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Posts posted by keels

  1. Yay!!!!!!!!

    Middie seems to be a-okay!!!

    Seemed very depressed and not good till we got him in the car and he started wagging his little tail and trying to lick my face.

    Then when we got him home he was running and jumping on us.

    And he just started barking at me cos fed him but we have to only feed him really small amounts, and then gradually increase it, so he started barking at me i guess cos he was hungry, first time he's ever barked at me for that before!

    Yay! :rolleyes:

    So looks like everything is fine, we have to keep him on cooked chicken for the next few days then ease him back ti his normal diet, and give him tablets morning and night and keep an eye on him of course.

    He's getting lots of cuddles and kisses tonight! :D

  2. Yeah we've been trying to work out what it could be.

    No cling wrap or plastic bags at home, but work is in a house which backs on to the railway traks, so sometimes rubbish blows in here. And mum and dad live next door to the primary school, so he could have picked up something thats blown over the fence when he's been there.

    And he was out on a farm at camden just before he started feeling ill, so he could have very well picked up something plasticy and any of those places!

  3. Well I just rung, and they've taken x-rays last night and x-rays again this morning, and the barium appears to be passing fine with no blockage.

    She also said he appears to be looking a little better, so they will make a decision today as to whether he will be released to come home.

    So i have to ring them at 3:30 to see whether we can go pick him up.

    My question is - what is wrong with him???

    As much as I want him to come home, I don't want him to come home and have us feed him and the same thing happens!!

    Oh well, I guess at least if he's at home he'll feel a bit happier, and I'll be keeping a very concerned eye on him anyway!!

  4. Still no news.

    Vet didn't ring last night, so I'm going to ring at 9:01 this morning! ;) to L.B.

    I can't sleep!!!

    I guess no news is good news. :thumbsup: hmmm.... maybe.

    Had a big cry last night when we went upstairs to bed and saw his little (well it's actually massive with a divider in the middle!!) crate beside the bed, it just set me off!!

    We were wondering though...... what happens at the vets at night??? Do they just turn the lights off lock the door and go home?

    Or does someone watch the dogs there or whats the go?? If they leave them there by themselves what if something happens, do they just ring you up in the morning and go sorry, your dog died last night??

    (Not that I think that's going to happen to Middie, just curious??)

  5. Yep, he definitely isn't happy when vet examines him, still very tense when she tries, and very shaky and looks like he is in pain. :thumbsup:

    I'm waiting on vet to ring back still.

    they're keeping him overnight tonight again on the iv, and taking xrays i think now cos he's been given the barium today.

    Apparently he hasn't completely emptied his bowel, still some left in there, so could be a partial obstruction.

    She said it could be that some of his bowel has been pushed down into another bit, but it didn't look like it.

    I just wish we knew what was going on!! It's so terrible not knowing what the problem is.

    And we keep on racking our brains to work out what we could have left around for him to swallow.

    I keep annoying the vets ringing up to find out whats wrong!!

    Poor little guy, he hasn't had a very good start to everything has he?

  6. Well the vet just rung.....

    He's still not well, but they can't see anything on the x-ray.

    He's emtpied a bit more of his bowel (doesn't that sound a bit more proper!) so she can feel it better, but can't feel anything in there.

    and he hasn't been vomiting so she doesn't think it's his stomach or upper intestines.

    So she's going to give him the barium balls that they used with your dog persephone, to see if there's something in there they can't see.

    And operating is the last resort. So he'll probably be in there again tonight!!!!


  7. Just rung, and apaprently he's still not good, did a little tiny poo, but still looking ill and shaky, so they're going to take the x-rays at lunch time.

    I asked if i could go visit him, but she said they'll be in surgery from about half an hour from now till 3. so they'll ring me when they do x-rays.

    I wish i could wave a magic wand and fix him!!

    This is an awful feeling!! :confused: I'm never having children!!

  8. Waiting on vet to ring now and let me know whats going on.

    Perhaps i should ring them??

    I've been up since dan got up at 530 this morning couldn't sleep, cos usually he gets up lets middie out for wees etc has a bit of a play, then when he leaves he brings him up and puts him on the bed with me till i get up at 630 - 7 (depending on how tired i am)

    But this morning, no middie!!!! :confused:

  9. Turns out poor Middie is a sick boy after all! :clap:

    He tricked me by pepping up after his return from the vets, and was good the next morning, did a couple of poos (sorry for being so blunt!) which was very relieving for both of us I'm sure!

    But I took him down to the vets again this morning cos he hasn't poo'd since yesterday morning, even though i've put sardines and oil and a bit of metamucil mixed up through his food for brekky yesterday, and he stopped eating, playing and doing anything other than lay around looking at me with those sad eyes!! :shrug:

    Started going downhill again last night and although he hasn't been vomiting or anything like that he just looked terrible and then he started shaking so I had to take him down.

    So poor little fella has had an enema, and although that passed some stuff ( :thumbsup: ) vet said he was still shaky and not very happy, so they x-rayed him.

    And his stomach is so full of undigested stuff they can't see anything. This has apparently confirmed what vet was thinking, that his digestive system has shut down, hence no poos so they're putting him on an IV drip and lubricated him up with some sort of gel stuff to see if he'll push some of it out naturally so they can take more x-rays with it cleared to see whether he's swallowed something (very unlike him as the only thing we've found that he's chewed that he shouldn't is a hair clip of mine and that's still whole, only a few teeth marks in it, no chewing on table legs or thongs or shoes or anything from him until now!) and that's whats causing blockage or whether there's something wrong with his intestines!!!! :clap:

    Poor Middie!!!! :clap: He's going to be so lonely tonight!!!! And poor guy has been poked and prodded and put through more than any dog should have to!!!

