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Posts posted by merikuri

  1. Hi everyone! Just an update. Puppy has been wiling to go inside her crate to play, take a nap etc on her own since yesterday! I don't have to close the door and she will just wake up and go to the door if she needs to go :)

    Except for two nights ago she had 2 accidents in the house becaus of rain (we were soaking as I waited 30 minutes for her to go and once inside, she went ><), she has been doing great!

    Once again thanks for all the advice! It helps a lot especially I'm someone who can be really stressed out! It's amazing how crate training works wonder. It has only been 3 days and the difference is so huge compared to the first day I brought her home. :)

  2. I think you are over thinking the whole thing a bit. You should be enjoying your pups company and visa versa. There is so much good info here. I enjoyed every minute of the puppy stage and had 4 pups in under 18 months (My choice) was it hard work I would say one was the other 3 were fantastic and I'd do it again tomorrow if I could! I agree with Juice, your puppy needs to be able to be a puppy, set up a shade sail for shade or a make shift shelter anything so pup can enjoy outdoors, the hot weather is getting less and less now so pup should be able to go out more. Ignore bad behaviour, reward good behaviour. Seek out a puppy school sooner rather than later and get advice from your breeder, I am a little surprised your breeder did not question and better prepare you for the days ahead with puppy. Your first port of call for any help and info should be your breeder. But there will always be great advice on DOL so don't hesitate to keep posting and learning!

    Yes all my friends who have dogs told me I'm too stressed over everything..lol I'll get her a shelter asap she really likes to be in outdoor a lot!

    ..if you have some spare money ..something like THIS would be perfect -worry free and secure and sheltered :) Ooohhh ..I like the look of these- shade AND shelter and look good :)

    I like the kennel look on gumtree! Thanks for the suggestion!

    If you keep the crate by your bed you should hear the pup get up at night. It only took 3 or 4 days before my girl was sleeping through the night. Then make sure you toilet them first thing in the morningIf the pup has an accident inside its not the end of the world - just clean it up and make a mental note of how you could have prevented that accident.Having a puppy is a fun time, just relax a bit more and enjoy it. :)

    Thanks! I have to say for the first day I wasn't really enjoying having a pup! But after that I'm getting used to her am it's really nice to have her around!

  3. Did you do any research before you bought this dog?What exactly do you intend to do with her when she is fully grown ,if you have no shade now?This may sound harsh, but really ,she is not a hamster to spend all her time in a cage, she needs to be outside, playing eating grass, exploring and enjoying herself.She is a puppy, she cannot hold on that long in a crate to wee at this age.There are 3 pages of advice here, read it, get her a kennel for outside and let her start being a dog, or get a stuffed one instead.. :(

    Yes I did! Just that I moved into a new house this week and it was totally unplanned so I didn't have enough time to prepare the shade! I'm taking her out everytime when she wakes up from her nap and she would lie on the grass eating leaves and catching ants! I have many photos of her in the garden it's just that now there is no Internet in the new place and I can't seem post pictures with my phone. Trust me I did not plan to crate her for longer than 2 hours during the day unless she is happily sleeping.. As I am now trying to find a way to keep her when I'm out. I probably need to ask friends over to look after her..

    Is the bathroom larger than the laundry (as a safe place when you are out)? Definitely don't crate her for long periods, but have the crate there for her if she want to use it. Toss an old t-shirt or trackies, that you haven't washed, into the crate. Your scent will comfort her.When my dog was young I tied one of those ribbed cylindrical Kongs to a table leg with elastic. I demonstrated for her and she took to the game! Tugging the toy, releasing and chasing as it zipped across the floor. But only have this when you are home to supervise.It might be a good idea to let the neighbours know that you have a new pup and not to be concerned if they hear her while she's settling in.

    Bathroom would be my last resort if I can't find someone to look after her during the day when I am out. I'm a little bit worried of her being left alone outside since she likes to pick up things she finds in the backyard. Don't want her to end up eating sth she is not supposed to be!

    Through the night there I would get up personally, try every 4 hours at first.... try letting her out at say 10:30pm, getting up at 2:30am, and then 6:30am. Puppies don't sleep much longer than 6:30am anyway. If you want to leave paper in the laundry, I'd think about getting some fake grass from bunnings, think someone else may of suggested that.... she may chew it though. Can you put up a shade sail so she has shade outside? You will probably need to do something eventually unless you stick in a doggy door.

