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Posts posted by lovemyamstaff

  1. Hi, just come across this thread.

    I just wanted to share my experience with Andonas. We got our boy from there, he is a great dog, beautiful temperment. Our dog is great with kids, and loves to play around with all his toys. Compared to some other Andonas Kennels dogs he is not quiete as big, but he is in proportion.

    From about a year old our boy started having seizures once a month. We have put him on medication and have had to up the dosage once and he is now also on another medication and valium when he has any seizures.

    This has been diagnosed as Epilepsy "unexplained seizures". We mostly have it under control at the moment, and we can see the signs leading up to when he may have one (actually he usually has three before the valium kicks in).

    We never asked about the health testing, we really should have. You do live and learn and we have from this experience.

  2. we were in the market for a new car just after we got our puppy, so decided to get a VZ commodore station wagon. Dual purpose good for the dog, we have the barricade so he can't jump onto the seats and plenty of room when kiddies come along. It looks pretty funny now though as we have the shades on the inside of the windows in the "boot" section for the dog........ so much cooler being about to crank up the airconditioning for him on a warmer day.

  3. Need some advice.

    My partner and i are getting married in November and we will be having a engagement party at home end of march.....

    Not sure what to do with our staffy boy. He is 8months old now. We had a party about a month ago and he hung out with us and was very excited at the start but generally just layed on his bed most of the night. It got to a point where he was looking a little confused so we let him in our bedroom to go to sleep.

    I was thinking of putting him in a boarding kennel when we have our wedding and thought maybe i should try him out on the engagement party night (i know that i will just worry on my wedding night if i try it first then) and also there will be a lot more people then last time and don't want him getting scared.

    It is only for one night each time. When we have our honeymoon he will be taken by my parents.

    Any suggestions or thoughts.

    I was looking online at boarding kennels and just can't imagine him sleeping in a little "cage",Can anyone share there stories.

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