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Ruth R

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Posts posted by Ruth R

  1. Just saw this post.  I have had my now 6 yo GSD on this using 4cyte for around 3 years, using the 3.5kg horse tub, as she has hip dysplaysia.  I can't say I notice much difference but will continue with it.  I introduced DoTerra copaiba 2 drops to her meal & she moves around a lot more now.  Another thought is to go to a canine chiropractor & see what they say.


  2. I found this diarrhoea relief in a book it is quite effective. Please note however if it doesn't work after 36 hours at the most go to the vet. Take 2 tablespoons of corn flour or arrowroot & moisten with cold water to a thin paste in a thick bowl, preferably metal. Pour on boiling water, stirring quickly, until it clears like old fashioned laundry starch. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of white sugar & 3 or 4 tablespoons (sml can) of evaporated milk & cool it well - an egg whisk will keep it from thickening too much. This drink can be repeated 2 or 3 times during the day until the condition clears up. If symptoms continue take the dog to the vet.

    Hi everyone,

    I know this topic has been probably done to death. What you folks do with this situation?

    Stella has had an upset tummy for 3 days now. The first 2 weren't very severe, just slightly loose stool. I starved her for almost 24 hours then gave her a small of steamed rice & chicken last night. My OH gave her a very small roo treat (against my wishes) & this morning she is worst then yesterday & the roo treat came out exactly the same way it went in. So she's not digesting anything :( slightly mucusy & very loose.

    I had to give her a tiny bit of steamed chicken this morning, as it is the only way I am able to give Stella her medication which she has to have 3 times a day. I have been giving her some Protexin & some Slippery Elm to try & settle her tummy down as well.

    Must admit I am starting to worry as this has been going on a bit long for my liking now :( Trip to the Vets be advisable you think??? What would they do to help her???She isn't showing any other signs of being unwell & still has a ravenous appetite. Typical lively Stella.

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

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