    Vet is ringing us in morning to let us know how he is and what is going on.

    I feel awful! Poor puppy! Hopefully it turns out to be something simple!!!!

    What a crap week! My dad fell off the roof on the weekend and can hardly walk, Daniel's mum is in hospital for operation, Middie's sick and i woke up this morning with period pain so bad i was dry retching! Went to the doctor to ask her to prescribe me something and idiot doctor told me to take naprogesic, sleep longer hours, exercise more and eat better!!!!! Told her naprogesic doesn't work, and she told me I have to take it before period pain starts!!!!!! Too late for this period, you'll have to wait for next period!!!! :clap: Stupid doctors!!!

    Can't wait till this weeks over!!!

  10. hoping your pup is well, can you please tell me the breed? he/she is absolutely stunning! :thumbsup: ;)

    He's actually a mixed-bag!

    He's a staffy cross, we think he's got some chihuahua in him. His mum was a staffy cross, she was quite small, so maybe she had chihuahua in her, cos his brothers and sisters were much bigger than him.

    I got him from Cordelia's Canine Rescue, so if you're after a puppy or dog she always has lots of cuties that she's rescued! Actually, she has some beautiful little puppies on her website at the moment, I'm in :( with those kelpies, and little midget is just adorable!!

  11. Well he's def looking perkier today, but he's gone funny now that I've fed him brekky.

    Which makes sense if he's got a blockage, but at least he wanted to eat this time, and he hasn't eaten much for the last two days.

    I'll see what the vet says, but at least I'm not so worried!

    It's like having a human baby! (Only with sharper teeth!)

    And thanks everyone for the well wishes!!

  12. Well I took him down, and the vet was a bit worried about his stomach, it's pretty hard, so she gave him some fluid under his skin and I'm going back tomorrow, she thinks he might have something blocking him up, and hopefully the fluid will get things moving, but if he's still bad she's going to x-ray.

    He's pepped up heaps in the last 15 minutes, he was just wagging his tail for the first time today, and started trying to play with me!

    Poor guy didn't have fun at the vets, geting poked and prodded and what not.

    I was close to tears before she looked at him cos he just looked soooo sad! :thumbsup:

    I'm feeling much better that he's wanting to play, so he must be feeling better thank god! What a relief! ;)

  13. Hmmm...... He's looking worse - he just started whimpering in his sleep, and when i got down and picked him up to look at him, he stumbled a bit - do you think I should ring the vet and ask to come down now?

    I did say when I rung that I was quite worried and the girl goes, well we're quite booked up, I'll see whether we can squeeze you in, and then told me to come down in an hour!!!

    Edited to add: Maybe I'm being paranoid cos he's my baby! But I think I'll ring the vet again.

  14. Yeah, the girls here said could it be the storm, but he's been like this since last night, so I'm taking him to the vet!

    He's started shaking constantly now! I rung the vet and I'm taking him down in an hour.

    I've checked him for ticks, couldn't find anything, this is a terrible feeling though!! :cheers:

    I keep looking at him every couple of seconds to make sure he's okay!

    I thought this morning, I'll follow him whenever he goes somewhere to make sure his poo's are normal, but he hasn't got up all day!!

    Hopefully I'm just being overly protective or something!! :laugh:

  15. Just a little bit worried, and if anyone can help it would be appreciated?

    Middie's been really quiet and tired all day, he's been sleeping under my desk almost all day!

    Usually he'd be up and around, chewing on my pant legs, chewing on bones, running around the office, and still sleep occasionally, but not nearly as long as this!

    I got him up at lunch and took him to Mum and Dad's while I did some shopping, but Dad rung me asking me if he was okay cos he went and sat in the corner and was shaking, and then went to sleep. And he said he heard there was some contagious thing going around with dogs at the moment (yes, very helpful and specific!)

    He was shaking a little here under my desk first thing this morning, but I thought it was cos I'd just put ointment in his eye for his conjunctivitis.

    He didn't eat dinner last night, which we figured was cos he was out in the heat for most of the day, and he only ate half this morning, although he ate all his chicken neck.

    I'm not sure whether he's tired cos of his run at the beach this morning (not a long run, more like chasing me back and forth a few times!) and being a bit sooky, cos he was very timid when we brought him home, and sometimes gets a bit timid every now and again, depending on his mood really.

    I probably sound like a paranoid mother!! But Dad kinda kreaked me out with this "contagious thing" Has anyone heard of this??

  16. Hey, I just wanted to say firstly to Fin, good on you for asking! So often people don't ask questions about things they're not sure of because of the potential responses.....

    which brings me to the second thing i wanted to say......

    Fin is asking advice, no need to be so harsh (some people anyway)! At least Fin had the common sense to ask other dog lovers for advice, rather than keep going with something that didn't feel right!

  17. Hi larns,

    My puppy is fed all raw food, bones in morning, and raw mince mixed with vegies for his main meal in arvo.

    to this we sometimes add sardines, yoghurt, egg, garlic, each of these once a week on different days. (he loves sardines day!)

    You can buy pet mince at the btuchers for much cheaper than mince for human consumption .

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