    Goldenwei, I'll definitely put up a shade soon after Easter! And baby gates as well

    I would get some shelter put up in the yard so you can leave her outside. It's not that difficult. I have a puppy run I recently put shade in as I am getting a puppy in a month - a big tarp attached to the house on one end and the fence on the other end. I have a verandah and lots of trees in the main yard for the adult dogs. Both main yard and puppy yard have a kennel and trampoline bed for each dog.

    I'm only worried about my pup eating sth wrong if left unsupervised in the yard. There are some plants in my new place which I have not seen before. i heard from friends that some seeds from the plant is not dog's best friend! I might need to ask the owner about those plants..

  4. Don't leave her in the crate for that long. Depending on your yard if it is really puppy proof and theft proof I'd be inclined to leave her in the yard with some toys and things to keep her occupied etc. Depends where you live though I guess. Otherwise a laundry that is tiled and EVERYTHING out of reach may be a safer option. She SHOULD be able to hold for 5 hours in a couple of weeks. 20 years ago when I got my first golden she'd be left alone in the yard for that long, when I got my second he was left alone with my first from 8 weeks in the yard for more than 8 hours. Looking back on it I probably should of been more careful, but no harm ever came to him. We did things differently with our third.... which was only 6 years ago. We stayed home full time for about 4 weeks between us, made sure he spent time both inside and out with our older dog, he was left alone with him outside after that. Puppies adjust, and if its safe to do so then I don't have an issue with puppy being outside alone for that length of time.... if its not safe then you will need to come up with another arrangement. JMO

    We just got back from the first vet visit and my vet suggested laundry as well! Even though my backyard is really secure there is no way i could leave her outside as there is no shade. :( my laundry is a bit small though. With no windows so I probably have to get a baby gate and kept her in there when I am out.

    It IS hard work , raising a puppy :) BUT relax your expectations - she is a baby , and will do baby things until she is more experienced ...She possibly has no idea what to do with toys ....and her concentration span will be a few seconds!!!By all means leave her outside ... make sure she has a meal to eat ..a BIG RAW bone - almost her size ..sh she cannot try & swallow it whole ..and her bedding, plus an item of clothing you have been wearing.When you leave ...it is much better for you both if you do NOT fuss..or say 'mummy will be back soon - give me an extra cuddle ' :o Just have everything outside ready well before you go ... take her out - give her a bikkie or her meal ..and , dont look back - just out the door and go .Same when you get home ..no excitement or anything ...just walk without speaking striaght outside and get her to toilet ..THEN praise, and hello, and walk inside....This helps teach babies that humans leaving and returning is just an everday thing ..like walking from one room to another :)

    Thanks Persephone! Will keep that in mind!

    One thing my vet suggested is to leave her bed, toys inside the laundry with some newspaper next to it.she said this way I don't have to wake up every 2 hours at night and my pup should learn where to go for toilet at night. Do you guys think this works? I'm having very little of sleep since I'm constantly listening to any sound from my pup. But I am worried that she might get confused with her toileting area since during the day I take her out to toilet.

  5. My advice is don't expect miracles & stop stressing.

    You are not doing anything wrong.

    The pup is in a strange place, has had to travel from somewhere or other, left her mum & litter mates & doesn't know you, the environment or where she is. Drastic stuff for a baby.

    Have patience, a pup doesn't house train in a day or even a week.

    People use all different kinds of ways to house train pups & they work. Main point is that pup understands what you want it to do & is capable of doing it. Takes time.

    Yeah I agree ! :)

    Miah is now just over 4 months, she knows to go outside to do her wee's and poos, and does, but shes still having the odd accident inside. They are still young and learning. You just got to keep at it with them and reward them when they do the right thing. Some learn quicker than others, but its just patience and consistency :)

    All the best with your new puppy :)

    Hi Jules, after yesterday my puppy hasn't had any accident inside the house. I tried to take her out everytime she wake up from her short nap.

    Have you ever left your puppy home for longer than 3 hours? How do you keep her if you are going out? From next few months I have some seminars to attend and it's 3 hours long. It takes about 40min for me to drive there and get home so the pup would be alone for quite some time.. I'm thinking if I can leave her in her cage that long and not having accident. Before I leave I'll make sure she pees and poops and no drink or food before I leave! It's a bit cruel to leave her alone in the cage for almost 4 hours but I just can't find someone to look after her during the day ><

  6. :) as well as your post grad work - I suggest you read up on what makes a puppy tick!!

    Did you do any research before getting your little girl?

