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Posts posted by alecrain

  1. With the spring coming I realized that soon all the snakes will be active and I need to figure out how to make sure my 10-month old Pointer is safe.

    He's still young, really enjoys walks off-leash in the bush- as do we.

    Does anyone know if there is a solution (apart from walking the dog on leash in an urban park) for teaching the dog to avoid potential snakes he may stumble upon?

    I was thinking of getting a rubber snake from $2 shop and hiding it in various places, waiting for the dog to find it and scaring it with a loud noise or a water gun to build a negative association: snake-shaped thing in the grass = unpleasant experience

    Any ideas?

  2. Three weeks ago my wife and I drove over 120km to a dog rescue place to adopt an English Pointer/or German Shorthaired Pointer (too early for us to determine the breed- any help?) puppy that's been abandoned. We found through a listing on-line and couldn't sleep all night thinking of him.

    When we arrived at the shelter we were led to the back of the place where they kept the dogs and there he was, lying in his cot, wagging his tail but too scared to stand up, we spent a couple of minutes with him and immediately knew that we wanted to adopt him.

    Tiamat is 4 months old and was abandoned by the previous owner (with no explanation). He was very scared, shy, stressed and malnourished little puppy, not that little I should say- he's 55cm and weighs 15 kg and still got a lot to grow. People at the pet rescue centre had him checked by the vet, vaccinated, dewormed, micro-chipped and desexed. The lady there said that it'll take us probably up to a month to make him a happy dog...

    We took him home as soon we finished the paperwork but he was too scared to walk, I had to carry him to the car and into the house.

    Within few hours and some tasty treats we made him trust us enough to come to us and not hide in the tightest places around, and by the next day I taught him some tricks and few day later he was enjoying walks in the area.

    I must say, he's the perfect dog: playful, obedient, smart, housebroken, affectionate, doesn't chew stuff, likes all his toys and not aggressive nor does he bark too much.

    I'm an amateur photographer so here are some photos of Tiamat:

    First day- you can see how skinny he was


    Few days later


    At the beach last weekend


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