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Posts posted by Dutchess

  1. I really wanted to post something up here cause I love my little Frenchie, so here's my reply to the questions...

    1. What is my relationship with the breed? (ie breeder, first time owner etc)

    First time owner

    5. What is the general temperament/personality?

    Duch is very cheeky, very spoiled and stubborn, but also a real clown, when she's hyper she runs laps around the house as fast as she can...

    6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult?

    Not much. We can't take Duch out yet cause she hasn't had her 12 week shots... So we spend at least a couple of hours each day trying to wear her out...

    7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with?

    I'm a first time puppy owner and apart from (me) being overly neurotic when we first got her she's been pretty easy to care for

    8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods?

    Hmm not really, the longest Duch has been alone is 4 hours and she made sure to let us know that she wasn't happy (as soon as we came home she pooped and pee'd in about six different hard-to-reach places

    9. How much grooming is required?

    Not much. We bath and brush once a week, he doesn't seem to shed to much hair either... Awesome!!!

    10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)?

    Mmmm I don't think the puppy would be too boisterous, but I would worry about people picking the dog up, we were warned by the breeder we got Duch from that bulldog are top heavy and thus easy to drop...

    Aaaand just because I think she's the cutest thing, some pictures of little Duchess...post-32596-1262784096_thumb.jpg

    I'm pretty sure at this point she was trying to tell me to get the camera out of her face...LOL


    Aaaaand, back to loving the attention!


  2. I have a 11 week old puppy and we're preparing for her 12 week immunizations which need to be done on Friday. I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on good vets in the inner west area?

    I know of a few, and have taken my fathers dog to sydney animal hospital in Newtown, but haven't had much experience with other vets or with taking a puppy to the vet. Just wondering if there are any inner westies out there that could recommend a god vet??

    Thanks a lot :laugh:

  3. I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this yet, but I have a small puppy and she is OBSESSED with empty pump water bottles, as soon as she even SEES one she goes nuts, and so far it's been the only toy to successfully capture her interest for more than a fleeting moment... :xmassantawave: I don't know if a water bottle would be good for bigger dogs though...

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