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Posts posted by kels84

  1. I'm talking about these types of people not the people who have well trained dogs.

    To me it's irrelevant. People whose dogs would kill another given the opportunity are so far at the end of the spectrum that they don't even come into consideration in this kind of situation as it is an absolute given that they should never ever be allowed off leash under any circumstances. They are not the ones who ruin it for everyone, the ones who ruin it for everyone are the ones who don't respect the law, and don't respect other people's right to walk without being harassed or worried by other people's dogs.

    Also i find jack russells and fox terriers horrible little dogs no offense to people who own them but i haven't meet a nice one yet, All the ones i have meet have been very bossy and dominate to other dogs. Ny Shelley hates jack russels and fox terriers cause there the breeds who bully her the most, they bark in her ears which annoy her and they also snap at her too. So when i see these breeds i avoid them.

    This was completely uncalled for. Simply saying 'no offense to people who own them' is NEVER going to remove the offensiveness from such a comment. If I owned one of these breeds I'd have the serious Sh!ts on over this comment and would be extremely offended.

    My experience has been (not surprisingly) entirely the opposite. The people complaining are the ones who walk their dogs on lead and have to put up with their dogs being constantly harassed by someone's wandering, off lead "Precious".

    :laugh: Well said!

    I don't think yelling and swearing is an appropriate thing to do and I am appalled that some people think it is acceptable.

    Nobody has said that it is acceptable. Most of us agree that it was over the top and could have been handled better, but that he would not have felt a need for it if the law had been followed in the first place.

    If the off leash dog runs toward you or appears out of control, than a bit of yelling is ok, but that wasn't the situation in this case. Clearly the guy wasn't scared, otherwise he wouldn't have walked up to the so called aggressive and out of control dog with his dog.

    Were you there? Did you witness the situation? Did you ask the man how he felt? Clearly, you are in no position to make a call on whether the guy was scared or not - perhaps he had to walk past quite close to them to get home. :laugh:

    this guy came flying in my direction, as stated I had my grey x puppy on leash and rotti beside me as the guy came at us my rotti move out of the way because he has so often been bitten by smaller dogs and now gives them a very wide birth he's not scared of them but wise of there mannerism

    while this guy was up in my face his foxy had a go at my pup who was on the lead !!!!

    what im getting at is,ok I was wrong to assume that it was a leash free area and I should have put frank on the lead but you just don't carry your self the way this guy did

    He was trying to intimidate me and i had to use every bit of self control not to end up in bigger trouble. To many people are angry in this world!!!!. He could have informed me and there would not have been a problem instead he carried on like a pork chop and things could have ended a lot worse.

  2. If your walking your dog off lead and it's an on lead area, how is anyone to know you have control of your dog?

    IMO it is irresponsible and I can understand why the guy got annoyed.

    If you saw him screaming didn't you think it might be because he was worried and that you could have put your dog on the lead to make the guy less worried?

    Dog owners who break the rules are one of the reasons the community want more laws which makes it more difficult for people who are responsible dog owners.

    like i said this is a area where heaps of people walk there dogs off lead this is the first dog i have seen on a lead and I did not realise how people were about this but like i said i will conform now

    but this guy came at me and got in my face no need for that he wasn't scared he was just a fight

  3. Kels, I undertsand. My gentle Kelpie walks perfectly off leash like your rottie. I have 100% control of her. I always carry a leash for her on me. I know I am breaking the law in some places having her off leash - my decision.

    I understand some people may be nervous if they had a bad experience with an off leash dog (for this reason I avoid other people and if I can not I will put her on leash) , but that is no reason to behave in that offensive way. To my mind you were verbally attacked and abused - it is not acceptable.

    He could have talked to you nicely and discussed his point of view. He did not need to be abusive.

    I fortunately have not had this experience. It was probably because yours is a rottie, rottie and shepperds etc are often (unfairly) assumed to be dangerous and a threat.

    thanks that is exactly what i think. I rang the ranger after the incident as i was unsure if it was a on or off lead area as there is no signage and he said that any area that is out side of a exercise area is a lead area and now that i know i will conform

    but the way he went about it just wrong the guy with the foxy that is

  4. hi all

    was walking the dogs the other day and noticed this guy screaming in our direction, now at the time we had our greyhound x on a lead and our poor old rottie frankie of the lead,Frankie is a lovely dog never goes near other dogs thinks he is people and he was walking right beside me. as this guy got close he starts screaming at me your a f**#ing idiot mate then gets in my face calling me every thing under the sun. I tell him that my dog is fine and he continues going off, Then steps up to me this guy was just like his dog which had a go at my grey pup btw, he was a yappy little bitch could not believe this still in shock now

    really sad that some people out there are like this the walk that we go on is very quite and every body walks there dogs off lead even thou its not designated as an of lead area

