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Posts posted by Simsim

  1. AHH HAHAHAHA!! Doggie stealing kickboard!! LOLLL

    Wish my yorkies liked water... grumble grumble. Don't know about our beagle yet. He hates being bathed and when I turn on the hose in the backyard he runs away so fast, it's like he was never even there!

    We've only had him for 4 weeks and he's almost 6... will be trying him out at the beach soon. :laugh:

  2. Just to emphasise what everyone else has been saying about cats... one of my closest friends was bitten on the finger by one of her kittens... didn't look like much. 3 weeks in hospital later, she changed her tune! Hope you and your bubs are okay. Cats should be kept indoors. For their own safety if not for any other reason.

  3. Accupuncture sounds like a potentially good idea. They can do stuff which blocks nerves which cause pain. But I don't know about Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is very well honed for PEOPLE and Charlie is not people... As well all know ppl and animals metabolise things in very different ways. So I would therefore be wary about feeding Chinese medicines to dogs... unless of course you know of a Chinese herbalist who knows what's good for dogs and what isn't etc. I haven't heard of anyone who does this but that isnt' to say that there isn't anything out there. Also, if you do end up going to a Chinese herbalist, make sure that theyre GENUINELY understanding you. Language barriers can cause massive problems and being Chinese myself, I know the tendency in the Chinese culture towards smiling and nodding when they actually have no idea of what's going on... :thumbsup: One more thing. Chinese medicine is often not for the queasy... there is all kinds of junk in there... for example... ground up cockroaches... *shudder*

    Best of luck with Charlie, he looks like such a sweetheart and is very lucky to have a mother like you.

  4. This thread is puppy dog GOLD!! My yorkies haven't destroyed anything for years seeing as they're about 12 and 10. Mozart (very large mixed breed rescue dog) had his moments when he was younger. He once ate one side of brand new sandals my sister bought. She didn't "speak" to him for 2 days. :laugh:

    One lab i was looking after used to go after rolls of paper towels... and the weather board at the back of my house... go figure...

  5. Ignorant ppl are everywhere and I hate them all. Met a lady whilst out walking my pups a few days ago. She started ranting about the evils of pit bull terriers and then she said what's the other one? I said what other one? She said the other one that's like those ones... I said Staffordshire bull terrier? To which she replied oh yes they're horrid dogs... Ummn.. WHAT? I said, pitties are lovely as are staffies. I've had nothing but positive experiences with both. It's all about responsible ownership...

    Close friend's gf has a male (entire) bichon which impregnated her dad's female bichon. Bitch was purchased w/ intent of having a litter with the older male. Health checks? Not a single one. Temperament? Male is apparently terrible (more due to faffed up training than the dog - I was rather horrified when I saw the goings on at their place). Papers? HUH?

    Bitch just gave birth to 5 pups (few days ago). She is only 9 months old. I told them she was too young, hadn't finished growing, wasn't emotionally mature yadda yadda. They said but what are we supposed to do? It just happens! They became very defensive. I told them that hundreds upon thousands of RESPONSIBLE breeders can manage their dogs and so should you. Admittedly bitch was in heat when they were overseas and it was while the house help was caring for the dogs that this happened (they live in Asia, hence the house help - nice for some lol).

    I love them to death, but I can only preach so much before they resent the crap out of me. Hard to balance that w/ keeping a friendship...

  6. My older boy just loves traffic cones. The first night my brother took him to work with him he disappeared for about 30 minutes ... and came back dragging the biggest traffic cone I have ever seen. We never knew where he got it from but he wouldn't give it up for anything.

    I remember walking him one night past some roadworks ... and having the road crew laughing at us - I turned back to see my boy trying to drag about 3 of them in his mouth. The guys gave him one which he proudly carried home.

    We have about 8 of them at home over the last 7 or so years ... and have only had one destroyed ... thanks to the youngest brat.

    This is the most hilariously adorable thing I've read today! :(

  7. Good golly! I saw our newly adopted beagle - we've had him for 3.5 weeks now and he's just under 6 yrs old - do this the day before yesterday. He was in the backyard, walking super slowly back and forth whilst scratching his back underneath our basil plant (which grows in an elevated garden bed). He's definitely 100% beagle we have his papers and all... I take it that this isn't a beagle behaviour - we've never had a beagle before!

    I had no idea what he was doing but I couldn't stop laughing at him. I wish he hadn't stopped and had gone on for longer. :(

  8. Mine ended in tears.

    My cat was missing and two communicators were consulted, both said he was alive and well, but that he was 'punishing' me for being away (I was in hospital).

    My cat was actually dead, and found a few days later. I will never do it again.

    I find it abhorrent, callous and heartless that someone would take advantage of another's pain in that manner. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

  9. Why risk it? Just buy your baby a black kong toy instead. Sure your doggie might be fine for now, but you wouldn't be able to say with any certainty if down the track your dog had some kind of health issue that it wasn't caused by something in the cone...

  10. Re my pup (about 5 months) I'm having some problems with his rear end output. Very very soft serve like (sorry peoples) ....and I'm trying desperately to fatten him up too so don't want to cut back on too much too quickly. I was advised by the lady who sold him to me that she was feeding half a cup of Supercoat alongside 400gms raw beef mince three times a day. This seemed a huge amount of raw to me and straight off he was doing the most vile no. 2s when we got him home. I made a decision to switch him gradually to a premium dry which is working really well (proplan puppy for large breed); he has the most beautiful shiny coat and his no.2's when just eating dry are sooooo much better. He's not so enthusiastic about the taste of the dry so to entice I had been giving him chicken necks (four of a morning and four at night combined each with a cup of the proplan). The problem is the chicken necks are making him ridiculously loose! So, back to the drawing board....

    I've got my other older dog on (dare I say it) the VIP supermarket rolls combined with Purina Optimum and he's never had a problem with loose stools. Different dogs though and different ages....

    I realise it's a case of trial and error....Does anyone find chicken necks procur the same result? I'm thinking maybe chicken wings would give him the taste he LOVES without bolting straight through his system...

    Any advice greatly appreciated?


    Have you tried adding a little water to his dry kibble and possibly heating it up a little to make it more "fragrant"? This has helped with some of my bubs in the past. Sometimes I also add in a couple of spoons of minced beef and stir it into the kibble to give it that yummy fresh meaty smell. :laugh:

  11. I don't find any of these claims bizarre. Have had my dogs do similar things, fortunately without ending out at the vets. I guess they chew a bit more than some of the dogs described . . . cause the pieces of rubber ducky generally show up in the poohs. Medicine . . . had a dog eat a sheet of HRT estrogen tablets, and another had a good time with a whole 100 bottle of worming tablets. Called vet . . . in both cases was told to watch for signs of trouble . . . but there were no problems. Almost every dog I've owned has chewed up sticks / wood at some point.

    I once trained a lab as a wedding gift that chewed off a weatherboard panel from the side of my house... amongst many many other things. :laugh:

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