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Posts posted by Sweet-E-Newf

  1. What a handsome, handsome fellow! Rocky sounds as though he possessed all the most charming traits of a Boxer... sloppy kisses, short attention span at times, over enthusiasim and determined to always be a lap dog.

    My heart goes out to you... so permanent are the pawprints they leave in your life!

  2. Six months ago our beautiful, angel of a bear-dog 'Hammy' was PTS and not a day has passed where he hasn't entred our minds. Everytime he pops up in our thoughts and conversation we all can't help but smile and remember just how beautiful he was and just how lucky we were to have had him in lives!

    Our neighbour requested photos of him just last week as he was relly touched by Hammy's presence, Hammy visiting him when he was recovering from surgery. Our other neighbour also asked for a couple of photos saying how special he thought Hammy was. This is the reason why we have room in our lives for companion animals. It's not only the enrichment they bring to our lives and into our homes, but also in the hearts and homes of those they positively encounter! You would pass by a complete stranger and you could guarantee a smile each and every time! Children too, how special they thought he was!

    Now, we are moving over seas so this weekend we will take the ashes of 2 year old Hammy's to the beach, along with the ashes of 15 year old 'Tara' (aka Big dog) and 13 year old 'Ari' (aka Buddy) so we can see them out to sea as a family... they will be with us wherever we go!

    Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really. ~ Agnes Sligh Turnbull

  3. They're terribly cute. :confused:

    Sadly, they should have been euth'd when born. However, they are alive, they are being assisted and trained to live with the deformity, and I am sure they will live long happy lives.

    The mindset of "euth at any opportunity" can be just as wrong as the "save everything" train of thought. There should be a balance.

    Agree that balance is needed. Having taken in a not-so-fortunate pup, I would never ask for my money back given my time with him again.

    How about dog breeds that are bred deformed? Pugs, Daschunds, French Bulldogs, Bulldogs, Pekingese, Cavaliers (with their small skulls), Basset Hounds, Ridgebacks, amongst others... there is another serious issue yet we pay $$$$ for these pups up front! Yet they can also live long happy lives with the right care.

    Just a thought...

  4. Such sad circumstances to lose your special Dolly, I am so sorry for your losses! Remember the little footprints they both left in your heart.

    Life is richer with dogs (& animals) around, I hope you can find the strenght to love another dog again one day x o

  5. I am holidaying in Switzerland up in the alps and today my partner and I were looking after my partners cousins dog 'Chad'. Chad is a beautiful, handsome & very strong 3 year old Central Asian Shepherd weighing in excess of 65kg and today he was taken away to Rainbow Bridge under very unfortunate circumstances.

    We were sitting by the ski slopes having a drink when Chad leapt forward agressively for a young kid breaking the metal ring on his lead and getting away from us. Fortunately the kid was not hurt nor scared of Chad and just kept walking... and so did Chad. He ran up the ski slopes like it was a big game. I tried not to chase him and instead I stood still and whistled and called for him. Chad just kept running & running making the people looking after the ski slopes very angry.

    My partner then began to follow Chad as he got further & further away from us towards the village streets. I began to walk with my partner and he told me to keep practicing Snowboarding and that he would return with Chad one he has him. About 20 minutes later I saw Chad at the bottom of the slopes so I hoped up on the snowboard and headed down to fetch him. I got to the bottom of the slope and headed towards Chad but indirectly so he would not run... and he ran.

    I couldn't continue to snowboard at this point cause I was concerned about Chad running on the village roads. So, I began to follow Chad for about 10 minutes stopping and calling him back and whistling for him before my partner caught up with us. My partner told me to stop following Chad and turn around and that Chad would follow so I did just that. I headed back to the ski slope to return the snowboard & boots.

    A short while later my partner arrived at the ski shop urging me to get in the car quickly cause Chad had been hit.

    We drove along a snow-covered path to where Chad was found. Chad had been hit by the local train and was lying down in a deep snowy ditch beside the train tracks. He was still breathing but you could hear the fluid in his lungs when you pressed your ear to his chest. We loaded Chad into the back of the car where I lay with him while we headed to the vet. I looked at his gums, they were completely white & his tongue was dark purple. Chad was also copletely unresponsive to any touch & his eyes were looking poorly. Sure signs that Chad was not going to make it.

    We arrived at the vet and Chad was put on the table to take his last breaths, the vet confirmed that his internal injuries were extensive. He held on for as long as he possibly could but the internal damage was just too much. Chad passed away with one last deep breath.

