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Posts posted by WillowGirl

  1. Hi, My 16 wk old DDB puppy seems to be a bit stiff in the hind legs every now and then.....

    Two weeks ago I noticed she was a bit stiff and had started to swing in the back end. I laid her down and stretched her legs gently to see if she was in pain and felt around them but nothing. When she got up the swing was less and she seemed fine.

    Today she got up from sleeping and tried to stretch her legs out behind her and seemed to be a bit stiff for a bit.

    I am terrified she has the beginnings of HD. Does it sound like it to you?

    I am taking her to the vet..... so worried.

  2. Hi, hope the spray keeps working. I had to stop my girl biting too, she was a terror. I used the saying ouch thing and Uh-uh. It worked, she is 16 weeks now and no biting since about 11 weeks.

    Wanted to add something about the cat problem :)

    My pup would chase and harass and try to play with the cats....I was worried and would always try to stop her.

    Well, the other day when she was eating the kitten (6 mths) went and tried to eat her food. I saw it and went running but...... she looked up and then sat back and let the kitty eat!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

    I had to take a pic it was soooooo cute! Hopefully your pup will come around soon :)

  3. I always do a lot of research before I do/buy anything....so I would always know something like that. Fascinating that so many don't. Especially when paying $1200 :eek: I wonder where these dogs they are breeding are coming from...I am assuming the 'breeders' start off with an actual PB cavalier and a PB poodle??? :confused:

  4. My friend bought a dog. It was a SWF. I asked her how much she paid for it. She said $250, I said 'Oh that's not bad...is she a cross breed?' She said no it's a Pure Breed. I asked her what sort, because that is CHEAP. She said a Pure Bred Maltese/Shih tzu.... :eek:

    I then explained that they were two different breeds and it was in fact a cross. I had no idea that someone would not know that.

    Anyone else come across this?

  5. I think I prefer boys. Had a male DDB, my heart dog. Now have a female pup, she is much more independent and.... well, stubborn and dirty. If there is anything to get messy with, she will find it. Much like my daughter. :laugh: He marked a lot but it didn't bother me. He never humped anyone, just a big teddy bear I used to have when he was a pup, bless him. :o If I get another it will be a boy.

  6. I was at the beach one time with my (now ex) partner and Zeus my Dogue de Bordeaux. The waves were crashing in but it was hot so the partner went in for a dip. I went to go in too but Zeus kept coming in after me! I tried to stop him and make him stay on the beach but he wouldn't have it. My partner sat with him so I could go in but he wasn't having that either!! :o He would have drowned if he'd gone too far in because the waves were fairly strong and about hip height.....so I ended up having to sit it out and watch my partner splash about from the safety of the beach with Zeus sitting protectively next to me. Lol. He was my heart dog. :heart:

  7. YES!!

    I used to have a rotti, Odin who was MY baby, and even tho the only time people ever saw him I was there too (we lived out of town at the time) they assumed he was my husbands dog!! I would always be the one walking him etc but becuase people saw him on the back of hubby's ute (me in the cab too!!) and not in my Triton (had a canopy on it so they could see the dogs anyway!) they always asked him questions about him...hubby used to always laugh and shrug his shoulders and say "I don't know. Not my dog. Ask her." :rofl: Then when we got our Bullmastif it made it even worse!!

    I'm not a small woman...6 foot tall actually!! So I don't know why people think "it's the man's dog" just becuase it's a larger breed?? ....btw, I now have SBT and people STILL assume they are HIS dogs!!! The only reason I went back to SBT is coz I now have kids and my eldest son doesn't like big dogs other wise I would have gone back to rotti's!!! :D

    Glad someone understands! Wish my ex would have said what your hubby did, he would carry on, and make it up. Drove me nuts. One of the reasons he is now an ex. Verbal diarrhea! :laugh:

    I once met a woman walking a very badly behaved staffie, and since it was her husband's dog and he'd recently split from her, and dumped the dog on her, the first thing she was going to do was have that dog's nuts off. Apparently it couldn't be done while hubby was still at home - because the dogs' balls and his were psychically linked. Neither the woman nor the dog deserved that man.

    :rofl: Think you might be right there.

  8. Just wondering if anyone else has people who don't know you well assume that your big dog must be your partner/husbands/brothers dog?

    I got Zeus, a DDB, (RIP) a year before I even met my partner but EVERYONE we met assumed he was his dog.

    Many, many times I have had people assume that my dog, who is at my house, is my brothers dog? They even know the dog lives with me not the brother, but say things like 'Love your dog, man' lol What the?

    Also, was visiting a new friend with my (now ex) partner and he mentioned I was getting a new pup..... the guy says ' a chihuahua?'... lol, ah, no.

    Pretty sure this is a form of sexism....anyone else had this happen and does it annoy the crap out of you?

  9. Hi, I have been reading about BSL in the other threads and kept thinking I would gladly run into

    a Pit Bull or any mix thereof than an unnacompanied German Shepherd Dog or Siberian Husky :laugh:

    I think I have a bit of a fear of GSD's since my cousin was bitten by a nasty one back when I was 10.

    It lived on a corner we had to walk past to go to school and it was out one time and bit my cousin.

    Have been wary of them ever since. Not that I think they are all nasty or anything.

    Also, saw a girl in emergency one time that had a nasty bite on her arm from her friends Sibe. Not nice.

    Wary of them as well, though I think they are beautiful looking animals.

    We also had a cranky, huge rotty live next door when I was a kid, but I am not afraid of them at all.

    Probably since I have met so many over my lifetime and most are real sweeties.

    So I was curious if anyone else has a bit of wariness regarding any particular breed (whether it be

    from a childhood trauma or not) or if you have been bitten by any breed, are you wary of that breed?

  10. Great read, I love genetics. Maybe a bit off topic, but the dogs from the first cross - Boxer x corgi.... I would NEVER have guessed there was any boxer in there at all! :o If someone here had put that pic up as a 'guess the breed'... boxer would not have even been on my shortlist.....Just goes to show...you never can tell!!!!

  11. Pretty sure Inbreeding is when the dogs being bred are close relatives eg. brother, sister...father, daughter. etc.

    Line breeding is when the dogs being bred have a few of the same dogs in their 3 gen pedigree, like same grandmother but in diff spots

    on the pedigree. If you know what I mean.

  12. Thanks for your replys. She has stopped jumping up. Still barks for attention though. I'm starting to think my big boy I lost last year ( also a DDB) was very polite and well behaved!!! He would follow me everywhere and sit on my feet half break my leg leaning on it etc, this little miss just goes and does her own thing, then comes back and barks at me! :laugh: She is so much more cheeky!!

    And Nekhbet, I can tolerate many things, dogs on my bed are not one of them :mad I have a hard enough time getting the kids out of it!!! ;)

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