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Posts posted by loulouB

  1. update - got some malaseb from vet.

    turns out they probably picked up some bacteria when they went for a swim in the swan river a couple of weeks ago. Vet says the river is notorious for making dogs get stinky, especially at this time of year. Makes sense, because that was around the time they started smelling!

    Yay, im glad its not just from their beach swimming. they love their daily swim! i did think it was weird that after swimming at the beach every single day for their whole life to date, that all of a sudden it would be causing a stink problem.

    yuck - i feel sorry for the aquatic life that has to actually live in the river. Ew..

  2. If they are getting wet everyday their coats are probably not drying out completely, bacteria flourishes in the moist warm environment and that leads to smelly dogs.

    The problem areas are usually around the ruff.

    Yep - The labrador is black and she always dries off really fast, but the GR stays damp for ages - around the ruff like you said. I was wondering that seeing as she swims so much, it might be better for her coat to be clipped short?

  3. hi all,

    my lab and golden retriever really smell at the moment! they have been like this for a couple of weeks now. They swim at the beach and then have a fresh water rinse off every single day. i dont shampoo them much (because they usually dont need it!), but will do so today.

    its a really yucky dog smell (not just damp smell). And its weird that it is both of them? Any ideas?? Thanks

  4. I had a young and very anxious Goldie on Prozac a couple of years ago. He was a rescue dog and suffered separation anxiety was was in general an anxious dog anyway.

    I was heading off on holidays and the dogs were being kennelled for 2 weeks. I was worried how the young one would cope even though he had an older Goldie for company.

    Well I needn't have worried, the prozac did it's job and he was apparently very relaxed in the kennels. When I arrived to collect them, the young boy couldn't have cared less what was going on however the older one who I thought would cope fine, was a mess. I think he could have done with some prozac as well poor soul.

    The medication isn't a miracle worker on it's own, it is meant to be used in conjunction with behaviour modification training.

    Best of luck with your Goldie, hope you make great progress! :laugh:

    I wonder if the young goldie you had and mine are related.... I'm in Perth too. My dog is about to turn 3 next month. She has been anxious since she was a puppy - just born that way!

    I know there were 8 puppies in the litter, and have often wondered how the others turned out, and what became of them...

  5. thanks Monah, she is 33.5kg, so perhaps that is why its a high dose? The vet called it a 'moderate' dose.

    For the first 2 weeks she is on 1 tablet twice a day, and then i have to phone the vet to let them know how it's going.

    If it's doing nothing, he said we would then increase the dose to 2 tablets twice a day (which would be 200mg a day!!). But hopefully the initial dose will be enough.

    I have contact details for some dog trainers who specialise in behavioural problems, so will definitely try training her whilst on the meds...


  6. Hi All,

    My 3 year oldm female GR has just been prescribed Endep 50, 1 tablet twice a day.

    She has been prescribed it for anxiety, fear agression and obsessive behaviour. Hoping it will giver her a better quality of life, as well as making her easier to manage!

    Anyone's dog used this med before? Did it help your dog? Does anyone have any tips/ warnings/ experiences to share?

    I really don't know what to expect.. whether there might be a really huge change in her personality, or whether it will just be subtle.. I am hoping she will be transformed into a calm and easy-going dog... but i think i might be dreaming...

    I also hope the side effects aren't too bad for her.. i know how for humans anti-depressants can have some horrible side-effects ( i have first hand experience!!)


  7. As I am one of the worlds biggest tight as**s so I bought a packet of Calendula seeds (Calendula officinalis) and planted them. They were up in 3 days and are now flowering...within 3 months.

    So, KitKat, buy some petals from who-ever-is-cheapest-at-the-moment and also plant some...they are really pretty in the garden as well!

    See how pretty--> post-26505-1281570147_thumb.jpg

    That's so cool that you grow them!! i might do the same.. Are you supposed to dry the petals out or anything before you drink them? Or do you just put them in fresh??

  8. Is Pet Plan the same company as Pet Secure??

    I am with Pet Secure.

    They just paid out for an xray and biopsy, and the money was in my account within a couple of weeks.

    Once though, i got annoyed with them, becase they wouldn't let me claim for treatment for a urinary tract infection, because she had had one before (before i had taken out pet insurance), even though it was unrelated to the first urinary tract infection??!

  9. Once a week for mine, shell and all.

    same here, but then it's into quarantine for a few hours as his farts are deadly :p

    Feed it outside and in the monring before heading off to work ;)

    yep, we learnt that lesson pretty quickly.. the first couple of times we gave it to him in the evening and then the stupid dog let them rip while sleeping on my lap watching tv.

    it's interesting to see his reactions to being offered different foods.

    fruit - goes mental

    vegies - do i really have to?

    eggs - interested

    rmb - interested

    sardines - will do backflips

    dry (artemis) - will do backflips

    treats - watch your fingers!

    Haha! And i love watching their response when they get offered something new, that they've never had before! the first time i gave them a boiled egg with shell still on it, they carried them off bewilderedly, but then didn't have any idea what to do with them - were they a toy or something to be eaten?? i had to crack open the shell a bit to show them...

    And the first time i gave them a whole sardine each from the fish shop... they were so scared! i think it was the eyes... looking at them accusingly...

  10. Just wondering how often people feed their dogs eggs, and does it matter whether or not they are raw or cooked?

    My kelpie loves them cooked and raw, but just not sure whether he should have them daily, or just a couple of times a week.

    Thanks. :laugh:

    I'd like to hear the answer to this too.... mine love raw and cooked eggs...

    Lately i have been giving them a cold hard boiled egg each morning, they LOVE it, and eat them shell and all!

    Surely an egg a day can't be bad....

  11. The first time I gave my dogs Fish opil capsules, one of the dogs spat them out - just because it was something different, and she wasn't sure what they were.

    I had to break one open for her, to show her that there was deliciously fishy oil inside....

    Now they just chew them up like a treat!

  12. Mine only wear them when I take them out and about, and i am always there supervising.

    When they are at home they do not wear them. They are in a secure backyard they can't escape from, so what's the point in wearing one?

  13. Yep - i give my dogs bones like that! i get them sliced in half (long ways), and give half each. This means i can scoop the marrow out before i give it to them (marrow is really fattening, and my labrador is prone to getting chubby... :hug: )

    i think it's true they can damage their teeth on them, but i only give them every now and then...

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