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Posts posted by mumof5

  1. our goal today was a 60 sec stay............ at 43secs (i just count in my head) the bloody cat came running accross the deck........... much to my amazement she didnt even flinch - i was more distracted that she was.... i got to 60 secs said OK and off she scrambled.... not bad ey!!!!

    Now if i could only get her to stop pooing on the deck :laugh:

  2. My pup (13 weeks) keeps pooing on our deck - she is house trained - doesnt even need to go out at night anymore BUT I will take her to her 'spot' and sometimes she poos there but other times I'll bring her back onto the deck after waiting a while and 5 mins later she goes on the deck - she wees on command on the grass... but this pooing on the deck bussiness is driving me nuts!!!

    All suggestions greatly appreciated :laugh:

  3. Thanks Mrs rusty bucket for the links - an interesting read.

    We are only allowed rural fencing.... and I know our BC pup will be able to jump it if we put it up...... I wonder if i should be able to train her not to leave our property without us????

    None of this is an issue at the moment - i will be home with my 2 youngest till june and littlte peaches just sleeps on our deck cause she is so exhaused from walks and play... but i want to be prepared so just looking at potential options :(

  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH :cry:

    "K9: No this will only teach the dog it needs to be faster." - that made me laugh..... i would never have though of that... but clearly thats what i would be teaching her... i'd be saying "yay what a great game - lets see who can get to the bowl first" - and we all know who'd be the winner!!!

    I think I need to back down a bit and as you said take it slow and use repitition (sp) - and be happy with the progress that she has made already :)

    THanks again - we'll keep at it... and im certain ill be back with plenty of other questions....

  5. another question...

    what do i do if she breaks b4 ok.... do i need to try get to the food b4 her and take it a way and start again? if so what if i dont get to the food b4 her? How long should i wait before i try again? She was going so well... but yesterday she went before i said ok and was eating before i could get to her... should i have taken her food away?

    I dont know if i am doing any of this right - but im giving it a damn good go :laugh: and i am really KEEN to get it right.

    Any advise is greatly appreciated ;)

    Oh and I have 5 children :laugh: - should i be getting them to feed her too..... ???????? I want her to respect them too - or should i train her first - then get then teach them?

  6. wow - thanks for the reply..... its so damn interesting!!!

    Maybe i should just continue on with her as she is for a bit longer??? If i unclip her and wait longer than a second I think she'll just go before i say OK....... I really want to get this right - she is such a beautiful pup - so perfect - i owe it to her :rofl:

  7. POTENTIALLY STUPID QUESTION ALLERT :) (sorry firt time training a dog)

    my BC pup (9wks) comes to her lead when i tell her its dinner time, then sits on her lead and waits for me to bring her food outside - she watches me from the moment i step outside and follows me back after i put down her food - she stays seated the whole time, watching me - when i stand next to her and she is still watching me i say 'yes' i then bend down unclick wait a second then say OK.... she races off to her food...... (hope im doing that part right)..... now do i need to say 'stay' (wait 10 or so secs) then say yes then say ok straight after that? Do i wait till the end of the 'stay' before i say yes and do i use the verbal command "STAY"..... hope u get what im asking......

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