    I am angry for this happening... Chad was disobedient, not at all sociable with other dogs and showed signs of agression towards people today. While his owner loved him with all her heart & she truly did, she was not able to provide Chad with what he really needed.

    Chad lived in an apartment in Paris, he was not an apartment dog.

    Chad with such incredible strength was never obedience trained, he would pull at the lead constantly.

    Chad would not come when called, he was the alpha male and the pack leader, it was his way.

    Chad was very beautiful and sweet with those he trusted... but this was not enough.

    I didn't know you long Chad but you truly had a beautiful spirit and so much potential to be an amazing shepherd dog!

    RIP big guy!!!

  6. WOW! You really caught the spirit of the sweet wee pooch in these photographs! It's one thing taking a photo of a dog but it's quite another thing to capture the true persontality in a still... your work is brilliant!

  7. Hello!

    This is a vet practice in Ormeau which I took my Newfie to. They do a range of complementary medical options...


    This is an extract from their website as to what services they can provide...

    Some of our complementary services include:

    •Natural medicines

    •Chiropractic manipulation

    •Lymphatic drainage

    •Traditional Chinese medicine

    •Visceral manipulation



    •Chinese Herbs

    Services for Canines



    •Gait abnormalities

    •Skin and coat conditions



    •Spinal injuries

    •Behavioural disorders

    •Soft Tissue Manipulation





    •Craniosacral therapy

    •Visceral manipulation

    •Lymphatic drainage

    •Essence Therapy

    I hope you can find what you are after!

  8. So sad to read your opening to your tribute... a very sad way to say goodbye! My eyes are still welling up!!!

    But what a beautiful life you gave them... they were truly blessed to have a home with you and you with them.

    RIP beautiful sweet (and strange) kitty's x

  9. One week ago today I wished my absolutely beautiful Newfoundland boy Hammond (Hammy, H-Dog or just H) sweet dreams as I had my last cuddle with him at the vet.

    Hammy was given to me at 6 months old, the most beautiful, sweet-faced, passive and loving little man ever! Hammy came to me with known challenges in his front legs. He was completely flat footed from day one but with loads of the best nutrition, natural supplements, chiro and a whole lot of loving his feet came good.

    After his feet came good, he developed a bad limp in his front leg, he could only walk or play briefly with short bursts of energy but would play with the enthusiasm of a 100% healthy dog! We continued with the chiro and careful nutrition for Hammy and monitored him very closely. And just on 9 weeks ago we had x-rays on Hammy's front legs confiming Elbow Incongruity (Displaysia). At this point I increased his natural supplementation and allowed him to walk and play at his leisure with the understanding that it may get worse.

    Then, last week he was at the park with my brother (who loved him so very dearly) when he ran towards him and let out a very big cry. Hammy had dislocated his hip just from running. The vets put him under to x-ray and reduce his dislocation, sadly for the wee fellow it continued to pop out. The x-rays indicated bad hip displaysia on one side and moderate hip displaysia on the other.

    After meeting with the Orthopedic Surgeon and understanding Hammy's other issues, I made the toughest decision I have ever had to make not to go through with hip replacement surgery but to put him at ease and pain free forever.

    Hammy was 22 months old.

    He was my first Newfoundland and I feel so blessed to have had him in my life. I have never known such patience in a dog, such kindness in the eyes and such sweetness in a soul... he truly was a big cuddly angel of a bear!

    Hammy... I miss your furry mess, your drool, your muddy footprints on my bedding, your following me around like a shadow, your fussiness, your high-fives and your very, very, very big cuddles! I miss our beach walks, our camping, our time on the grass and going everywhere with you to make everyone smile at your presence.

    Keep smiling angel bear... your are forever in our hearts!!!



    It has been 3 weeks now since saying sweet dreams to Hammy (or Woofa) and I still get tears in my eyes every time I think about him!

    After he was put to sleep, Hammy was cremated by Pet Cemetary and they were so great to deal with. The staff were very compassionate and very accommodating to our needs. They offered an ear to talk about Hammy whenever needed.

    We received 'H' in a beautiful timber box with a Certificate of Cremation, a gold paw print and a little clipping of his beautiful black fur. I can certainly recommend both Pet Cemetary and Pets in Peace for anyone when the unfortunate need arises!

    H-dog now sits in the corner of my room beside a beautiful photograph. I am going to place the stainless steel 'HAMMOND' letters from his collar onto the box so he can wear them proudly again.

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