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gundogs xoxo

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Posts posted by gundogs xoxo

  1. My old chocolate girl has white under her paws and greyed at a very early age. One of the links about bolo spots said they wondered if there was a link between the white spots and greying as a adult?? I have had a few puppies with white pads in my choc puppies but not on the blacks... never had puppy families question it though.

  2. What have other breeders experiances been with bitches that either don't cycle or are very late to come into season. Has anyone successfully brought a bitch into season?

    I have one bitch that is now 2 1/2 and has never had a season, I have housed her with other cycling bitches but she still does not come in. We did hormone testing and all is OK...

    The second bitch has had one litter at 2 years old and has never come into season again, that was 3 years ago......

  3. We are on 5 acres too. We have a very traditional 3 block kennel that has a large grassed area fenced around it aprox 9x9 + two large fenced bays 6x9 which each has a shelter similar to a open horse shelter, we also then have a large paddock about half an acre that we use as a day run and then of course have the fenced house yard. All of my fencing is timber posts with dog wire and the 3 strainer wire. I have found this setup great with being able to separate puppies from older dogs etc.

  4. I have a Golden Retriever puppy from my last litter (now 10 weeks old) that has just been diagnosed with Cerebellar Degeneration. :)

    Her only symptom is a head nod like Perkinsons in humans. It started when she was around 6 weeks old.

    Has any one had a puppy with this problem or heard off it? I am unsure of the long term outcome for this puppy and would be interested in any one elses experiences??

  5. One of my girls had previously had long hard labours resulting in lost puppies. I chose to do a C-section even though she would have whelped her puppies on her own to avoid loss of puppies and the strain on her. I would do it again if I had another girl like her. Fingers crossed my current girls are great free whelpers

  6. We use Frozen Puppies in QLD out at Laidley. They are very good either way and have very high success rates for both. If I was bringing in from interstate I would always go chilled and just do a normal AI, the semen is so much more viable and frozen puppies can split it and do 2 AI's over 2 days. I would only use frozen with a surgical if there was no other way (dead dog or overseas dog) Price wise, frozen with a surgical will cost you double what chilled will.

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