  5. thanks for the feed back guys, and thanks Black Dog in WA

    Slinkys is really amazing me with how intelligent she is and eager to please she can sit stay shake on either paw, lay down and almost rollover "had her doing it after 10 minutes but she needs a bit more work"

    and she is getting better when she takes off after birds she comes as soon as I call her, so yes im a proud parent, well not as embarrassed as I use to be.i have been on that kangaroodog site and there is a dog called ringo looks similar what do you all think ?????????????


  6. hi Guys

    i was just looking on the forum and could not see any post on Roo dogs,

    we were down in Fremantle the other day with our furry kids and we saw a greyhound dog, our pup which is only 21 weeks was near on the same size and her paws were almost twice the size.

    She has had a real prey drive since the day we got her

    if any body has any info or links to info it would be much appreciated

    know body seems to really know what she is the vet was baffled


    kel, slinky and frank


  7. Ummm I'd say she is about 90% greyhound! LOL! She is very very cute. :love: And that 'whistle' - greyhounds do it to. I call it screaming. Pia screams if she stubs her toe, or if you pull her collar too hard, if you won't let her inside when she wants to come in... :D

    hahahaha that cracks me up Slinky does all that to and grunts if you loud while she's trying to sleep which is most the time. thanks for that we were calling it chirping but screaming really fits the noise well


  8. Boy she has grown!! lookit those long legs!! :love: She looks very happy - so does your old boy. To me she looks very greyhound now ...

    in this photo.. her front legs look a bit bowed/and as if she is not taking weight on them? Got any more photos of her sitting & standing ? It may just be the angle.. but I always worry about large pups... they grow so quickly ... ..


    yeah shes getting bigger here is another pic. No lameness at all in the front legs i think that she was just about to take off in that photo


  9. They tell us that in dogs, 85% of melanomas that grow on haired areas of the skin are benign. They'll want to do histology though, to make sure your dog isn't in the unlucky 15%.

    Most melanomas that grow on or near unhaired skin in dogs (such as the mouth or nail beds) are malignant.

    thanks for the info put my mind to ease a bit poor boy is home now recovering


  10. Hey,

    thanks for the reply i have him in there today to have it removed. im worried sick :laugh:

    so sorry to hear that. :laugh:

    My collie girls has a tumor, too. She's got a myxofibrosarcoma in her face/throat.

    She ist doing pretty well so far. I've put her on a cancer diet and she gets treated with homoeopathy. That has stopped the growth so far and she's put on some weight again.

    Since she is nearly 15 I doubt it will fully go away but hope for a bit of a decrease in size.

    It's a horrible diagnosis and I really feel for you. When I first got the diagnosis (by which time she's already had it 2 years) I was just devesated and couldn't think!

    I was so scared.

    It took me some time to get everything into the right perspective but feel better now.

    For me it's mostly about having her comfortable & pain free.

    Melanomas are pretty aggressive. So if you consider surgery: do it quick! I would also recommend going to an oncologist to get it checked!

    Cheers, Anissa

  11. took the pup into the vet today for her final vax and thought that while i was there i would get my rottie checked out.

    there was a small lump on his front elbow and the vet wanted to have a sample taken to check.

    called me back later to tell me its a melanoma,

    Im so worried hope that he will be ok

    has any body else been thru this

    please let me know


  12. I agree with the majority - 100% without a doubt a sighthound cross (most likely greyhound) and I can't really see American Staffy.

    She is lovely.

    Have a good read through the forum especially any threads about pet shops as there is a wealth of information for you to learn :)

    I would also be socialising her as much as possible if she spent a month in a glass box - and you may have some toilet training problems.

    no so far she has been really good training up really quick first day taught her to sit now she can sit say and come. we have had her out a few time and she seems really good with other dogs plus her new brother is a very patient Rottweiler


  13. Wow, now that's a freaky kinda dog!

    Def. sighthound x!

    So how come you purchased from a pet store out of curiousty rather than buying a x-breed from a pound or a shelter?

    We were considering adopting a greyhound, when we were in the pet shop looking at fish and saw her. She was out growing the cage (had already been there for 1 month) all her brothers and sisters had sold, she was discounted to $100. We instantly fell in love with her.


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