always been around dogs and his dream is to own a SBT and so is mine now.

    My question, one of many i guess, but the one that concerns me the most is:

    We both work full time and leave home from 8am till approx 5pm Mon - Fri.

    I would like to know what would then happen with her being left alone for so long?. What do people do when it comes to leaving them at home alone?

    Initially, Im aware of the demanding routine we will need to establish but I guess it would mean us taking a week off work between us and i'm afraid that will be it.

    I'm open to any suggestions. :provoke:


    We have a staffy and are in a very similar situation. I think it's all about giving your pup as much exercise as possible when you get home from work or before work (about 45-60min walk). This is the amount I spend with mine, of course if you have a pup, you can't exercise too much. My boy is now about 17months, and we go for an hour walk when I get home or a quick walk in the morning. Usually on the weekend we go to the beach or go to a big park with a group of other friends/dogs. So we spend alot of time together on the weekend to make up for the lack of time together during the week. Another thing that we do is take our boy to a friends house for the day every now and again, so my dog plays all day with another staffy and they do their staffy thing together (they are both males and they just wrestle all day). By the time I pick him up, he is absolutely buggered! He usually sleeps on the way home!! Another important thing that I think you should do is provide your dog with a variety of toys and marrow bones. Have plenty of toys but not all at the same time, rotate so he/she has something different toys each week/fortnight. It's all about eliminating boredom.

    I'm no expert and i am not sure if what i do is text book perfect but it seams to work well for me. My dog has never destroyed the garden or anything that he shouldn't so I can only assume he doesn't get bored while we are at work. Another surprising thing is that we live on a very small courtyard block. People say that your dog needs plenty of space if you are going to leave your dog at home. I don't know if my staffy is lazy or if the breed is happy to live within a small area but my dog is always happy as larry :D

    I hope this helps and good luck!

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