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Posts posted by Didles

  1. My husband, stupidly, responded to one of these ad's and I just had to play along. Said British Bulldog was in Sydney, but she was ill so travelled to Adelaide to stay with husbands parents with children as they have a maid. I then got a scanned copy of a german passport, and claims her husband was a vet, when I ask general known health issues of Bulldogs this person was very vague. Needless to say I reported it and email German embassy with the passport photo and emails, just in case it was a stolen one.

  2. Will google her and find out thanks for that, I am not allowed to drive for six months as I have just had brain surgery but might get my parents to take us.

    Going to give the Calendula Tea a go as well as the sudacream and malaseb wash mix it up a tad, might even re-introduce natural yogurt to his brekky to help his insides and go back to sensitive advance from large breed. Then see this vet and go from there, got to love DOL and all your help.

    lol on the frenchie litter, fingers crossed there, we have had some bad experiences in the past with breeders who advertised here and sounded all legit until we went to go get our pup and turned out the litter had parvo as well as a frenchie litter they had who they put on the plane anyway, then we got Winston and he had awful hips but I just could not send him back so we kept him just very lucky he was from a wonderful breeder who understood, but we must of got one of those bulldogs that get everything!!! So I won't get any hopes up until I have a pup in my arms, won't stop me buying everything ready though!! Winston is very much one of our children and treated the same by all of us, lost count how many times my Mr 9 lets him out of his crate at night and we find them snuggled in bed together or at Mr 11 feet eating dinner getting his peas.

  3. Thank you all!!

    The tail is not very tight so we can get in and clean it. Our Vet who has a lot of experience with Bulldogs (he owns one too) said that it is not that bad to cause damage or operated on hence why I am finding out here what else to use. We have used the melasab (spelling shocking sorry) but might try the rush cream. We have had skin tests done when it is bad to rule out yeast infection and the antibiotics was when he had an ear infection and vet said it might help the tail but we had to treat the ear so it was like a double hit but it did nothing. Our winston has been plagued with issues since birth and I think our breeder will get annoyed if I emailed her with everything, he is over 2 yrs now so this is a problem that has just started in the last couple of months.

    Okay so will try to find where this vet is and go from there, thank you for the replies.

  4. Okay so my British Bulldog has some tails issues. He has a screw tail and the odour coming from it is terrible and it is also driving him nuts, we have been to the vet and tried the creams, washes and antibiotics but nothing is working it has gotten to a point where he hates it being wiped. Currently I am wiping it twice a day with cooled boiled water with salt and the drying it, this is an effort in itself as we have to pin him down. Any ideas would be gladly welcomed as he has now taken to scratching at night, which in a crate is very noisy...... Thanks in advance.....

  5. We went through this with our pup last year, we went to 2 vets and both said the same thing that he had HD one was without even doing x-rays but for him it was visable when he was walking. We had huge success with the surgery had a check up and his hips are not popping at all now. Don't need to go back for any more check ups just go to our normal vet

    I understand people feeling the way they do but in our case he did not want to move about. In our case it has not been a money making scheme because we were told on the 6 mth check that he doesn't need to come anymore, I feel the other way a vet that says yes he has that lets leave but I want to see you every 3-6months here is this medication thats more money making as it is $100+ a visit.

  6. Something very similar happened to us and our Baby, we spoke to the breeder and after much thought we kept him, the purchase price was refunded and it paid for the surgery and desexed at the same time.

    I think that conditions such as desexing is fair enough as you never know what happens even an accidental mating.

    It does show good faith and in my experience I would not have any problems going back to the same breeder they were caring, gave us options but were not demanding, and let us decide what we wanted to do. The puppy buyers are hurting as well as, like you said they have bonded being demanding or telling them it's this way or on your own will not be fair. And yes it is something that just happens.

  7. I did not ring that number I rang another,0403400629. But as we all know prepaid sims are as little as $2 does not take a genius to get a new number.

    I am aware I live in NSW so did Claire Scholes and her partner in February this year.

    These so called breeders put a French Bulldog that was infected with parvo on a plane to Melbourne with other dogs and pups from same litter, these so called breeders exposed there pups to a friends litter that were infected with parvo. Claire Scholes was a breeder under or involved with the breeder prefix Janedoe. I was a lucky one and only lost $300 but others lost more in vet bills. I feel it was a shame on the paper running this story without further looking into it, a matter that I have brought up with the paper itself.

