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Posts posted by ChocDood

  1. Thanks for the suggestions and point taken. The vet I'd seen at North Lakes is pretty professional and attention to detail is there. I was quoted more than $500 for dental work on my cat which is think is really expensive. Now that I want to get the dog, Milo, desexed as well, I'm just looking for other alternatives. If I cant find anything other alternatives, I'll probably go back to north Lakes for peace of mind.

  2. Its so conforting to hear that others have the same problem. Milo's 9 months and exactly what you all described. He was an angel just 4 months ago and now is so difficult. I heard about this amazing change at around 18 months that will happen. Until then, its tug of war at walks and just being patient, which is the hard part!

  3. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'll have a look at the three suggestions. I would like to get Milo into agility but he's less than a year old and i understand its better to wait till he's after 18 months. Furthermore, he broke his leg 3 months ago and has just heeled.

    Nonetheless, I'll find out more about these suggested club and will be in time for the start in Feb. Cheers.

  4. Hi

    I'm in the process of obtaining insurance for my pets and looking at some of teh major providers. However, it seems that none of them covers major dental work. I know that dental work can add up to hundreds of dollars and is especially important when they get older.

    I've had a look at the different PDS of providers such as BOWOW, PETPLAN, and PIA that were recommended but they all excluded dental work. Does anyone know of any pet insurance companies that covers major dental work?



  5. I just noticed that JetPets is one of the sponsors and give them a call. I might just go with them as they seem to take care of everything... cant remember, but i'm pretty sure they were the same people i used to transport my 2 cats from Singapore to Perth.

  6. Hi

    We will be relocating from Perth to Brisbane in August and need some advice on pet travel.

    What type of crate is the required standard, AAE states that for larger breeds a metal cage but did not specify much else. We have a labrador X and we're hoping to 're-use' his crate after the travel, possibily as an outdoor kennel once we get to Brisbane.

    Does anyone have any experience and also where's the best place to get the crate/cage?



  7. I've been feeding Milo puppy advance for the past 2 months that he's arrived. He's doing very well on it and is going through one pack a week. As he's growing, the expenses will definitely go up as well. What cheaper alternatives (that are still ok?) are there? I'll definitely be looking at super coat and optimum when he turns 18 months.

  8. Hi

    Milo's just completed puppy pre-school and he's done pretty good. He can sit, drop, stay, shake, rollover and is toilet trained. The only complaints that i have now is that he will always nip at my hands and jumping on people... i think its his way of asking for treats. He's slowly getting that jumping and nipping is not acceptable.

    He's still very young at 12 weeks but i'm thinking of attending an obedience school. He still has his last vaccination to go so i'm starting my search now. The main focus will be obedience, and seeing how he goes i might then go for other specialised training.

    The only recommendation i have is the RSPCA from the puppy pre-school, and its just 5 mins away from where i live. Are there any other classes offered here in perth that is north of the river?



  9. My cat's allowed in and outdoors. It always starts with Milo, the dog, wanting to sort of 'say hello' to the Droopy the cat. Droopy will then tense up and start hissing at Milo and if he gets too close for comfort will give him a few swipes of his paw. Upon seeing this, Milo will get all excited, sometimes barking. Initially, Droopy would stand his ground and with me calling for Milo, he would be left alone and graciously move to somewhere higher. Lately, it seems that Droopy is freaking out, not wanting to go near Milo, and runs off whenever they are close by. Needless to say, this sets off the chase. He seems to be trying to have fun but as Milo's a standard labradoodle, he will be way bigger than droopy soon so i want to nip this in the bud.

    Ive been trying the treats methods and Milo fully focuses on me with the treats. Most of the time while we're indoors, Droopy will be on the sofa and i will hold the treat near to Droopy. Milo will be fixated on the treat and not even notice Droopy there! Droopy will be just relaxing about one or two feet away, looking disgustingly at his greedy brother Milo! I will continue with this and hope through time, they will be able to be left alone together.

  10. Hi

    From the advice and tips of members here, my 10 week old puppy is progressing well. He has learnt the basic commands, is toileting outside and making good progress in puppy school. There are a couple of minor problems such as taking branches back to our floor mat for a good chew, taking laundary down and play biting. I'm not too fussed with that as it is under control and he seems to be growing out of it.

    The problem i dont have a solution for is he loves chasing my cat whenever he sees him. It has been the case since day 1 and the cat is becoming more and more afraid of him. I think he just wants to play but my cat is not interested. My cat is showing aggression, hissing and pawing at him, but he just doesnt get it that the cat's not interested. Have you encountered this and what can i do? I'm not looking to have them to be best of friends but to just stop him terrifying the cat.



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