    I find it seems to make things run smoother - a bit like being faced with a Uni test paper, and suddenly realising you have forgotten the recommended reading list ! ;)

    here's some more IMPORTANT reading for you - you are now totally resposible for a living being , whose welfare is in your hand :)




    I did my research before getting her but I didn't realize it will be this hard! :cry: I guess it's mainly because I'm

    raising her up on my own.. thanks for the link! Will take time to read them!

  7. OK...

    is your backyard puppy proof, with good fences?

    No reason she cannot be in the backyard . for some time when you're busy, .playing with toys, sleeping in a cosy kennel/basket ....exploring...chewing leaves and grass ...

    Puppies learn much about their world by using theor mouth- as they have no sensitive fingers ;like human babies :)

    SO.... puppy proofing your home is a very important project !

    pretend you have a 12/18 mth old human baby in the house . The potential for injury/damage is high!

    make sure all electrical wiring is out of reach ..don't leave shoes etc lying around , NO rat poison /chemicals/cleaners anywhere she can get to .....put bins up high or behind a gate ...that sort of thing.

    I always like to START as you mean to GO ON.

    teach pup that 'alone time can be fun ..and no, you are NOT going to nurse it much on your lap as when it weighs 30 kg it will be TOO big: NO you are NOT going to be there to amuse it all the time ...instead , a VERY LARGE bone with meat on ...or a rope toy , or a sandpit will do nicely :)

    Finally ..remember it is a BABY ,,and it needs to BE TAUGHT ....not just either expected to know, or be physically locked out, etc all the time :) Pup needs to be SHOWN which are the things which get it a reward .... and which not :)

    Yup my backyard is puppy proof with secure fence. Only way to get out is thru the living room.

    I tried to leave her outside for a while just now and she cried again >< should I just ignore her longer?

    One thing I noticed is that she is really tired and uninterested with her toys or treats. I tried to play with her with a rope toy and she just chew for a while and decided to nap again.. Is it normal for an 8 week old puppy like this?

  8. I remember when I got my first puppy, a golden, oh boy was it a shock to the system. I was 18! Lots of good information here already re toilet training. Goldens can be destructive, they are very mouth orientated as they are a retriever, bred to retrieve so are a bit mouth obsessed. She will eat leaves. All my dogs have done that, both the goldens and the wei's, more so the goldens. Just watch the sticks and stuff that will probably come next. She needs to keep her mind active, lots of toys, lots of games, they aren't a breed to put in a crate and forget about.... no breeds are. You have a baby, babies are hard work. Keep her mind active, start training her now, just a few mins at a time, things like sit and down, she will pick it up very quickly. Any pics of the little girl :D

    Thanks Goldenwei for ur advice! My pup doesn't seem to be attracted with her toys though. She has a ropes for her to bite, squeaky toy and a cuddle toy but so far she isn't showing much interest except towards the leaves! Can it be some stress that caused this?

    Here is a pic of her sleeping in her crate as of now. I carried her into it and made her lie in her side while gently patting her and she fell asleep! Right after I locked the door she woke up, looked at my face of terror and decided to fall asleep again phew!!

    Does puppy sleep a lot? We want out to the backyard for some zoomies and chasing for 15-30 minutes and she was already yawning when we came in!

  9. I know someone who couldn't put up with pup screaming so went to breeder and got litter mate. (I would not recommend this) it worked out ok for them but I think it's extreme!

    How old is pup? Breed?

    She is an 8 weeks old golden retriever!

    I know it's normal for them to cry in the crate but what I'm worried is that she will wake the neighbors up loll

  10. Hi everyone!

    Just an update after a sleepless night for me loll

    I had my sister and bro in law came over to help me settle my puppy in the crate.. I just couldn't stand the sound of her crying :( (I think she really misses her siblings since my place has a lot of glass door and when she sees her reflection she wants to play with it!) fortunately she did settle in her crate and slept thru the night with a few crying and toilet times.. From the first post she hasn't had any accidents inside the house but I think that's because I'm supervising her like an eagle loll

    She just had her breakfast an hour ago and right after that I brought her out for toilet and she poop!!!! Hallelujah!! But no peeing so I'm now waiting for her to tell me the signs.. By the way she is sleeping by my feet now and the crate is just right in front of her (this just show how much she hated her crate ><)

    So far toilet break and timing is working!! Thanks for all your suggestion guys. But since I'm really worried that she will have to go during the night I only slept for 3hours roughly >< I just couldn't fall asleep!