    These people blackmailed me into deleting all posts on here about what was happening with me at the time, I did not because I felt the that others needed to be warned. I still stand by that choice. I quote from the email which I think applies here "Truth does nothings but b******t sells magazines" but in this case newspapers.

    I have no doubt that the dogs were stolen probably by another they had ripped off or scammed I feel sorry from the mother of the pups but not this family one bit all they have lost is there $$$$ most likely an income the authorities no nothing about.

    Talk about Karma.

  8. Oh yes remember it, our baby is now 6 mths and I loved the way hubby would comment it is my dog in the middle of the night (still does) we decided on a crate for night times and after some hiccups it is okay now. he went through at stage were he poop in it and I did not know and got it everywhere and at 3am having to go in the shower well umm you get how I was feeling. We are quiet lucky that he is predictable with his poop times and worked out if we feed him later at night he went all night without doing it. You need to build his bladder control and this is where the crate was good in theory they don't like to soil the sleeping areas, we still have had a couple of accidents but that was because I was too asleep to hear him.

    To give you an idea this is our routine:(approx times)

    6:30 wake up toilet, coffee time!!!

    7:30 breakfast, toilet and poop x2 (trust me everytime without fail!)

    from now I am getting the kids ready for school so he just follows and watches or goes back to sleep.

    9am toilet

    I do my housework now so he sleeps or plays on our deck/outside

    11am walk varies from an hour long at the beach or something or just around were we live

    12 come back and then he will sleep till when the kids get home so we meet them and toilet at the same time.

    3:30 play with the kids, potter about follow or just sit in front of the heater

    5:30 toilet break then continue like before

    9pm dinner, toliet poop

    snuggle or sleep then bed when we go.

    He is a british bulldog so pretty lazy but I love him all the same.

    You will get through these first few day maybe even a week and look back and think wow!

  9. No revision later in life just manage weight and muscle building exercises everyday (soft sand, swimming although he can't swim I just hold his belly up) The research he showed me said it is best done on a dog of that age, yes it is not common because people don't pick it up most times and so it is not an option for other pups. His hips were very bad and I have not regretted the choice, he has done a full 180 in his activity levels since he had it, the other choices were leave him in pain or PTS. We chose the surgery and it has worked well, his check up x-rays have shown a huge improvement so I can live with the choice. Even if he needs further surgery so be that, he is wonderful part of our family.

  10. My oh MY, these are the ones with the parvo pup I nearly bought, Thought the name rang a bell, stay far, far away from them, should ring and ask for my deposit back??? As I am still waiting.

    Just made a comment to the paper, this is just poor taste that think people can just forget.

  11. Winston had Pubic Symphysiodesis, they only do this one young dogs it is best before 22 weeks Ideally at 16 (when he had it) they fuse the hip joint where there is still cartlidge there to like anchor the hip joint and changes the way it grows a bit. We noticed the change straight away, at first we thought it's the pain killers but nope once he stopped that he was a different dog, running about the place and we could not keep him quiet at all.

    He loves his walks and trots along getting pats from everyone and making friends, I weaned him into it at first because his first walk was not until he was 20weeks but now we go nearly everyday and now just added beach walks, vet said to try and build as much muscle mass and limit food intake. Only issue we have is stairs, he will not go down them but we are working on it. But he keeps up with my brothers Lab who is 6 weeks older than him.

    But he is lovely and looking back I am glad we went through with what we did. he is one very loved puppy and in true bulldog form now owns the place and the best seats in it! Just said to hubby would love another maybe an older one.

  12. I came to this area to post this exact same question, my 6mth old british bulldog won't let me know when he needs to go. I just take him out often ie first this in the morning, after breakfast, after naps, after dinner. He goes every time but he will still have accidents like this morning poop and a wee, some days we have only one and other are terrible. Lucky we have tiles and we now need shares in Handee ultra!!!. Everytime I take him out I tell him toliet and he walks along (there aren't the best dog for being quick!) he can be on the deck and I call toliet and he comes, its just that I need him to let me know he needs to pee/poop.

    I think I will give the bell a try nothing to lose, he goes out the front so I can't get a doggy door, we supervise him which he has no problem with.

  13. Thanks aj, where abouts on the coast are you? We visit Davistown off leash area, and thinking of Avoca beach off leash part. I am not confident enough to let him off but you are sure there are other dogs about for him to sniff. I did not know about Erina Heights but will keep that in mind. I went to the speacialist centre in North Ryde, they were fantastic and loved my boy.

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