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Posts posted by Firestone

  1. Thanks Rebanne :laugh: Also my other girl Leah is due about a week after Nima.

    you will be busy!

    I sure will be!!

    Way to go looking forward to hearing how all goes. Having just done the two litter thing, its a lot of hard work thats for sure.
    Ptolomy Posted 24th Mar 2011 - 05:56 PM

    Sorry to highack the thread .......BUT

    How long do I need to wait post being in season before having a girls hips x-rayed?

    I read recently that Karen Hedberg advised the GSD council that there was no reason to hold off immediately after a season, but 9 weeks after a season should be avoided
    We were advised the same thing.

    I also spoke to the repro specialist and she gave us exactly the same advice.

  2. I have asked about Merrijigs.

    Firestones are delivered just have to get numbers.

    Nikki Whelped on the 18th and Suki whelped early on the 22nd. Nikki had 3 males (2 Sables and 1 Black/Gold). Suki had 9, 8 surviving puppies are all thriving and little fatties. 6 males, 3 females all black and gold.

    Had Nikki babies weighed yesterday at the vet. 13 days old and whopping 1.8 kilos each. :heart: :D Have nicknamed them the Oompa Loompas

    Will be doing photos today so will post them

  3. Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you are blessed with wonderful babies and the best new year.

    We whelped our Suki on the 22nd and it was a long day and night. She had 9 puppies and one was stillborn. We have 8 lovely strong babies, 5 boys and 3 girls. She is a great mum and so calm. I am so thankful it was not th predicted 12/13.

    Have a great day everyone and I hope Santa was good to you all

  4. Hi Everybody....... :wave:

    Just dropped by to let you know they have arrived. Born on the 20th, yesterday afternoon / last night we had 9 girls and 4 boys arrive........yes 13 babies! :eek:

    I have not had any sleep, my eyes are hanging out of my head and I hope to get a few hours of sleep today. So far this morning we have all the arrivals still with us, a few are a bit rattily (sp?) in the chest but so far so good. I will post some pics when I get the camera out and after I get a bit of sleep.

    I am exhausted!


  5. Can't say I'd be at a show with a bitch if there was any chance she'd be whelping, but maybe they got their dates wrong?

    I agree

    I agree as well. Whelping bitches at shows is terrible and shows a total lack of regard for the bitch and her puppies. Have seen it here "because gee we can't miss a show its our break away when we go to shows". Puppies at shows 3 days old and in a crate next to all the others :)

    It still blows me away that someone whould whelp a bitch at a show

    When mated our girls go everywhere with us. Not shown after 3 weeks usually, they love outings and going places with us. They really enjoy the social interaction.

  6. Congratulatiosn on the new arrivals :)

    Cynda and puppies are going well. Thanks again to Bokezu, Cynda has been going well and will all the food she is now having, she has loads and loads of milk :xmassnowball:

    The 3 pieds are bloody huge is every which way so they must be taking after their grand dad I think. And my little runt girl, is not much of a runt any more :xmassantawave:

    Go Cynda. So pleased she is doing better.

    Our little piggies are just that little piggies they have all gained 20 grams each.

  7. Lovely photos Partipaws :laugh:

    Cynda is doing much better. Has only had a couple of tiny little head tremeors over the last day which I have 'snapped' her out of. Lot more calcium and plenty of good food..

    Would like to Thank Denise of Bokezu. Thankyou so much, if it wasn't for your help, think we would be still doing test after test.

    I was also thinking calcium and perhaps some vitamin D to help absorb it. I am glad she is making progress.
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