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Posts posted by Jesami

  1. A trainer suggested spreading black pepper to discourage digging holes.  Haven't tried it yet 'cause it sounds a bit mean. :)

    they had a dig..spent a couple of minutes sneezing, went to dig again, thought..."naaaah", & didn't return!!

    Thanks Persephone, if all it does is make them sneeze then maybe it's worth a try.

  2. Their methods are emotionly harsh and some methods are old wives tails...they seem to have an obsession with the 'dominance in dogs' issue.

    Absolutely agree with sas. They seem to have a formula that they require you to follow in an "all or nothing" fashion.

    But I took what I found useful and helpful and rejected the rest and was quite pleased with the results.

  3. :cheers::laugh::) You're absolutely right. Jessa is not one to stay still for long but that is one reason why I was impressed with this idea as you said that you thought it had a calming effect on Caber.

    You've made some excellent points and I agree that it would have very practical applications.Definitely going to give it a try but starting off very slowly as you suggest.

    Thanks Spike and apologies to Fin for the hijack.

    Oh, and btw Spike - bit late at night isn't it? :rofl:

  4. I have never bothered with the eating first or making sure the dog is not at the same level as I am. My young Rottweiler also sleeps on the bed. We have never had any leadership problems.

    Thrilled to bits to read this. Seems to me these days that some trainers jump on this idea of keeping dogs off the bed and out of the bedroom as at least part of the solution to whatever problem you see them about.

    Perhaps it does apply to a very dominant dog in which case I would make them "earn" their right to be there and maybe use a command for them to get up. (Just thinking out loud.)

    There is also the issue of the dog waiting for you to go through the door first.  Mine sit when they want something and that also includes doorways but I do let them through first.

    I think that's o.k. too as long as you are sending them through rather than them knocking you out of the way to get through first. :cheers:

  5. Can anyone come up with some suggesions to get her to eat more slowly?? :D

    I have absolutely no idea if this works but I read on one web site to put a few rocks in the food bowl to slow down eating.

    I guess you'd have to make sure they were big enough that they wouldn't be swallowed by accident. :thumbsup:

  6. aus - thanks very much, that's a terrific site - easy to understand unlike some others.

    fifi - thanks for going to the trouble with so much excellent info.

    I feel much more at ease about it. Knowledge is a great thing to have and also a pre-thought out plan of action. Then you can relax and as you say "enjoy them" and not make a stressful situation out of meal times.

  7. if you have a breed that is prone to bloat you just have to know the signs and act quick to get them to a vet

    Could you please tell me what those early signs are in as much detail as possible.

    Would be very grateful.

    I have an Irish Setter and I know at least one of her close relatives died of bloat.

  8. bommy - who know's if it's actually true but I reckon why risk it and you'd think a vet would know. I do feel a bit mean though not sharing my avocado any more 'cause they really do love it. Sometimes we just have to be cruel to be kind. :laugh:

    Would still be interested to know if anybody else has been told that avocado is toxic for dogs.

  9. Thanks melree - interesting that Tay had had dry food and water prior to the boat but I had heard that soaking the dry in water was supposed to diminish the possibility of a problem.

    I guess you can do everything you're supposed to and still have a problem. As you said, the safest thing to do is check on them and at least know as early as possible if bloat happens.

    Pheeble - thanks for all that useful information. The more you know, the better prepared you are in an emergency.

    Does anyone know what a "hunched abdomen" would look like? Does that mean the dog would be hunched over or sort of curled up?

  10. This is my worst nightmare. I'm as paranoid about Bloat as Pheeble is. You are so lucky Tay pulled through and is recovering so well. Thank God you found her when you did but what a terrible night for you.

    Do you mind if I ask what you fed her that night? Yet another person has told me I should have my dog (big and deep chested) on an all dry food diet and that I'm wasting time and effort on cooking meat and vegetables.

    My instincts tell me that dry food and lots of water could bring on bloat so I'm very interest to know what you feed and also, how long had it been since she'd been excercised?

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