    And another problem is what should I do to her during the daytime as I'm still doing my postgrad and sometimes I have to do my assignment etc. I think I really need to come up with a good schedule during the Easter break!

    Please keeps the advice coming! I really need your opinion! And correct me if I'm doing anything wrong :( it's my first time having a puppy.. I only have adult dogs before and they are so much easier! But puppy is cuter haha!

  11. I'll definitely try the method to bring her out every few hours

    That is way too long :(

    if you have a backyard ...she can be out there for some time during the day .

    Crates are NOT meant for keeping a puppy in a lot .. .. pens/backyards are better for that :) you may need to go shopping for a pen tomorrow ..or baby gates ....

    Thanks Persephone!

    I planned to get baby gates but since she is not house trained yet I would still have to monitor her every single second :(

    If I get a play pen and put it outside my backyard, should I leave it on the grassy area or the concrete floor? I read somewhere that a play pen should have her toys, water bowl and a toilet area. How can I let the puppy know where is her toilet area?

    And is it normal for the puppy to eat leaves lol! I thought she was hungry but mine still eat it after her breakfast!

  12. She is a golden retriever! 8 weeks old and really cuteeee! But occasionally she is a headache too lol

    Good advice from Megan, I might just add one of my girls needed going outside every 1/2 hour, she was tiny 1.5 kilos when I got her and obviously had a tiny bladder.

    What breed is your puppy and how old?

    Another question,

    How do you guys play or keep your puppy during the day? Does your puppy stay in the crate during the day at all? If so, how long? Because I am really worried that if I let her out and do my things, she will pee any time >< I'll definitely try the method to bring her out every few hours and stay until she goes!!!

    Sorry guys, I'll try to reply tomorrow morning as I now am in my new place and Internet is not connected yet.. and 3G sucks!

    Thanks a lot for all the advice

    I'm so touched!

  13. Able long is she in her crate for? They aren't for long term confinement

    I only got her this evening so she hasn't been in her crate for longer than 10 minutes.. And se started biting her crate and whining badly.. I introduced the cage to her slowly with food and toys.. But she only goes in to get her toys and come out right after.

    I have no idea what to do for tonight. Do I just put her into her cage and let her whine until she quiets down? What is she doesn't? ><

  14. Hi everyone! I've just got my new puppy today!!

    Everything is great except that she does not pee/poo at where I want her too.. I brought her out for potty time after her meal n she did not want to go until we are in the house!!! I use the nappy paper to soak her pee and leave it near her cage (which she hates it, another problem :( ) but she still chose to go on area other than the nappy paper..

    What am I doing wrong here? T__T

    I know it's only the first day and I shouldn't be impatient about this. But I'm really stressed out because I'm taking care of her on my own for now. And she has been peeing in the house for four times.. Pooping 2 times.. no signs at all before that! There is no where I could leave her alone and do my own stuff as she just kept whinning in her cage..

    Please help or give me any advice on potty training if you can!! Thanks!!

  15. I'm happy with my vet in Eltham but that's prob even further for you :(

    it's quite far but thanks for your reply, Inka!! will keep that in mind :)

    Hi Mericury.Yes, there are some good vets around.Mont Albert Veterinary Hospital443 Mont Albert Rd (cnr Elgar Rd)Mont Albert VIC 3127ph: 98901728web: montalbertvet.com.auAsk for Dr Alain Marc or Dr Alastair FearnBox Hill Veterinary Hospital767 Whitehorse Road (cnr Hotham St) Mont Albert VIC3127ph: 9890 6071web: bhvet.com.auAsk for Dr Elaine Ong or Dr Jayde KunstHope it helpsRegards, D

    Dmayma, according to google map, Box Hill Veterinary Hospital is only 2 minutes drive from my place!! :thumbsup: i have never noticed it there! thank you!!

    Having recently become involved with Hawthorn East Vet (we run puppy class there) i have heard nothing but good things from all of their clients and have been really impressed with all of the staff i have met there. Shouldn't be too far from Balwyn i wouldn't think.

    thanks Cosmolo! will keep this in mind! hawthorn east is only 10min from my place, maybe I should go there for the PPS class! :D

  16. Hi everyone!

    I am getting a Golden Retriever puppy and am living in Balwyn. I have just moved into my new place this week so I am not very familiar with the vets in the eastern suburbs.

