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Posts posted by -Yoshi-

  1. Hi all,

    Our dog has been having seizures Since September I think that is when we first saw signs.

    Since then we have had him checked up and put on phenobarbital which does help I just have problems giving him drugs all the time.

    Just want to know if there's natural path that has shown improvements.

    He's recently turned 2 years old.

    We've changed a lot of things including his diet to a raw diet, I noticed his teeth are really clean and coat sillky white. We no longer use any sprays like cleaning products or use less of it.

    As it might be the environment. If we stop giving him phenobarbital he would last a week more or less before he has another fitt.

    If anyone has the same experience or and tips that might help I would really appreciate it.


  2. I see,

    I won't be getting another dog for very long time.

    I just saw the dog searching the net.

    Are mixed dogs a bad thing ??

    We have a Maltese it was stated that he's purebred but we're not sure he does seem that he's on a larger size then the ones we've seen.

  3. Hi guys,

    I was looking at dog breeds on google and came upon a custom bred dog called Elo. They started breeding this dog in Germany and i reckon the dog looks beautiful.

    Just wanted to know if anyone has one or can you even get that type of dog here??

  4. Glen Eira is having a review of off leash laws/areas. There is only ONE more chance to participate before the report is written. This will then be published for public comment in Feb, but it is much better to get dog owner's needs met if we have input into the report.

    Details here:

    Bentleigh McKinnon Youth Centre — 7pm, 8 December

    Higgins Road, Bentleigh East

    Mel Ref: 77 F2

    There is also a summary of problems listed on the council website (attacks, dogs harrassing people, people not picking up after their dog).

    My position is that laws exist to address all of these things already - they just aren't enforced by the council. In my two years of walking my dogs twice a day, I have never once seen a ranger. I also believe that the council should focus on

    people walking their dogs off leash in on leash areas - that is a real problem in my area.

    I live in that area, me and my girlfriend took our dog for a walk around and past a football oval with two girls lying just relaxing and we saw two dogs running around freely, and the two dogs had seen us with our dog yoshi and I could see them g towards us ready to attack and that's exactly what the dogs did, got a chunk of yoshi's hair I was so pissed I took control and blocked the dogs and yelled at the owners who were just lying and didn't give a **** the dogs were called back and yet again the dogs ran after a woman jogging they would bark and go off.

    Our dog has issues of being fearful with ppll and dogs and my girlfriend and I are trying our best to fix his issues that we are at fault and it makes it difficult when owners can't even take control of there dogs especially if it's off leash.

    I get embarrassed our fearful dog but atleast I'm trying to fix his behaviour problem while some just don't care what there dog may do.

    I'm all for off leash as long as it's allowed and our dog is trained as I've seen a few really nice off leash dogs.

  5. Is the timidity worrying you the most? Is dog timid with other people or other dogs or both?

    I would get a behaviouralist myself and work with them rather than send them away to improve that particular trait. You can do this after you've recovered or is the dog being boarded because you are having surgery?

    Perhaps there is a behaviouralist that has them in their home?

    Will be boarded due to surgery, He's timid to both people and animals and strangers really. I'm worried that if I don't tackle the situation as soon as possible it can lead to aggression and that is something I really don't

    want. I've learned so much about dogs now that we have one and still many things too learn.

  6. Thanks for the reply guys, I appreciate it.

    Well I can say that the pup is timid, fearful of new people and animals in general. Given the time he will open up and be very happy.

    I'm not sure if it's an extreme case, I think he's more unsure of himself than anything. Although certain people he hasn't met he will be fine with

    I'm not sure if it's the energy they give off or the the pup seems to know they mean no harm.

    I'd love to walk even run if i could but in my current situation I'll be unable to and having a service that offers a place to stay assuming it's has a nice condition for the dog and obedient training

    is much help. I know that the problem doesn't lie with the dog it's the owner, I think not being able to take the pup out for as much walks as he wants has really slowed the progress.

  7. Thanks for the reply, yes I've got a list of of questions I will ask them.

    I'm just unsure if it's a good idea.

    I have found a site they have. I think I will PM you since I think it could be advertising if I post it.

    Could be misleading you never really know these days.

    I do as much training as I can, but due to being unable to walk as much for long periods it has really made things a little difficult.

  8. Hi guys,

    Just a question is boarding a good idea for a shy fearful puppy that's 7months old,

    I have found a place that offers boarding + training for behaviour.

    I'm going for surgery and will be unable to really work with the puppy as much as I can.

    Will sending the dog for boarding be a bad idea and stress the dog even more??

    Any advice will be much appreciated.

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