    Can anyone recommend vets around this area? I don't mind traveling. Around 20-30min drive is ok for me if the vet is really good or if there is no good vet around. So far from what I've read on this forum, Boronia Vet and Glen Eira Vet have been recommended many times but both are almost 30min drive from my place.

    Another one is High Street Road Animal Hospital at Mount Waverly which is only 15min drive from my place. Does anyone who want to second this? :laugh: It would be great if I can get the name of the veterinarian too!

    I also plan to bring my puppy to preschool. Do people normally attend the session at their vets? Or are there any preschools highly recommended by dolers?

    Thanks for the help!

    p.s. this morning when I woke up I realised my puppy is coming home next week and I started to panic at how unprepared I am!! :eek: so far I've only got the puppy food and bowls ready :doh: looks like it's going to be shopping time this weekend! :rofl:

  17. To the OP, being able to view the official health results while at the breeders is IMO reasonable, and if you don't understand what you are seeing, get the breeder to explain it to you. Take your time looking at them if you need to. She is not hiding them from you, just has her reasons for not making copies which in some ways I do understand if she has been burnt before.

    thanks espinay! I will get my breeder to show me again when I visit her next time! She did explain to me every item on the results the first time and I really took my time to look at these results! :laugh:

  18. Thanks everyone for the reply!

    When my breeder called me to inform that she has a litter available soon, I asked her about both the dam and sire's health test results. She was quite impressed and mentioned that no one has ever asked her on the phone about this and happily told me the results.

    They showed me the actual reports again when I visited them and that's when they told me they will not issue copies of these health reports (I did not ask if I will get a copy in the first hand) as they have bad experience with people misusing it before. They told me that I can take a look at the health reports anytime in the future, which is why I wasn't worried about anything at first. Just want to ask if this is ok?

    Maybe I should ask about this again when I visit them next time?

    My dogs hip and elbow scores are handwritten on the printed forms and signed by the scorer (Wyburn) not typed onto the form. All his details are also handwritten on the score sheet by me and it is signed by me and the vet taking the Xrays.

    same here Janba! I was shown the scores results signed by both the vet and the owner's name.

    I seem to recall where, on a form giving a clear result, the dogs name was changed. So a dog that tested carrier or affected appeared to have a clear certificate. This was a Border Collie I think and was discussed here on DOL a few years ago

    my puppy is not a Border Collie but my breeder did mention case like this happened to them beforehand. someone (i guess byb?? :mad ) used the certificate and changed the dog's name.

    If your puppy is a GSD from a registered breeder, our club code of ethics requires that we provide the information. We get a copy of the hand written results from Lavelle and the club gets a copy and they send us a certificate. Results are then reported annually in the clubs Breed Survey book.I am sorry but no matter what breed you should get a copy even if the breeder writes copy on the paperwork. All I know is that I provide copies of all relevant documents, and most breed clubs require their members to provide them.FH
    So what is stopping someone photoshopping a copy changing the dogs name to a dog who hasn't been scored and sending that into the club......does the club check that the copy they receive is a valid copy?
    How exactly would documents be "misused"?
    Could the documents be falsified and therefore breeder doesn't want copies out there, dates, vets etc in case someone checks up on them?

    I don't think my breeder is afraid of people checking up on them. They are very well known in this breed and are listed on the breed's club.

  19. Hi everyone,

    My breeder told me that they are not issuing copies of both the parents' health check (hip, elbow, etc) as they had people misused these documents last time.

    I had seen the health tests of both parents (the results were hand written instead of printed out on a form, is this fine?) and it's ok for me. My breeder also told me that I'm welcomed anytime to have a look at these health results in the future.

    Just want to know if this is fine?

    Is the pedigree of my puppy the most important documents to get?

    What about the copies of parents' pedigree or it's not important as well?

    Thanks in advance!

  20. great post MonElite! that's a lot of work to do!

    i guess many people don't understand the price of pure bred puppies because they didn't do much research and didn't realise how much effort and care are put into breeding these puppies!

    i once went into a pet shop and asked about the price of the puppies that i was planning to get and guess what? it's the same price as what my breeder charged!(she is registered and a well known breeder for this breed) there were even a few registered breeders who charged less than the pet shop price.

    for a price that is the same as pet shop i don't think any sensible person should have chosen the latter (or even byb).. u pay less for the puppy now but u pay more after that (health etc).. not saying that puppies from a registered breeder will not have any problems, but i'm sure there will be a difference!

    oh and we need more pics of the puppies!! :laugh:

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